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Thursday, May 1, 2014

      Everybody loves Stormtroopers, and there is a growing number of people who emphasize with them, because they are soldiers doing their job.
     However, in effect, they are Nazi's, working for The Evil Empire.
      Ren & Stimpy is still a good cartoon, and fun to watch, though I agree that it can get a little gross at times.
         N.O.M.A.D. from Original Star Trek...I don't remember this episode at all.  In clips I've seen, the robot hangs from a string, haha.
      I drink a lot of Raineers at the bar, because it is cheap, and helps to get me toasted.
      I drink Raineer from a can, from a glass, or anything that is around.
      This painting sold. 
      I like this napkin art drawing.
      This is when I was in full production of painting Marilyn Monroe xeroxes.
      This is a color-xerox card I made from one of my paintings.  I gave a copy to the bar.
      I like Palm Trees, both in reality, and in EverQuest.
      An unusual tag name.  I don't know what it means.
      I got tired of hanging out at this cafe.  I would get tour groups taking pictures of me and my art, and they'd never buy anything, so I didn't want to be part of their entertainment.
      They made me feel like a side-show freak, and it was unfun.
      The person who bought the Marvin painting also received a Marilyn as a gift.
      Welcome to San Francisco.

      Nice Butts!
      Nice Box!

      This painting sold.
      People care a lot about animals in S.F.  I wish they would care more about humans.
      Some movie poster.  Rare to see a movie poster with nudity on it.
      Some dickhead had a professional camera taking pictures of me.  I caught him, and started taking pics of him, and he didn't like it, which I'm offended by.  He is the viewer who did not want to be viewed.  I find it offensive that he would behave like that.

      Asshole Elvis Christ.  He is a mess of a human being.

      This painting sold.  I painted the words in as a favor to my client, who was a very nice lady.

      I did this drawing for the bar on their chalkboard.

      'Mona Leia'.

      Animal Stacking.

     My favorite robot.

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