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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

!@#$ and Clone Wars Adventures, and other uses of some popular key words.

     This blog isn't exactly catching on like wildfire.  Wow, I've made 80 cents so far.  It seems to me to be a better use of my time to make videos for youtube, where at least I get some hits.  The problem is, there is no way to make money for that, at least not that I know of.  I'll keep going with everything, though, and just have a good time.  I like writing in general, and I like writing on this blog.
     When I am making a video, or involved in an online game, I often get into blog mode, but I am involved in something else, so it is hard to break away from it.
     I basically have at least one blog entry a day in me.  Sometimes I can do up to ten entries.  It depends if I am on a roll or not.
     I might as well put 'Clone Wars' in the title, as a lot of people seem to like that.  The game and television series is a smash hit, it looks like to me.  The kids love that shit.  The game is fun, I'm on that thing every day.  I am 'Dirk Wampaflash' if you ever want to add me as a friend.  I have over 700 friends on that game already, so it is hard to give attention to every one.  I do the best I can.  Most people just say 'hello' if anything at all.  Nothing deep.  The chat box does not allow for involved conversation anyhow.  It's almost strange to be able to use my full language capacity here in this blog, I get edited so much on both Clone Wars and Free Realms.  They are kids games, but as an adult, I find them challenging.  I like them.  I like the graphics and the game play, and my favorite thing on those two games is I get to build things in three-dimensional computer world space.  I love games that let you build.  It is great.  Every online game should have a building function as standard.  It is a great way to individualize so people can distinguish themselves a little. 
     I still like EverQuest, I don't care what people say.

     Anyway, I had a good coffee at the cafe.  I got to listen to two German guys talk for an hour.  Nice to hear a different accent.
     I sluffed yoga.  I decided to give my teacher and fellow students a break from me today.

     I spent three hours on making, "CWA- Brandon Nicholas - "Grooving on MJ's Billie Jean".  It's on youtube.  The first Brandon Nicholas video I made got fifty hits in its' first day, and I was like, "whoa...this kid is popular" so that is why I decided to go all out on the next video.  Seventy-seven hits on two videos for this kid.  To me, that is youtube gold.
     Hey, lots of hits on my channel basically means lots of exposure and free advertising.

     I keep thinking of writing a blog entry on the subject of 'masturbation', but I haven't gotten around to it yet, haha.  In a way, every entry is a form of masturbation on this blog.

     So basically, I wake up in the morning, light up a cigarette, and try to find a Howard thing on youtube that I haven't listened to yet, and that is how I start my day.  Then I try to be as creative as possible, and get as much done as I can.  I spend days and weeks doing this, and I try to keep in motion, and not be too lazy.  Making art takes a lot of energy, and sometimes your body is ready to go, but the mind has no ideas, and it works the other way, too, where your mind is brimming with thoughts, but your body says, "No way, pal, I'm sitting on my ass or laying down for the next hour, fuck you, I ain't moving."


     Anyway, what's next?  Just having a good time, and grooving on Clone Wars, Lord of The Rings Online, and other games.
     I guess I could play guitar every day, and be a musician, but I like being an artist.  I guess I could have done both.  I liked watching cartoons when I got home from school, I didn't feel like picking up an instrument, not that I had one anyhow.  To think, I could have been a talented musician by now.  Being a musician ain't all it's cracked up to be anyhow.

     I suppose in order for me to reproduce, I have to earn a good salary.  That is one of the things a woman needs is financial security.  Well, I need that, too.  I could always marry a woman for her money, but that never works.  Then I would have to kiss up to her, and be her bitch, and that would be no fun at all.

     I guess to earn some money, I had better get my ass moving, and do something.  I'm an artist, though, and I just don't think I would make a good sales clerk.

     I put symbols in the title because '****' is my number one blog entry.  You never know what people will like in this world.  I guess the idea is that if people do click on your shit, that the least you can do is not disappoint them.
     I have looked at so many websites and crap, and the worst feeling is that you have spent your time looking up somebody's shit, and it sucks.

     Here is a picture for those who need visual stimulation.  Actually, text only is kind of a strain on the eyes, a nice picture can ease the mind, and act as an emotional indicator.  Colors can help create a mood.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Hello, Human Race"

     Again, that was the first title that came to mind.  It just happens automatically, and then I kind of 'go with it'.  Eventually, I just write about the same shit anyway, so the title doesn't really matter anyhow, except I guess to attract humans to read the blog, based on if the title appeals to them.  I don't really care if people read this or not.  A movie can have a great title, and still be a shitty movie. 
     "Where The Wild Things Are" was a movie with a title with great promise.  Five minutes into the movie, I knew I was in for a real sucktastic experience, which turned out to be true.  It seems it would have been better to just photograph the pages of the book, have someone read the story, and that would be the movie.  Sometimes Hollywood people get all fancy because they have more money and props than they know what to do with, and then the movie ends up being shit.
     Meanwhile, a 14 year old can make a Lego animation video that millions will watch on youtube because it has some soul to it, and some real interest in the subject matter. blog update is that thirty-one people have seen my 'The Sexual Proclivities of The Fantastic Four' making it my fourth highest viewed blog entry.  It just goes to show that you never know what people will like, so the idea is to just put everything out there, and let people decide if they like it or not.
     I have been aware that there is a market for 'superhero porn'.  I found hentai videos of The X-Men fucking each other, so I know there are people out there who like that shit.
     Having The Thing fuck Sue Richards is well, very heterosexual of me, in my opinion.  Comic books these days seem a little gay to me, because everyone is in costumes, and men and women don't seem to have much interest in each other, but everyone is into their real cool costumes.
    Makes me think about making a superhero based on Neil Young, and just have him be all scruffy, but he has awesome powers.

