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Saturday, July 23, 2011

I don't know who in hell is reading this blog, but I've got 5000 hits.

     Anyway, it is Saturday.  I am still waking up.  I went to the cafe, and hung out with a friend.  I drew some pictures and did a little writing.
     I have to go to work in a couple of hours.
     Things are going good, things are happening. 
     If I could just get my finances in order, things would be better.
     It all takes time, it doesn't happen overnight.
     It's all about loving what you do, and having a passion.
     I need more coffee.
     Too bad this blog is not monetized anymore.  I think about that a lot, but I really needed one thing on the web where I could really be myself and not be edited by myself or by other people.  It is too bad that I have to have it as an adult blog, which is considered by society to be wrong.  Yet, most guys I know just want to get laid, and most girls I know just want everything to be cute.  It all just ends up being confusing to me.
     I'm supposed to be a painter, and the only way to do that is to paint.  I want to play guitar, too, but I never pick it up, so I don't know how I expect to get good at that.  I just want to be me, and I need more time, and more money to do the things I want to do.
     We are trying to make money on the web, so that things are going 24-7.  Clone Wars is going good for me.  I like being Dirk Wampaflash.
     I got 103,000 hits on youtube now, and according to the statistics, I've made $2.89 off of adsense.
     If it wasn't for what youtube allows, I'd probably put pictures of naked women on every video.  I would swear a lot, too.
     I hate being edited, or not being allowed to do stuff.
     This country has problems with the human body.  To me, it all seems normal, but I guess the kids have to be protected.  They're going to find out about everything sooner or later, so I don't see what the difference is.
     I'm still waking up, so you'll have to forgive me.
     It's a beautiful day, and I'm enjoying myself.
     Paying all the bills is a main concern.
     Hey, my website got updated.  It has an amazon store in it now.!blog  

Here is a video clip of me in the studio, unedited, how I filmed it.  I know people like to watch stuff, and get into other people's business.  But, I don't know if anybody cares about watching video of me, but here it is anyhow.

     I just like to put random, stupid stuff up because it is all so pointless anyhow.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

I don't know who reads this blog, if anybody.

     When I write on this blog, it is like taking shots in the dark.  I don't know who is reading this, or what people think, if they do indeed read this at all, so I kind of don't know how to modify my content to what people want.

     This blog is kind of like standing alone in the forest, and there is no one around to hear what I say.  That is what it feels like.  It's fine as my own personal therapy, but it is not much of a dialogue with anybody.

     Who knows?  Maybe that will change someday.

     That is the thing, when you venture out alone on a blog, no one cares, and why should they?  No reason at all.

     However, I do plan on having a lot of fun on this thing, it just takes time to get it all together.

     I have a lot of projects that I'm working on.

     If you do come across this blog, and you want to see my videos on youtube, the name of my channel is 'DavidLovins67'.  I have lots of videos there.

     Anyway, have a good day, if anybody is out there.

     Byebye, love you.


I'm glad there are no ads on this blog now, so I can be free to do what I want.

     Mad magazine didn't have ads in their magazine for many years, because they would make fun of the ads, and then all the advertisers stopped advertising, and the magazine made made money off of the sheer volume of sales.  I don't know how well Mad is doing these days.  Last I heard, they did accept advertising again into their magazine, but I haven't seen an issue of Mad in a long, long time.
     So, this blog has been deemed as having 'adult content'.  Okay, that's fine with me, but if you look through it, mostly it is just normal every day entries, with maybe a swear here and there.  I did post some nude pictures of women, but then I talked about the photos, and it wasn't really a porn thing.  I guess advertisers want to stay away from that stuff. 

     Like I said before, I understand the policies of Google adsense.

     I can always start another blog, and keep that one clean, and leave this one for me to do and say what I want.  I'm an artist, and I need to be free, without constraints.

     I was thinking of posting a picture of my dick like the politician by the name of Weiner.  Since I'm not famous, no one cares.  I don't even know why they care that he did it.  Most politicians are screwed up people anyhow.  It is a certain kind of person that goes into politics.  Now that I am older, I understand that most politicians are kind of self-serving.
     Hey, people have a right to make a living.
     I'm just not too big a fan of 'professional politicians'.  It's different when they believe in a cause or something, I guess, or have a purpose, or they really want to change something.

     Anyway, yay, no more ads on this site.  I hate ads.  They are like flies in your face.

     What I plan to do is to just keep writing on this blog, and go to town with it, and see how many hits I get.

     I actually get way more hits on youtube, so my time is better spent there, but I still like the medium of text.  I get enjoyment out of writing.

     Let's see...what else is going on?  Well, I'm still struggling to make it as an artist, and it ain't easy.  I could use some donations, a sponsor, or some art sales.  Any donation to help keep my artwork going would be appreciated deeply.  If you want to donate because you believe in what I am doing, let me know.  Any amount is fine, even a penny.  That will get the ball rolling.  But if you want to donate $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $1000, $10,0000 or more, let me know.  I still have my student loan to pay off, and I will be fucked unless I pay that off.

     In any case, wish me luck.

Well, my mind draws a blank after reading someone else's blog entry.

     I suppose that is what happens when someone reads my blog, their head caves