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Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Tuesday, April 20th, 2021

      Hello.  I'm at Starbucks, on Plumb St. at Arlington in beautiful Reno, Nevada.  I'm listening to an audiobook of Robert Bloch's material presented by Horror Babble on youtube.  Robert Block is a very good writer, following in the footsteps of Poe and H.P. Lovecraft, and he does a good job of it.

     I'm writing because I don't know what else to do with myself.  

     Inside I just groaned because two loud people just sat down near-by, and now I have to listen to them, and curb my smoking.

     Fuck it, I'll go around the corner for a cig, and to escape their dreadful, hideous chatter.  

* * * * *

     2:22 p.m.  I'm feeling sluggish, and almost in a food coma..  I feel like taking a nap, but I"m trying to make better use of my time.  Sometimes the body needs a refresh, though.

     I'll try and fight through my desire to sleep.  Maybe a catnap wouldn't hurt.  

     I can't upload the two videos I made to this page.  The file size is too big.  I would have to post those somewhere else, and then provide a link.  That is way too much work, and due to the content, I wouldn't know where to post them.  I really wouldn't.  I was hoping this would be the place for them, but it is not to be.

     So, I'm listening to this audiobook by Robert Bloch, about some Chinese man who murders people, and then feeds the canaries with dead bodies.  I almost was falling asleep during the listening.

     Maybe I'll walk to the car to wake me up.  


     I did enjoy 'The Lighthouse', began by Poe, and finished by Bloch.  It was like hearing a new Poe tale that I had never heard before, and that was true.  So I got some joy out of that.

     If it was up to me right now, I'd be playing Entropia Universe, but I have no nearby power or electricity.  That's too bad.

     Okay, I'm gonna walk to my car.


2:41 p.m.  I ate some more peaches, and finished up the can.  They were delicious, and I enjoyed drinking the juice, too.

     A thought in my head that popped up was, "I want to go back home to Van Nuys."  I don't know what I would do there, I have no place to go, and the last time I was there, it wasn't the same.  Things change when you grow up.  The feelings you have as a kid change, and things look different because you are taller.

     Anyway, it's a beautiful day, I'll try and make the most of it.

     I can't make a video, because there are people around, and it would make me feel uncomfortable to film around them.

     So, in a recent website I joined, it stated in their policy that they didn't want any images of masturbation or of sex.  That's pretty standard, but those two things were actually on the queue of what I wanted to do, haha.  I guess I'll have to find some place else for those things.

     Even porn has rules.  They have one I don't understand, that the guy always has to come on the outside of the woman, and not inside.  That's a law for some reason.  I don't get it.  It makes no sense to me.  

     2:53 p.m.  I guess I'll have a cig.  

     2:59 p.m.  I've been thinking in the last day of making a Life Drawing blog.  It might be a good idea for me, just so I can have a place to put all my drawings up.  Then I could do what I want there.  Or I could just put those drawings up here, and not bother about making a new blog, since no one will look at it anyhow.  I have time to decide, there is no rush.  Life Drawings, while a part of my work, isn't the main thing.  I'll have to think about what I want to do.

     For me, the problem is, "Is it art or is it porn?"  The poses I want to draw are  not the traditional art poses.  I want to do open-legged drawings.  That's all anybody wants to see anyway, at least I do.  Standard life drawings are for noobs.  I don't even know if it is art, or just art training.  In the art world, no one gives a shit about Life Drawings.  They aren't the thing that makes or breaks an artist.

     You take someone like Lucien Freud, well, he's more my style, and he wasn't afraid of displaying crotch areas in vivid detail.  I like him for that, and everything looks beautiful when it is painted.  

     Yeah, I will have to spend some time thinking about Life Drawings.  They are still taboo on the web, and it requires a person to be 18 to even look at them.  It's just how it is.  


     So, it's Rated G art for General Audiences, or it is 18 and over art.  I want to do both, so that's what I'm going to do.  The problem with the 18 and over art, again, is, "hmmmm, life drawings, harmless, showing the human body using tactile art materials....or going a step further, and showing provocative poses, and models in sexual situations.....hmmmmm....I guess I want to do it all.,"  

     All I know is that a hard penis crosses the line for a lot of people and institutions.  But, with that being said, a lot of people, both men and women, like to look at hard cock pictures, so I don't know, to each his own.  

     All I know is that Eroticism is a time-honored tradition.  I guess a lot of that stuff is idealized, and they weren't going for realism.