     My youtube update is that I got 51,000 hits on the new channel, and 330,000 on the old one.
     I got 500 hits yesterday, due in part to the fact that it was William Shatner's 80th birthday, so I guess they watched my William Shatner videos.

     I had a good yoga class today.  There was a woman showing off her muscular back, so when I see that, it's like an anatomy lesson for me.  I love women with muscular backs, it is fascinating to me.  I think she had breast implants, though, because when she lay down, her breasts seemed to be like two jello molds resting there.  Still looked damn cute, though.  I wish I could have whipped out my drawing pad and started drawing.

     I had a nice coffee at my outdoor office location today, and was drawing yoga women from memory.  I try to remember what I can, then the memories slowly dissipate, especially in the new environment, and then it was a little cold today, and then I start noticing the cute office women. 
     There was a woman in a gray office skirt whose ass would not be done justice with a no. 2 pencil.  I needed a large sketchpad and some charcoal to really get the luscious form of her butt in all its dimensions.

     I watch porn off of redtube, and there is this reoccurring red-haired guy that doesn't seem especially good-looking or in shape or anything, but he sure does seem to bang a lot of hot women.  He must be a nice guy while on the set, so people like to work with him.  So he seems to be playing his cards right doing what he likes to do.  Getting paid, fucking women...seems like a good life.  He seems to be having a good time.  Doesn't seem like he would do too well with women in the real world, but in the porn world, he gets laid a lot.

     People judge the porn world I guess.  Some of the women start out working at Domino's Pizza or Burger King, and after six months they realize how much that sucks, and how miserable their lives will be making minimum wage, so they get into porn, have fun, make their money, and hopefully save up enough money to do what they want, raise kids, or do whatever they want later in life.
     I grew up Mormon, and they were always telling us not to look at porn, but I wanted to see naked women, so that's what I did.
     They also told us not to masturbate when I didn't even really know what that was.  I used to have this weird guilt about jacking off, as if God was watching.  I eventually realized that was impossible because even if there was a god, I don't think he would care if I was jacking it off or not.
    Jesus Christ probably masturbated just to try it out when he was a teen.

     Let's see, what else?  They took out the coffee machine at the cigarette store next door.  Dang.  I hope they get coffee back in there soon.  I like going there to get coffee.

     I was thinking I could put more videos in my blog entries.  I could give that a try.  I don't know if people care or not about that.  I'm all over youtube, that seems to be good enough.

     This is a video I made today that I put on youtube.  I like the Howard Stern show a lot, and Sal's pitch for a movie idea seemed to me to be a good subject for a slide show video.

     I generally like anything that has to do with 'Frankenstein'.  I've read the book five times, which is a masterpiece of literature.
     Films of 'Frankenstein' are hit and miss.
     The 1931 Frankenstein is incredible even if you just look at the Black and White contrast of the compositions, and how it was filmed.  Someone who knew art and photography really knew what they were doing.
     Meanwhile, I saw a silent film version of 'Frankenstein', and it was just awful.
     The Frank movie with Kenneth Branagh and Robert DeNiro was a hard watch...Bob did not make a good Frankenstein.
     Want to read the best presentation of Frankenstein in book form?  Read the Marvel Comics one with the Berni Wrightson illustrations.  That one is incredible.   

     A note about 'Young Frankenstein'.  Careful giving Mel Brooks too much credit.  Gene Wilder wrote the script, and gave a historic performance.
     Mel Brooks' 'High Anxiety' which was made a couple of years after...I've never been able to sit through the whole thing.

     Let's see...what else to write about?  Tons.  Just depends if I want to or not.  Lots on my mind.
     I did choose to put black type on a white background on this blog so people could actually read it if they wanted to.  People get all fancy with multi-colored type and backgrounds, but I just want my page to be easy to read.  A lot of people are on trains while they look at their portable electronic devices, and it is hard enough to read when everything is shaking around, without lots of distracting things on the screen.  That is my guess.  I don't have a portable electronic device yet.

     So I skimmed over the google license agreements for posting video.  I'm still not exactly sure what I can or can not do here.  I just want to obey the law, and not infringe on anyone else's rights.  The images I took off the web, and I took the Howard audio from someone else's video.  I did my best to arrange the material in a creative way, and of course, to humor myself.

     Eating an orange seems like a good idea. 

     I could use some coffee, too.  It is always a good time for coffee.

     "Good-bye, Human Race".  Until next time.

