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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

     Again, this is the only blog I have where I can post an image like "Boobs help to sell art".
     I often put this on my drawing board to get cheap attention.
     I am surprised it hasn't sold yet.

     This two paintings I hope to sell someday.  I don't know what I'm going to do with them.

Friday, June 13, 2014

     This blog has 36,116 hits on it.  I don't know how that happened.  It counts how many times I visit my own blog, but I have to assume that others view it.  I guess it is because it is set to '18 and over'.  Maybe people are looking for porn.  But then I disappoint, because this is not a porn blog, though it does contain adult themes and situations.
     It is the only site I have where I can post naked ladies, either from my art, or pictures I take off of my computer.

     Meanwhile, right now, I'm just drinking a beer, so fuck it.

     No one comments on my blogs, but then some girl said to me, "You don't want their crappy comments anyway."
     She's right, I probably don't.

     I made $35 last night at the bar from art sales.

     I was hoping to make more, but I guess I am lucky to have made that much.

     "The value of art is only revealed when it is sold," someone told me, but I don't necessarily agree with that.

     Art has intrinsic value buried within.  The viewer must seek it out.

     Many people don't like art because they don't take the time to really look.  That requires skill, knowledge, and patience, and most people don't have that.

     On the other hand, the artist limits himself if he only makes work for himself, or for a select, elite audience that can afford the art.
     I try to find balance, and try to make art for all kinds of people.
     I don't have much art that appeals to children, though.  Once the parents see my art, they usually run away in terror, haha, in order to protect their precious darlings.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

     I found this painting of Bathsheba that I had never seen before, off of wikipedia....
     I zoomed in on the painting to focus on the figure.  I want to draw it.

     Also, I want to fuck her.

     She looks real good to me.

     If the handmaiden is hot, I'll fuck her, too, if she'll let me....haha.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Annakin, aged 18:  Thank god I turned 18!  Now I can think and talk about fucking!
Padme, aged 23:     Annie, I want to give you something for your birthday, since you are of age now.
Annakin:                 What is it?
Padme:                    I want to give you my young, nubile twenty-three year old body! 
Annakin:                  Okay.
Padme:                    But first, let me lift up that robe thing you are wearing, and examine your penis.  I might
                               want to start sucking on it, if I like how it looks.
Annakin:                  Okay.
Padme:                    My! MY!! Annakin!  You are quite endowed!  I had no idea!
Annakin:                  You never bothered to ask or look before.
Padme:                    I couldn't...I didn't want to get busted for statutory rape!
Annakin:                  I wouldn't have minded.  Instead, you had me suffer since the age of nine.  I've wanted
                               you since then.
Padme:                    You had no idea what to do at age nine!
Annakin:                  I did.  I used to read the manuals concerning copulation on the holonet, when I was
                               a slave.
Padme:                    Well, you were always advanced for your age!
Annakin:                  Indeed.  Can you start sucking now?  I've been waiting a long time.
Padme:                    Sure, Annie....gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, slurp, lick, slurp......
Annakin:                  Hold my balls.  I really like that.
Padme:                    Okay.
Annakin:                  I know it is a lot to ask, but if you want to put your finger up my ass, go right ahead.
                               I won't mind.  It helps me to focus, and gives my sphincter something to grip.
Padme:                    Wow, Annie, you really talk dirty.
Annakin:                  I wasn't born yesterday.  Just keep sucking.  I'll let you know when my ship is ready
                               to dock.
Padme:                    Don't you want to cum on my face?
Annakin:                  Now that you mention it, that might be a good idea.
Padme:                    I would love your jizz on my face, Annie.
Annakin:                  That's hot.  I might just have to oblige you.
     The fuck.  I had a Star Wars audiobook going while I turned on this video of a group of people fucking.  They looked happier, much happier than a bunch of people reading scriptures in church.
     I am not a fan of Christianity anymore.  I'm pretty much done with it.  There isn't even enough proof that Jesus Christ even actually existed.
     I grew up Mormon, so they believed Christ went to South America and appeared in the sky after his resurrection.  Now it all just sounds like science fiction to me.
     If you are going to believe in something that is made up, you might as well believe in Star Wars.

     People sometimes put 'Jedi' as their religion on forms when asked, haha.

     I am not interested in having 'Jedi' as my religion, though.

     It took me some time to eventually get all of the stupid Christian dating ads off of my facebook page.  They were quite annoying.

     For me, I just want to be an artist, and even that would make a crappy religion, unless you really enjoy being by yourself all of the time.
     I've had enough of being alone.  That is why I make art in public all the time now. 

     Well, I'm off to the cafe now, to try and make something happen.  I've got a thousand dollars of art to sell.

     Making art is one thing, selling it is another, quite an art unto itself.
     I try not to talk too much when I sell, and let people have a look.  Sometimes I can't resist, though.
     Absorbing images and listening to words uses different parts of the brain.

