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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

     I had to put this napkin art on this blog because she is naked.  Personally, I think that is how women look best.  It is way more honest than all of those fussy outfits they wear.
     I do like some women in business suits, though.  They look pretty hot.

     Anyway, here are some naked people that I photographed off of youtube.  It was from a science video where these people were pretending to be early versions of humans, but I think it is an excuse to get a broad's clothes off, haha.

     I love pictures of naked people in natural situations.  It isn't always easy to find pictures like these, but this is what this blog is for.  It is a repository for naked people, haha.
     Also, it is nice because not every naked picture has to be sexual, duh.

      This napkin art can't be on another blog.  Tiger Woods is using his wood instead of a golf club.

     Tiger Woods is a very prolific cocksman, and the media forgives him as long as he is winning.  It helps with the sports gambling, which is another thing they don't talk about.  Yes, they gamble in golf now.

     Tiger emphasizes why men want to get rich and famous in the first place.  It is so they can get laid a lot, and have a nice hotel room to do it in so the wife doesn't find out.

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