Monday, March 21, 2011

"It's All a Bunch of Shit"

     Again, the first title that came to mind as I sat down to do this blog.  I guess shit is the theme today, as it was a subject on facebook.
     My friend and I were talking about shit.  It was funny.
     I downloaded the update for 'Lord of the Rings Online', and got some xp with my character Daktharr.
     I played some Clone Wars Adventures, but I haven't been able to make it through all ten levels of 'Crisis Ziro' yet on hard difficulty.  I keep fucking up on level 7,8, or 9.  I think I made it to level 10 once, but couldn't finish it.  If you die, you have to start from level 1.
     I also have not been able to finish all fifteen levels on 'Mine Buster' on Clone Wars Adventures on the hard difficulty.  It pisses me off, so I keep trying and trying.  Someday, I'll get it.

     I watched some Buster Crabbe in 'Flash Gordon Conquers The Universe' from 1936 last night.  Buster did good in that role.  I've never been able to watch his Buck Rogers, because he wears the same belt as he did in 'Flash Gordon' and that kind of ruins the believability factor.
     I watched a lot of those Flash Gordon serials growing up.  They are still somewhat watchable.  Buster gives a good performance as does the guy who played Ming The Merciless.  Some of the delivery of lines from actors aren't that good, and the writing is 'challenged'.  The sets are good, as are the costumes.
     George Lucas pretty much invented 'Star Wars' when he couldn't get the film rights for 'Flash Gordon' so he just came up with his own thing, which was a lot better.  Only so much you can do with The Planet Mongo.
     I've seen 'Flesh Gordon'.  That was pretty good.  It has some clay animation and a naked girl in the spaceship, which is always fine with me.
     There hasn't been too many films about naked girls getting rescued from claymation monsters.  Hollywood is going to have to step it up.

     A remake of 'Flesh Gordon'....haha.  CGI and in 3-D.

     Well, I guess I should go to yoga.  My life is falling apart, and I don't have any job offers, so I have to do something about that.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I guess I'll try and write a blog a day OR Peanut Butter and Jelly Cracker Sandwiches

     I always liked the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons.  Their episodes had two titles.  As a kid watching that show, I was just trying to figure out what the hell was going on with the story.  Broken up into two short stories an episode, what actually happens in the narrative is hard to put together.  I have Season 1 on dvd, but still need the other episodes.  I have the general idea, but maybe it is time to see what Wikipedia has on the subject.
     The Rocky and Bullwinkle movie was a piece of shit.  The first two minutes was good, where it was just an animated cartoon, except more thickly drawn to try and be fashionable with the hip-hop kids.  I didn't like that too much, but it turned out that it was better than the rest of the movie.  All I can say is, "What were they thinking?"
     Disney bought up 'Rocky and Bullwinkle', so that explains a lot about how a time-honored cartoon can be completely fucked up by a corporation who has their own agenda, instead of just making a simple, goddamn cartoon.  They put Backstreet Boys music in a Rocky and Bullwinkle movie.  Fuck them.

     Anyway, I bought some crackers, chunky peanut butter, grape jelly,  and a pair of socks at the dollar store.  I now have something fun to eat, and my feet will be in clean socks.  Not a bad thing for a rainy Saturday here in San Francisco.

     It does look like this blog is starting to get some hits, so I'll try and write an entry a day.  Some days I write four or five, depends on what is on my mind.
     Sometimes I want to blog, but I get entangled in these online games which are so much fun, and then the blog has to wait.  No big deal on the blog, I don't think anyone is anxiously awaiting the next installment.

     I like that I can put naked ladies on this blog and no one says a goddamn thing.  That is a nice freedom to have, so if I feel like doing it, I can do it.  I hate being restricted.

     In my family, even though everyone is adult, they prefer PG-13, which gets a little limited for me.

     It is a strange thing in this world, that most stuff has to be suitable for a thirteen year old.  Who decided that?  It's a carry-over from The Victorian Age, and Christian Revivalism.

     For the record, I like Christ and his teachings.  I like what Christ actually said and did.  The two-thousand years of religion in his name I'm not too crazy about, except when those religions help people.

     I did invent The Great Monkey God 'Ok-Ok'.  He is the one that lit the fuse that caused the explosion of The Big Bang, and by which The Universe was created, so that we may occupy a single, solitary planet on the edge of a galaxy in the midst of a billion other galaxies.
     I will have to storyboard this out, or make a comic book page of it.
     Then I will make the youtube video of it.

     For those that don't know, my youtube channel is DavidLovins67.  My old channel is KirkIndySoloSpock, but that channel is retired. 
     Between the two channels, I have over 900 videos on youtube.  A couple of my videos are great, and are watched.  Most are okay, nothing special.  Some really suck.  Just how it goes.

     I've been playing Clone Wars Adventures today with my character Dirk Wampaflash.  I was trying to master 'Ziro Crisis', I think it is called.  I spent over an hour trying to get through all ten levels on hard difficulty.  Great fun, it is a jumping game.  There is a nice rhythm you can get into with it.  I like it.

