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Friday, March 11, 2011

Seeing so many naked men at the Y just makes me want to see naked women.

     So here is a real naked woman.  Just normal and natural.  No fake tits, or anything.  It's kind of unusual to see a normal, naked woman.  I don't have the opportunity that often.
     I did draw live, nude models in life drawing class for twenty years.  I'll have to start doing that again.
     The human body is a beautiful thing, and it doesn't always have to be sexual.  Sometimes, most of the time, it just is.

     See?  She is natural.  Much better.  It is actually good to see real breasts, instead of all the fake ones all over the web.

      I also like how she is standing like a normal person.  She is not posed.  Just standing there.  Her left hand is caught in movement.

     As an artist, to paint and draw this figure, I actually need all of these photos for reference.  The people who do 3D character designs for online games are always in need of good photos of the figure, from every single perspective possible.  Sometimes they have to use different photos from different people, and put it all together that way.

     So, is nudity wrong?  No, not really.  Just depends on what you use it for.
     A lot of people don't even like nudity in art, even though it is drawn or painted, and is completely fictional.
     Some people really like it.
     Over the years, a lot of women have liked my female figure studies, in addition to men.  It all depends on the drawing, the pose of the model, and how it is all handled.

     Sometimes, photographs of the figure, especially in porn, just have too much light on the bodies.  Photographers of porn really aren't into light and shade, and that is a shame.  Too much light flattens everything out, and makes it all 'graphic'.
     But these photos are normal and natural, like your girlfriend walking naked around the apartment.  No big deal.

     Generally, I think the U.S.A. is really fucked up about sex and sexuality, though.  I understand the whole protecting the kids thing, and that is fine, and it is the law.  Okay, but once you are over 18, which most people are, then there should be some freedom besides just cheesy porn at 7-11.
     Views on nudity, well, for a lot of people, it might as well be 1911.
     A lot of people have old-fashioned minds once they settle down, reverting to how their parents thought.
     Not me.  The way my parents thought didn't do me much good.

     So, the photos in this blog entry aren't really porn, even though I took the photos off of a website.  They could be porn, but the way I show them, they are 'figure studies'.  So, jack off to them, or draw them, or make 3D computer models from them, that is your business.
     I wish I had photos of the same exact pose, at the same point in time, on the right and left, and from the backside.  That would be cool and helpful.
     Artists need tons of photos.

     I see in the world that there is still a lot of idealization of the female form.  These photos are just so normal, that's what I love about them.

     A lot of people make nudity into this big event, but you know as well as I that after being naked with someone for the first time, in five minutes, all the nudity becomes pretty normal, as if it is all something you have seen before...and then you start to see the person behind the nudity.

     It all doesn't matter, anyway, does it?

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