The Giants are one win away from going to The World Series. I'll celebrate when that happens, and not before. It's baseball, anything could happen. While it is possible for The Phillies to win three games in a row and win the National League Championship, it is unlikely. It has happened before where a team down 3-1 has come back to win, but it is unlikely. It's baseball. I want the Giants to win.
Well, it's a strange world.
Good morning, I got my coffee and my Arizona brand drink of Kiwi Strawberry, my favorite, from the smoke shop next door. Good people there. I am nothing without coffee.
So, I am glad that this blog is for people over 18, because I am over 18. Technically, I am an adult, and so is everyone over 18, legally. That means being able to join the army and shoot at people and kill them, look at and participate in porn, but you can't legally go in to a bar to have a beer. Haha. But at 21, you can be in the army, shoot porn videos on the side, and have a beer when you are done, so 21 is a good age.
I am still learning about blogs. I don't know how you get people to read them. I don't see how many hits I've gotten. Youtube is easier to monitor, and I get results with youtube. Here, I am on some kind of island floating around in space.
The energy I would use to type on my typewriter, I can just do here. That part of it is nice. I have so many pages laying around from over the years. I don't know what to do with them. At least here, I can publish. I hope my material won't be used against me someday for something I did or did not do. You never know who looks at your shit on the web. It's mostly harmless to reveal yourself to the world, sometimes it is an act of bravely. Sometimes it is recklessness.
Posting is fun, though. I'm starting to like to post. I'm getting addicted to it more and more. I like it.
I've blogged a little on myspace, but I kind of freeze up there for some reason; however, I ought to do more there just for the hell of it. I have nothing to lose.
I just want to be pretty casual in this blog, and not make it too serious. We'll see what happens. Maybe I will have some pieces that I work on a little, instead of just spewing and ranting, which is what I am really good at.
I am much more fluid with my writing than I am with my speech, which didn't get hooked up too good growing up. No need to talk, and not enough receptive ears for me, so I was quiet a lot. is everywhere. People like it. And they like bad, naughty talk, too. Youtube pretty much proves what the people want.
Websites will be my ultimate expression someday. I am working on my wix site, it takes time. One page I want to call 'David's Dungeon'. Haha. There I want to put all of my naughty stuff and my art. It will be 18 and over.
I am working on ideas about my redo of 'The Three Little Pigs'.
But reality is coming in, I need a job that pays. I will be screwed if I can't find a job that is at least somewhat suitable for me.
I've done a lot of menial labor jobs, and that stuff sucks. It just makes me wonder what the hell I am doing with my life, and those kind of jobs are kind of a waste of time. They sap your soul, and does not benefit me much at all. I get frustrated thinking about some of the crap work I've done in the past. My god. What a sucker I was to do that shit for such low pay, but when you don't have a lot of options, what are you going to do? I don't know.
Wow, it is the afternoon, and I have a ballgame to go to soon. Go Giants, is all I can say. I hope to god they win today.
:) and :P
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