     One of the things I was thinking about is I don't have a woman on my ass to tell me when I can or can't play video games.  This pleases me a lot.
     Given the choice between a wife and kids or playing video games and being happy, I'll take the video games.  I've already experienced what it is to have crying kids in the house all the time, since my parents popped out eight kids.
     I've had enough crying to last me a life time, and too many of those have been my own, so fuck it.

     Anyway, I guess I'll get back to 'Lord of The Rings Online', a beautiful game.

     I like to solo a lot, because then I can paint, and just do my thing in Middle Earth.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Get Rid of The People in Your Life That Make You Unhappy

     If people around you don't bring you joy, just get rid of them, or leave.
     As an adult, you can make choices of who you hang out with.

     I was listening to Howard Stern, and he was talking about this with Robin.  I have to give credit where credit is due.

     Anyway, it is raining.  My cafe experience today was dampened by that.  I did manage to do a comic book page of 'California Man', my new superhero.  It's kind of my goof on superheroes. 
     I grew up on Marvel Comics, so a lot of my anger came from that.  Everyone was always pissed off in those comics.
     A lot of what Marvel publishes today is just awful.  I can barely look at it.  They are trying to get all fancy to appeal to the kids who like anime and all that crap.
     I like the cheap and simple comics printed on newsprint.
     Anyways, I don't know how the comic book industry is doing these days.  All I know is I'm not a part of it.  I don't think anyone would hire me to do comics.  I just want to do my own shit anyhow. 
     On the other hand, chain me to a comic book desk, keep the coffee coming, ashtray to the left, inkwell to the right, and I'll go at it...if you pay me.
     Otherwise, fuck it.  Comics are a pain in the ass to make, with very little reward for me, and no one cares about comics. 
     Well, the kids go crazy at the comic book conventions.
     These days, comic book shops are closing right and left.
     People still like superheroes, and comics, and all that.  I still like it all, too. 
     To just be a comic book guy and do that every day, well, I would find that limiting.  I have all kinds of art that I like to make.
     So how did I end up being such a loser?  I don't know.  I can't seem to make myself do what it takes to get a job.
     I'm kind of hoping I'll get famous on youtube, and someone will offer me a job, or something.
     I can't think of a company that I would want to work for right now.
     I go around San Francisco, and I don't see anything where I would fit in.
     I got to do something about that, but I feel like a square peg trying to fit into a round, generic hole.
     Anyhow, I had fun on 'Lord of The Rings Online' last night.  We did some fishing by a waterfall.  That was fun.  I'm still trying to figure out EverQuest, so it will be a long time before I figure this game out.  I don't even know how to shoot a bow and arrow yet, haha.
     So it is raining outside, and I'm sluffing yoga, and I'll just stay in and try and do stuff today, make some videos, drink some coffee, and have some fun.
     What else is there to do?  I don't know, nothing?
     One thing is for sure, I need some new facebook friends who are willing to cough up some money for my art.
     I need someone to pay off my student loan, so I can move on with my life. 
     I got to get that damn thing paid off.

     I keep thinking about putting pictures of my dick on this blog, and how that would be...haha.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Chatterbox Cafe

     Today, I was sitting outside at my favorite table, just minding my own business as usual.
     Eventually, I would have an overweight woman from Texas who used to drink and smoke for twenty-five years talking to some black guy from Germany she hadn't seen for twenty years chatterboxing on the right of me.  On the left was a young black boy and girl smoking pot and talking.
     I had chatterbox in stereo.
     I seem to be a magnet for people to talk, or to use cell phones right in front of me.  I ignore people for the most part, unless it is a hot girl walking by.  I sit there silent, writing and drawing, in my own world, just enjoying myself.  I think that makes people nervous because I am self-contained.  Most people need others around 24-7 to validate them.

     I don't know.

     Anyway, the lady from Texas eventually stood up and looked me right in the eyes, and looked at what I was writing.  Her face kind of had that Janis Joplin look.

     So I had a good time.  A parade of about twenty girls walked by, that was my favorite part of the morning.  Also, there was a young mission girl with bangs, who looked like she was a young gothic Pat Benetar kind of girl with big brown eyes, and a hoodie.  She was cute.

     There is a type of girl that fits into my 'Mission Girl' concept.  Young and cute, with a fashionable sense, but interesting in a gutter punk kind of a way, sometimes.  I like those kind of girls.  They are somewhat similar to 'Suicide Girls', I suppose.  Basically, young, hot, and tattooed, with fucked up hair, facial jewelry, and all that shit. 
     Then eventually, they turn 28 or something, and they don't look all that young and cute anymore, and their ass has gotten bigger, so they have to change or modify their wardrobe a little, especially if they want to make more money at their job.

     Well, it was another night of Magic The Gathering with Mr. Anonymous.  The Finn did not show up.  Mr. Anonymous played his 'Brutal Giants' deck, and I played my 'Nightmare UnderWorld Dreams' deck.  It was a vicious series of battles. 
     I lost for the night, and that sucked.  Final score was 8-5.

     I don't know when my art show is.  Could be any day.

     I have to pay rent.  I have to get painting.   I have to do chores.  I have class later tonight. 
     All I want to do is eat and sleep.  However, I have to decorate my jedi living quarters in Clone Wars Adventures, work on videos, and do some stuff.