     Anyway, I'm gonna try and play some EverQuest later.  I need to get some xp.

     Thanks for reading, if indeed, anybody does.

     Sometimes it feels like I am on an asteroid outpost, sending out messages in a bottle.  Such is the life of being an online writer.

     While I am thinking about it, Neil Gaiman appeared at The Warfield.  His name was on the marquis, and I was like, 'wtf' ?  I did not know that he did any kind of performance.
     I have attempted to like his writing, but I am not a fan.  He's not bad, but there are a hundred authors I would rather read than him.

Monday, June 9, 2014

     Wow, only twenty-eight fucking posts until I hit five-hundred.  Amazing.
     To this day, I don't really know if anybody reads my fucking shit.  I just enjoy fucking writing, so that is all there is fucking to it, haha.
     Anyway, I went on fucking ebay today.  I fixed my fucking account.  I haven't even looked on fucking ebay in over a year.  I don't fucking trust ebay, and I have no fucking reason to.
     I have heard about a lot of fucking scams from both buyers and sellers, but people I have talked to recently have had good experiences with ebay, so there you fucking go.
     Meanwhile, I am trying to develop my online selling business, and it ain't fuckin' easy.  Not at all.
     So, I am drinking a fucking beer.
     Actually, it is a Colt 45 Malt Liguor.  I like this fucking brand.  It is good.
     Here is a fucking scary garden gnome.  I find it fucking funny.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

     When did Luke Skywalker lose his virginity?  I don't know.  I've never seen it mentioned.  Maybe he lost it on Tattooine before the events of Episode IV, though he always seemed over-eager, unlike Han Solo, who had more 'balance' in his walk.  That's why Leia liked him more.  She was both repulsed and attracted to Han's sexuality.
     So, it is possible Luke never got laid until after Episode VI.  It must have been weird for him to have a crush on Leia, only to find out she was his sister.
     One would most definitely assume that Luke had discovered masturbation before the events of Episode IV.
     However, this raises a jedi ever masturbate?  They are men, and they eventually need a release.
     Hard to jack off when your master is always around, though, haha.
     I would say that female jedi definitely masturbate.  They just don't talk about it, haha.

     Another question is if Annakin and Padme had pre-marital sex.  Hmmm, that's a thinker.  Maybe they went to third base, or maybe she gave him head once or twice.
     I guess what made it exciting for Annakin and Padme is that their love was forbidden, but when they hung out, they had nothing to talk about, and things were really uncomfortable.

     Still another question is "Was Obi-Wan a virgin?" 
     Surely, he must have gotten laid at some point.
     One thing is for sure, he never got laid on Tattooine.  No woman wants to fuck a hermit.

     Meanwhile, once Annakin became Darth Vader, he never got laid.  I'm sure his equipment got burned.  If his outer ears got burned off, so did his dick.

     Did Leia ever get laid before Episode IV?  I would say she did.  She was a rebel.

     Did Gran Moff Tarkin ever get laid?  Probably in his youth, but not in a long time.  Army personnel always get laid during R & R, or shore leaves.  Women love to sleep with men in a uniform, evil or not.  In fact, the evil might be part of the attraction.

     Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru didn't fuck anymore by the time of Episode IV.  They were more concerned with surviving, and it was hard to feel randy with Luke around.

     Jar Jar never got laid.  That is for sure.

     I'm sure Jabba had services done for him whenever he wanted.  He was getting older by the time of Episode VI, but still really enjoyed having scantily clad half-naked slave women around of different species.

     Lando got laid a lot, and could never get enough.  Lando was no stranger to pussy.  He was pimping Bespin like there was no tomorrow.

     Mon Mothma wasn't interested in sex much.  She was kind of prudish, even in her youth.  She probably did not fuck much after the age of 24.

     Boba Fett?  He had a ship.  He had bad ass armor.  He probably had whores in various ports.  Where do you think all his money went?  If I was a bounty hunter, that is what I would do.

     Chewbacca was a family man.  Very good-natured.  I don't think Chewy was jumping from bed to bed.

     I'm pretty sure that after The Empire was destroyed, that everybody was fucking to celebrate that night.

     Do Stormtroopers ever get laid and fuck?  You would imagine they would have to, when on shore leave, and only on shore leave.

     Space Pirates and Mercenaries are always fucking, you can be sure of that.  It is what being a pirate is all about.  And loot.

     So, sex and sexuality is always suggested in Star Wars, but never carried out.  Somebody has to fix that.  Well, there are some things on redtube, but there needs to be more.

     What do you think smugglers carry on their ships besides stolen goods, and slaves?  Star Wars porn, some of it 'inter-species'...haha.

     Do Sith get laid?  You would have to imagine that they are all into that, unlike the boring jedi.