     I did find some 19th century drawings of people having sex.  Those drawings were hard to find, but I am glad to know they exist.  

     Porn is what makes us human, and happy.  That's my opinion, of course, but a lot of people share that opinion.  

     3:15 p.m.  The two people left, and I was glad, and now there are two old ladies in the patio.  That's no fun for me, especially ruining my plans to have a cigarette right here.  Now I have to go around the corner.  

     Hmmm, I just had a putting no tags on this post, it will ensure that no one will read this.  I'm not worried in either case.  Even with a hundred tags, no one will read this blog.  It's been up for years, and no one gives a shit, to be honest.  I enjoy it, because I like to type and write, so that's what it is good for.

     Hmmm....should I make a video?  I will have to think about that during the course of a cigarette.

     3:31 p.m.  I'm still stinging after the loss of my TMNT pillow.  It was left in the hotel room, and disposed of.  That's too bad.  I loved that thing.  I didn't at first, but I grew to love it.  I'll never trust my stuff with another person again.  It was accident on both parts.  Shit happens.

     I need to use the bathrooom.  Maybe that will help.

     3:36 p.m.  I feel better now, and had some thoughts about Life Drawing.  Well, there is Life Drawing, where there is a nude model, either male or female.  Then there is Life Drawing which is a little more suggestive with the poses, and where details are given.  Then there is Porn Art, where everything that porn does is done in an illustrated manner.  Well, is that even true porn?  Then there is Porn, being soft-core and hard-core.  But isn't the standard Life Drawings just a form of soft porn?  Hell, I got into art because of the bodies.  I wanted to see them, and draw them.  And I did, and it was great.  Except for me, drawing male models just isn't as fun as drawing the females.  Anyway, so, there are lots of grey areas.  Is Life Drawing the study of the human body, or not?  What is the difference between physical and sexual?  Why can't there be both?  I don't know.  All I know is in actual Life Drawing classes, you are expected to behave yourself, and do your work.  No shenanigans are accepted, or tolerated.  

     For my Life Drawing blog, I would want videos and photos of the model, of every pose.  That's what I would want to do.  

     Who Knows?  Maybe I'll start a Life Drawing Blog.  Of course, it would have to be 18 and over.  I would not want to rustle anyone's feathers.

     Just for my own self, I wanted to put this picture up, just because.  The girl on the left reminds me of someone I used to know  from long ago, and I can't quite place her.  She had short curly blonde-brown hair with a cute face.  I liked her.  I wonder what ever happened to her?  She may have been from the cafe in L.A.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Sunday, April 18, 2021 11:53 a.m.

      Hello, and Good Morning.

     I'm sitting outside of a Starbucks on Plumb St. and Arlington in Reno, Nevada.  I have a nice table in the back of the patio.

     I just felt like writing.

     It's a beautiful day, and there isn't any wind.  Also, it is not too cold at all.

     I can smoke out here when no one is around, which is nice.

     I'm working on a mini-laptop, which accepts a charge from a portable power pack, which is nice.

     I just saw two pretty women walk by, a brunette and a blonde.

     Anyways, I'm on Patreon now, as David Lovins.  That would be a game-changer if I could get some patrons.  That would be real nice.  So, I'm working to put a lot of content there.

     I'm on youtube as 'David Lovins'.  I've been there for years, and not much has happened.  I don't get a lot of views.  I'm at the point there, that I just make videos for fun.  It's hard to get serious about making videos when no one watches.  It's hardly worth the effort.

      I'm on DeviantArt as 'Bauvy'.  I've been on that site since 2014.  I haven't sold a single thing from that site.  No one there has money.  Mostly it's a bunch of kids on that site, posting their anime drawings.  However, I'm giving the site another try, and we'll see what happens.

     I'm on aka  Now there's a site where I have sold, and I'm happy about that.  I do nothing to promote, and I still get a sale once in a while.  That's really nice.  

     I'm on facebook with two accounts of 'David Lovins'.  I keep posting.  Once in a while something happens, so it is worth it to me to post every day.  

     I'm on Instagram as David Lovins 67.  I've only achieved mild success there.  I have a ways to go.

     Here is a picture I took in the Starbucks bathroom today, using a ten second timer on my camera:  

     My right foot is forward, because that is the direction I want to go in.