     I got some writing and drawing done at the cafe, but I could do without the chatterboxing.  Hard to hear myself think when people are blabbing away near me. 
     To me, they usually don't seem to be talking about anything, basically just filling up space.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Therapy Cafe

     I just got back from the cafe.  I got to listen to some girl rant to her mother about how she needed money.  I was just there to draw and write.
     'Therapy Woman' was not very entertaining to me.  She was on her cell phone having a discussion.  It was no fun.  Her therapy spilled over into what I was doing.
     I guess that is what people do who need therapy all the time.  They spill their shit on to other people.
     By contrast, healthy people make others around them feel good.

     Well, I have Howard Stern from youtube while I write this.  Thank god for whack-packers who upload everything Howard says onto youtube.  Makes it nice for me, and very convenient.  I need my laughs every day.

     So, I am getting hits from various countries on this blog.  I am sure that there are lots of men around the world who want to see some naked chicks while their wives are in the other room.  So they pull out their hand-held portable device, and check out my latest nude art model on this blog.  Haha, I aim to provide a service.
     That might actually help to make this blog successful, who knows?  And I don't care, I like naked chicks.  In fact, who doesn't like naked chicks?  Even girls like naked girls, they like to size each other up and see how they compare.  They also like to see what women are attractive.

     My favorite dog at the cafe ran out the entrance barking, then some girl said, "I hate that dog."
     It's the cutest dog.
     I guess she was in a cunty mood.
     My sister uses the word 'hate' in conversation.  It took me a long time to exorcise that word from my mind and vocabulary, then she uses it all the time.  It is not a pretty word, especially for a young lady.
     'Oh no,' I talked about someone in my family.  Call the presses.  They don't like to be talked about, but they should be happy.  It is good advertising for them.  Everyone in my family wants to get their careers going, so I don't know how it would hurt.
     I guess they don't want to be mentioned on my somewhat pornographic blog, haha.  I don't care, fuck 'em.  Well, not literally, that's disgusting.
     It does happen when I am thinking about some woman, and then someone in my family will call, and that is no fun.
     I grew up Mormon, and they have this whole thing about families.  I'm a very sexual person, so being inundated with stuff about family is a sure way to make the excitement level go down.

     What the hell was I talking about?  Oh yeah.  That fucking woman at the cafe.  Two days in a row I had to deal with her.  Well, if you have a drug history, and you live a sedentary life style, chain smoking cigarettes, and getting high on coffee, well, you probably are kind of messed up if you see a therapist every week, and do medication.

     Doing physical exercise for at least twenty minutes a day is good for you.  Doing some running to forget about your don't even know what you were worried about before.  Plus, your butt is kept in shape, and who wants to sleep with someone who has a saggy butt?  No one.  Everyone wants a nice butt to hold.

     My therapy at the cafe is writing and drawing.  It doesn't interfere with anyone.  Easy.  I just do my own thing, bothering no one.
     You'd be surprised at how many people try to interrupt me while I do this.

     Anyway, this blog is not like youtube.  It is taking longer to get hits.  Just how it is.  I have a hard time imagining anyone reading this.

     If you are a human, feel free to comment, just to let me know there is someone out there.

     I know a guy, his blog is doing better than mine, and he just started recently.  I got him into the idea of blogging, and his has done better.  I can see why, because his subjects are political, and people are more into that than reading about all of my shit.  I'm not crazy about what he writes about, there seems to be a lot of anger in his entries.  Nothing wrong with that, but I wish it was more fun to read.
     One thing to do with anything on the computer is to use proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization.  Unless you want people to think you are an idiot, it is good to use Standard English.  Well, sometimes, being a stupid idiot on the web works.  However, if you want to be taken seriously by people who care about the written word, it is good to follow the rules.  It is tedious enough to read without having to deal with people's misuse of commas.

     Anyway, I am just sitting here having a good time.  I could have stayed at the cafe, and consumed more coffee, but I didn't seem to be on a roll with the cartooning and comic book stuff today.  It depends on who is around me.
     Basically, if there is some therapy person sitting right next to me blabbing on her cell phone, it is hard to make comics.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dakthar The Dwarf

     Dakthar is a good dwarf.  There are two versions of him.  The first is in EverQuest, the second is in 'Lord of The Rings Online', and the name is spelled 'Daktharr' there.
     I like the name, and the character.  At times he can be a prolific swearer, and a heavy drinker.  Other times he can be warm-hearted, and getting the job done. 
     Tonight he killed a female archer, and looked at her dead corpse laying on the grass, noticing that the character model showed some ass cheek as she lay lifeless. 
     This online gaming experience reminded me of a time when I had sex with a woman late at night in a park, and she was laying on the grass, but she was alive.  I still like her, I'd give her a hug if I saw her, she was sweet.  Her friend was adorable.  This one was more of a brainy type.  She wore glasses, and I think that is pretty hot.  I like girls with glasses.
     Anyway, Dakthar is short and stocky.  Very muscular, he swings his axe hard, and likes to cleave.  Running around in his armor all the time, he probably needs to shower more, but there is a war on.
     Dakthar has a full beard, and it isn't necessarily kept well.  He doesn't have time for grooming, not with the orc invasion at hand.  He really hates orcs enough to leave his homeland, and put an end to the scourge of filth.

