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Monday, March 1, 2010

Defrag your mind

I should have done it a while ago on the big computer. Defrag. You have to do it often, especially if you work a lot with video. Once every week or two. I've been neglecting. Oooops.
Always the constant struggle. Things on the computer change, like waves on the ocean. You always have to adapt.
One little program can slow down functionality.
Just part of doing the computer stuff.
It's a lot of work, but when it is good, it's great.

Almost 11 a.m., and I am dragging. I had my coffee. Still waking up somehow. Still not there somehow.

It was a good night of Magic. The Finn won 2, Surfing Man won 1, I won 2. The games weren't so irritating, which I am thankful for, but time does stand still, and you wonder what you are doing with your life.

Even painting a little sets it up for the next time.

Computer Frustration, driving me mad, making me insane.
Slow as molasses, I don't got all day.

crap, gotta go.

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