     Anyway, that's about all I want to say right now, besides Starbucks is a chick magnet, but that's for another blog.  I never bother or talk to the girls.  I just draw them.  If they like my art, and come up to me, and talk to me, then I'll talk to them.  Otherwise, I'm under the impression that they just want to be left alone, so I honor that.  There is no crime in looking at them in a discreet manner, though. 

     Girls need to be looked at.  Why else would they wear body-hugging yoga pants?  I have no idea.  Haha.

     Well, thanks for reading, and I hope you have a nice day,

     David Lovins

     Reno, Nevada

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Wow, Lego Porn Exists

      I had no idea, but Lego Porn exists.  Is nothing sacred?  Haha.

     They even have 'Laygo The Movie' on pornhub.  Unbelievably, the trailer for that is on youtube, complete with some profanity, and showing human hands making Lego people copulate.  Amazing.

     If you type in 'Lego Porn' into Google, and you don't have restrictions on your computer, you can see the stuff.

     If you don't want to see the videos, you can always just look at the photos on the web.  There is plenty there.

     So, now you know 'Lego Porn' exists.  

     What all led to this is I made my own drawing of 'Lego Porn'.  Here it is...


     The stain is from spilled coffee.

     Here is a close-up shot...

     Even though I don't have a lot of people looking at this site, I'll put up the rest of the pics anyhow, just for fun, and because I suddenly didn't feel lazy...

     Well, there you go.  I hope you enjoyed my drawings, and my photos of the drawings.

     Thanks for looking at my blog.   I appreciate it.

Wow, This Blog Still Exists...

The Random Dungeon of Kix

      Wow, this blog still exists, and it hasn't been taken down.  That's amazing to me, because of the content.

     This blog is 18 and over, please, so if you are under 18, close this tab now.  It's against the law to view this material.

     So, I'm guessing it is okay to post nudity here, since all of the stuff I've posted is still up.  

     I haven't written on this blog in a long time, perhaps a year or two since the last entry.

     Deviant Art is a place where you can post naked pictures and illustrations, but they draw the line at erections.  Hard cocks aren't really permissible.  It has to be under a sheet or something for them to accept the image.  So, I guess the male apparatus is the most offensive thing of all time, especially when it is hard.  Well, that's too bad.  A lot of people like to look at pictures of cock.  For me, I like to see it in porn sometimes, because then I can pretend it is my dick going into a beautiful woman.  Plus, I just find it interesting.

     Like a lot of people, I like to watch people fuck.  It's fun.  

     I actually found some article on the web about "Why Do People Watch Porn?"  A legitimate writer and psychologist answered that watching other people copulate is a primal function that goes back to The Dawn of Humanity.

     So, anyway, I've been getting frustrated with the web, because I can't show my naughty art anywhere, in the way that I want to do it, but I forgot that I can do it right here.  It's okay here.  It really is.

     Yes, I can show pictures of naked people here, or anything I want, and that includes males, females, cocks, pussies, boobs, and ass.

     If you don't want to see that stuff, than I guess you really shouldn't be here.

     Anyway, let's put up a picture...

This is 'The Random Dungeon of Kix" - explanatory notes.

This dungeon I drew up yesterday, for the most part, 
and finished it today.

I like it.

I made a video of it that is on youtube
on my David Lovins channel.


     Anyway, if you like what I do, and want to donate a couple of bucks, or even more, I'm on Venmo: David-Lovins-2       It's the one with the Davey Jones facebook picture.

     Judging by the hits on this blog, what I'm seeing is probably mostly my own hits.  I don't think this blog has really caught on, or is important to anybody that I know of, so, I write this blog just for me.  I enjoy writing, and posting pictures, so at least I get some entertainment out of it.

     Let's put up another picture, now that I've relearned how to do that....

     Hmmm....sometimes it works, sometimes not.  Oh well.

     Anyway, I started a Patreon account today.  It will be a clean account.  When I was signing up, there was an 18 and up option, but I chose against it, as naughty content can be the kiss of death on the web.  Here, it doesn't matter, this is just a stupid blog.  


     Here is a close-up of 'The Random Dungeon of Kix' when I was first drawing it.

     I figured out why I couldn't upload photos for a minute there, I was pressing the one for the video....and all my photos disappeared.   So, it is the second icon from the left in the three dot section.


     Anyway, here I am at my coffee shop spot in Reno, Nevada.

     Hmmm, should I put a naughty picture up?  Hmmmm.....nah, I'll pass.  But the beauty is, I could do it if I wanted to, and I can always change my mind later.

     Thanks for reading, if indeed, anyone besides myself ever reads this.