     I like Dakthar.  I identify with dwarves more than elves.

     I've been making lots of Lotro videos on youtube, and they aren't watched much, and I don't care.  It's a hobby I enjoy, to make these Lord of the Rings videos of anything I want.  I try to have fun, and try and tie things in to real life. 

     I've been trying to work out my own alternate universe system for all my fictional characters.

     My family doesn't like me talking about them much, so I was wondering if I should say I don't have a family, or create my own fictional family, and then I could talk about them all I want.
     I guess that is the whole idea of fiction, to make characters say and do whatever you want.
     I like non-fiction, too, as long as it is honest.  Some non-fiction can cross the line into fictional territory.

     Anyway, what does 'Dakthar The Dwarf' mean to me?  Well, he ain't Conan The Barbarian, or Elric The Albino Elf from Melnibone, or any other person's fictional character.  He's mine, and I can relate to him.

     Dakthar likes to fuck, too.  He is no stranger to the ways of the pussy.  Having experience in the mines, he is naturally into tunnels of all kinds.

     When I was a kid, I liked being small at times.  I could easily go under tables, or into small areas that larger people couldn't get access to.  I still can, I'm pretty flexible, but it was fun being a kid in that sense.

     I always wondered if people noticed me much as a kid.  I was hoping they did, but I guess I was just a kid.
     Now I am 43, and I know they don't notice me much.  Well, they do, but they don't say much to me in person, nor do they comment on what I do on the web much.  I guess I create that effect on people, they don't know what to say, or I don't make them care enough to say anything.

     Dakthar can be a right bastard, and so can I.

     Yet, Dakthar and I are two different people.

     It isn't easy to create a fictional character.  You have to live with them for a while.

     I have other characters I am working on, as I develop my own personal alternate universe.  I am discovering many alternate realities.
     I am not satisfied with the term 'universe', though.  To me, it is becoming more of a multiverse, with many different realities, and dimensions.
     Good to keep it simple, though.

     I noticed this blog is getting hits in various countries.  I don't know if it is a mechanized bot, or real people that read this.  I assume they are using a program that translates English.

     That would be cool to develop a world-wide audience, because one thing is for sure, no one gives a fuck about me in The United States for the most part, haha.  And why should they?  People don't care about other people when the necessities of life are always prominent.  Most people I know scrape by on rent, and are lucky to get enough to eat.

     Anyway, I plan on doing more with Dakthar The Dwarf, maybe even making some comics.

     I tried to make a new blog today and a website, but it all got complicated really fast, so I'll just stick with what I got for the meantime, and see what happens.

     I'm all about having a good time.

     By the way, Daktharr became level 19 tonight, but he really needs some help on this quest.  I'm going to have to get some help from someone, otherwise these human brigands are going to make toast out of me.

     One thing is for sure, Dakthar swears a lot more than this dwarf.

The Gothic Horror Cafe

     I just remembered my ideas for 'The Gothic Horror Cafe'.  I wish I had the original pen and ink drawing I did for that in my illustration class.  It is long gone.  I don't even know if I have a reproduction of it anywhere.  It was on a double-thick illustration board, with lots of detailed drawings around the borders, and a 'gothic horror' menu, with lots of 'ghoulish dishes'.
     My grandmother didn't like this design much, but I liked it.  Grandmothers get pretty conservative about some things anyhow.  So do mothers, come to think about it.
     Once a woman has a child, it just seems to me that she becomes, "Super Mother Woman".  That might be a good cartoon character for me to draw up sometime.

     I wouldn't mind owning in real life 'The Gothic Horror Cafe'.  It is a business that would probably fail, but it would be cool.  I could just put all my fucked up artwork in there.  I would still need a back room to show art that didn't have to show things associated with 'gothic horror', though. 
    Most of art has nothing to do with 'gothic horror', anyhow.

     Hmmm...I will have to think more about this theme.  Draw up some new designs or something, and put photos up on this blog. 
     The problem is I am lazy to co-ordinate everything.

     I was just trying to make a new website on wix, just screwing around.  I know it is easy to do, but at the same time, to make a good website takes hours to get sucked into it, and do all the details.

     This blog works fine for my purposes.
     I don't know what a website would do to help me, when this works just fine, and is so easy.
     Write some text, put up a photo, no big deal.  Publish.

It was 'foreign language' day at the cafe today.

     The original title for this blog entry was, "I saw a video last night of group sex, and two women had squirting orgasms, and shot their juice on the camera lens."
     Then after that title, I figured I would mention the video, and then start talking about religion and Jesus and all that, which I would have thought would be funny.  Any perv checking the blog link because of the title would suddenly be confronted about my feelings about Jesus.
     Anyway, I was at the cafe, and I did my writing thing.  Two couples spoke in foreign languages, one Spanish, the other Italian, so I didn't know what they were saying. 
     I usually like to hear the rhythms of foreign languages, and to listen for cognates.  I was listening to the Italian couple ramble, and then all of a sudden, the girl said, "skinny jeans", and the guy said it, too, and laughed.  That was the only thing I understood.  Eventually, the girl left, and I was trying to write, so the Italian guy started to whistle, then he smoked some pot.

