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Friday, June 13, 2014

     This blog has 36,116 hits on it.  I don't know how that happened.  It counts how many times I visit my own blog, but I have to assume that others view it.  I guess it is because it is set to '18 and over'.  Maybe people are looking for porn.  But then I disappoint, because this is not a porn blog, though it does contain adult themes and situations.
     It is the only site I have where I can post naked ladies, either from my art, or pictures I take off of my computer.

     Meanwhile, right now, I'm just drinking a beer, so fuck it.

     No one comments on my blogs, but then some girl said to me, "You don't want their crappy comments anyway."
     She's right, I probably don't.

     I made $35 last night at the bar from art sales.

     I was hoping to make more, but I guess I am lucky to have made that much.

     "The value of art is only revealed when it is sold," someone told me, but I don't necessarily agree with that.

     Art has intrinsic value buried within.  The viewer must seek it out.

     Many people don't like art because they don't take the time to really look.  That requires skill, knowledge, and patience, and most people don't have that.

     On the other hand, the artist limits himself if he only makes work for himself, or for a select, elite audience that can afford the art.
     I try to find balance, and try to make art for all kinds of people.
     I don't have much art that appeals to children, though.  Once the parents see my art, they usually run away in terror, haha, in order to protect their precious darlings.

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