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Thursday, June 2, 2011

I have missed a lot of recent opportunities to blog lately.

     A lot of times, I'll be sitting there playing a video game, and the thought will strike me that I should be writing a blog entry.
     This has happened often.
     Right in the middle of combat on 'Lord of The Rings Online', 'EverQuest', or 'Star Wars Galaxies', I'll be trying to get some xp to level up my character, and a little voice in my head will say, "You could be writing a blog entry right now."
     Well, it is the same voice that prompts me to write in my sketchbook or notepad.  It is very insistent.  I've written so much over the years, mostly to no avail, anyway, the voice says to me basically, "If you start writing right now, some things will come out of your head that you have never even thought of before!  You should write right now!!"
     Well, you can't write every moment of the day, and often the voice that tells me to write has no consideration for what I am currently doing.  So, I either have to listen to the voice, and succumb to it, or ignore it.
     Add to this the voice in my head that tells me to draw.  I don't know if it is the same voice that tells me to write.  Anyway...
     Well, it is more of a prompting.  It is a line of dialogue that pops into my mind, and this can happen at any moment.
     With the drawing, usually it is a woman, or the sight of one that gets me to draw.
     Words can't describe sometimes the subtle differences from woman to woman.  The only way to confront the image of a sizzling hot babe is to draw her.  Sometimes not even a camera can capture the essence.  Sometimes a pencil is the best way to get the vibe.  The photograph often just shows what the girl looks like, not what she feels like when you see her.  Then you see the photo and you feel nothing.  Often the form looks flat if the lighting isn't right.  Sometimes I have photographed a girl's butt, and then when I look at the photo, it looks all flat, but when I saw it in real life, it looked like the greatest sticky-out butt I had ever seen.  So when I see the curves, and the fleshy goodness of an attractive woman, and then the photo looks like she was made of cardboard, I am disappointed.  With a pencil, I can easily put in the lights and darks pretty fast to show the form.
     I've spent many years in coffee shops, bars, and various locales, pouring out my soul on the page.  For what, I don't know.  Anyway, what I'm trying to do every time I sit down to write is to get the contents that are in my head out onto the page.  Then I can worry later if what I wrote is any good or not.
     Lately, I haven't bothered to blog, because, well, I haven't felt that anybody cared or not.  It seemed pointless to write for an audience that wasn't there, or had no interest in what I was doing.  With all the things going on in the world, why should I expect anyone to read what I write? 
     Well, lately, I didn't feel as if anybody was reading this blog.  Maybe they still aren't.  I can't tell.  I have 2800 or so hits on this thing now.  I've made 90 cents, according to my adsense account.  I won't be going out to dinner anytime soon with these wonderful earnings.  Maybe someday I will, who knows?  It would be cool to make a living from blogging.  I heard about a guy who made $24,000 in one year from a blog.  It probably took him more than a couple of years to build an audience.  I'm not sure about all the things that happen in the blog world, if they are true or not, or what is happening, or what have you.

     Anyway, I had a good, but tough yoga class today.  It was excruciating in a couple of poses.  Not easy.  My arms were aching.  Anyway, I took my dog to the financial district today, and hung out with him while I drew at the outdoor office.

     This photo I took while at the coffee shop yesterday.  I like the lighting, and the shadows.
     Anyhow, it was the debut of this dog in the financial district.  A couple of people saw it.  Maybe I will get a sale one of these days.  The people in that area can afford it, I know that.  They seem all set up.

     Just because I am thinking about it at this very know where I got a recent upgrade on my typing skills?  A mini-game called 'Star Typer' on Clone Wars Adventures.  It is a typing game, and I don't have to look at my hands anymore to type.  I know where the keys are, so I can type faster and with more accuracy.  It made typing fun, so I was able to relearn some typing skills that I had forgotten.  Anyway...

     It is important that I try and sell a wire dog or cat every day if I can.  I need the money.  I want to make my life better.  There are certain things I need that only money can buy.  I'm tired of just making it through every month.  I need some bonus play money, so I can further my life and my career.  Plus, art materials ain't cheap.  Neither is the education I got that I still need to pay for....eeek. 

     Anyway, here is what popped out of my head.  I'm sure this blog entry needs some editing or rethinking.  I'm too close to it now.  Editing occurs later.  I did what I could, but only time helps certain editing decisions for a piece of writing.

     I like to write about writing.  I like to show my art.  I like to write about things that happen to me on a daily basis.  I like to write about people I know, but I don't really do that on this blog much, because well, people don't like to be written about.  I'm going to have to come up with some fictional characters or something to describe what I feel.  It's all so complicated.
     I do want to write about my family, but they don't want that.  I don't know why, it is good advertising for them, haha.
     I have a story I would like to write about, but the person would probably freak out, so there is no point in writing about this person.
     Some things I write stay in my sketchbooks.  I guess my unpublished material will be discovered after I am dead, haha.  I doubt if anybody will care then, because they definitely could give a shit about what I do now.  haha.

     Anyhow, I was thinking of going to the coffeeshop again.  I feel like getting really caffeinated today.  It's my last day off before a ten day run of work.   ( ugh )

     Sometimes, most of the time, I feel jobs are a waste of time.

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