     Okay, so I played some 'Lord of The Rings Online' last night.  Davvo increased his fishing skill to 82, and Daktharr the Dwarf ran for over an hour and a half to make it to Bree, killing some wolves and bears along the way for some xp.

     Otherwise, it is a nice Saturday now, and I have the whole day available for fun and adventure.

     I will play some 'Clone Wars Adventures'.
     One of my brothers said, "People go where they are loved."  Out of all the online games I've played, people seem to like my Dirk Wampaflash character, because I've made videos of him on youtube that a lot of people have seen.  Then they add me as a friend, and then some of them ask me to make videos of their characters.
     I made enough lightsaber videos, so I am burnt out on making those.  Those videos are only fun for the people whose toons are in the video.  Pretty tedious to watch otherwise.  But then the kids can show them to their friends, so it isn't a bad thing, if it makes them happy.  But then kids want me to make videos of them, too.  There are only so many videos I can make in a day, and it isn't like I'm getting paid for it. 
     'Dave's Online Video Service' has begun, though.  Hey, maybe I will get paid for it someday, who knows?
     You never know in this world.

     Let's is picture time...let's see what I can find...oh, well, let's try this video, just for kicks. 

     Okay, that is enough blogging for a while.  I have nothing to say.  I have lots of ideas at the cafe, then when I go to write here, sometimes it all just falls flat.  Happens.

     I'm still trying to figure out how to make this blog work for me.  Actually, it does work for me quite well.  Making it work for other people is the issue, and plus, people don't read much anymore.  You can tell by talking to people.  If they use generic buzz words and catch phrases all the time, they are just going by what they hear.  Not a bad way to go about life, you'll always be in step, but you'll always be like everybody else...which isn't a bad thing, either. 
     Let's see...popular person who says all the right things to win friends and attention, or pathetic loser with obscure references from books written before 1920....hmmmm, makes me wonder.

     Anyway,....I use 'anyway' a lot.  It is a good segue way to change the course of my thoughts and dialogue.
     Wow, that was the first time I ever wrote 'segue way'.
     Google is a really good spell check device.  Just type in the word, and it gives you options for the word.
     If there is a red underline underneath a word I am trying to spell, I really do try to figure out how to spell it.  I have an old-fashioned dictionary, too.  That is very helpful. 
     I did use '' for the first time.  I heard about that on Howard.

     I was thinking about getting some Chinese food today.  That sounds really good.  I might not go in order to save some money, though, and then I just get hungry an hour later.  $7 buys a lot of fruits and vegetables.  Chinese food is kind of fast food, with all those sauces they use.  Tastes damn good, though.  I like drinking their tea, too.

     To be a writer?  I would not mind getting paid to write, if I could write anything of interest to anybody else on the planet.
     I like to write about the process of writing as much as I do writing stuff.

     People don't expect that I can ever write anything of value, but I've been writing daily for over twenty plus years.  Most of it is shit, though.  Just random thoughts and passages, and whatever it is I'm doing that day.  Writing helps me to think, and also helps me to generate new ideas.
     In a way, writing is like taking a piss in the snow.  It all comes out, and the evidence is there.

     So, I was thinking all week how it would be good for me to find a therapist, counselor, or someone to talk to.  Maybe someone who knew what they were doing could help me figure out my head a little.
     Then today, I woke up, and was feeling, "Fuck that idea.  I don't need a therapist.  I am doing fine."

     I thought I was going to have a great time at the coffee shop today, but Ms. Charming was there, and while I got my writing done, I didn't get much drawing in.
     Instead I had to deal with other people just sitting there.

     Granted, I don't mix well with people when I am trying to get my work done.
     Some people go to the cafe to work, others to relax.  I go there to work, think, smoke, drink coffee, relax....and draw chicks walking by.  I didn't even do much of that today.

Friday, March 11, 2011

BIMMO Magazine

     I came up with Bimmo Magazine as my answer to 'MAD' when I was sixteen.  I just wanted to do that kind of nonsense humor, but in my own way. 
     Not having any other ideas for a new blog, maybe I will revive 'Bimmo', and probably no one will read it.  Or I will just do 'Bimmo' stuff on this blog until someone notices, which in my case, might take a long time.
     My youtube channels do just fine, but I have not had much luck with blogging yet, even though I have over two-hundred blog entries.  I guess it is not enough.  Nothing is ever good enough for anybody anyhow.
     Anyway, I had a good day today playing 'Clone Wars Adventures' and spending a couple of hours making and posting videos.  It is not always easy to make the videos come out the way I want.  I've been adding text to video, and it takes a while to put it all in, and get the timing right, and to watch the video over and over again to make sure I did it right, and that it has some kind of flow and rhythm to it.
     Anyhow, I might have some 'Lord of The Rings Online' action later tonight.  That might be fun.
     I filmed a lot of lotro last week-end, and spent two days making videos for it, but not many people watch those.  Maybe they will over time, maybe they won't.  I can't tell if the videos are all that good.  They might be a drag for others to watch.  It is a specialized audience who would bother to watch lotro videos.  I have better luck with Clone Wars Adventures, because the kids are all crazy about that stuff. 
     'Lord of The Rings' requires reading to be a real fan. 
     For Star Wars, all you have to do is see a couple of movies.
     Anyhow, I've been involved in all of this online gaming, and all I really want to do is look at chicks.
    Oh yeah, I'm supposed to be getting ready for an art show.  I will have to do something about that soon.

     I'm hungry.  I have to buy something to eat.  It never ends.
     At least I have some money to buy some food with, that is always a plus.

     I could use a grant for all of my art activities.  I will have to get me one.

     This is a girl from Clone Wars Adventures, but the women in Star Wars Galaxies Online are much more my style.

     Here is my bounty hunter friend 'Arran Goldbooster'.  He is really serious about the bounty hunting thing.  It is pretty funny.        


Seeing so many naked men at the Y just makes me want to see naked women.

     So here is a real naked woman.  Just normal and natural.  No fake tits, or anything.  It's kind of unusual to see a normal, naked woman.  I don't have the opportunity that often.
     I did draw live, nude models in life drawing class for twenty years.  I'll have to start doing that again.
     The human body is a beautiful thing, and it doesn't always have to be sexual.  Sometimes, most of the time, it just is.

     See?  She is natural.  Much better.  It is actually good to see real breasts, instead of all the fake ones all over the web.

      I also like how she is standing like a normal person.  She is not posed.  Just standing there.  Her left hand is caught in movement.

     As an artist, to paint and draw this figure, I actually need all of these photos for reference.  The people who do 3D character designs for online games are always in need of good photos of the figure, from every single perspective possible.  Sometimes they have to use different photos from different people, and put it all together that way.

     So, is nudity wrong?  No, not really.  Just depends on what you use it for.
     A lot of people don't even like nudity in art, even though it is drawn or painted, and is completely fictional.
     Some people really like it.
     Over the years, a lot of women have liked my female figure studies, in addition to men.  It all depends on the drawing, the pose of the model, and how it is all handled.

     Sometimes, photographs of the figure, especially in porn, just have too much light on the bodies.  Photographers of porn really aren't into light and shade, and that is a shame.  Too much light flattens everything out, and makes it all 'graphic'.
     But these photos are normal and natural, like your girlfriend walking naked around the apartment.  No big deal.

     Generally, I think the U.S.A. is really fucked up about sex and sexuality, though.  I understand the whole protecting the kids thing, and that is fine, and it is the law.  Okay, but once you are over 18, which most people are, then there should be some freedom besides just cheesy porn at 7-11.
     Views on nudity, well, for a lot of people, it might as well be 1911.
     A lot of people have old-fashioned minds once they settle down, reverting to how their parents thought.
     Not me.  The way my parents thought didn't do me much good.

     So, the photos in this blog entry aren't really porn, even though I took the photos off of a website.  They could be porn, but the way I show them, they are 'figure studies'.  So, jack off to them, or draw them, or make 3D computer models from them, that is your business.
     I wish I had photos of the same exact pose, at the same point in time, on the right and left, and from the backside.  That would be cool and helpful.
     Artists need tons of photos.

     I see in the world that there is still a lot of idealization of the female form.  These photos are just so normal, that's what I love about them.

     A lot of people make nudity into this big event, but you know as well as I that after being naked with someone for the first time, in five minutes, all the nudity becomes pretty normal, as if it is all something you have seen before...and then you start to see the person behind the nudity.

     It all doesn't matter, anyway, does it?

My Cafe Experience was ruined today.

     Some person at the cafe I go to every day watches everything I do, so it is hard to write and draw with someone looking at you all the time.
     I don't care if someone is a transvestite with tattoos on his face.  That doesn't bother me in the least.  It's the loud audible voice that carries through the cafe when he talks, because it is above conversation level.  His voice is very nasal, so that is annoying, but then it is the constant looking at me to see if I am noticing him.  I could care less, I just want to be left alone and do my thing.

     Then there was this guy at the YMCA yesterday.  I'm just standing there in a towel, shaving.  A fully nude man walks up to the sink, slamming down his shaving cream can on the counter, so I look over, he has tattoos on his chest, his schlong is hanging out, and this guy needs some attention.
     The problem is, it is the YMCA, and I'm just trying to give myself a goddamn shave.  Plenty of gay bath houses in the city.
     I don't care if a guy is gay or not, it is none of my business.  I just don't need a naked guy standing right next to me.

     The YMCA men's locker room is...well, uh...lots of men seem to like to prance around nude.  One guy walked out of the steam room with his towel balled up over his dick, holding the towel there, the rest of him exposed, with his ass hanging out.
     Then there was this over-weight guy checking to see what guys were going in and out of the shower.  There is a lot of that going on.

     Old, out of shape men should maybe wrap themselves in a towel when walking around the locker room?

     One old man bent over to get a drink of water in the nude.  That is a great opportunity to use a towel.  No one wants to see that.

     Then I'm just standing there taking a shower, and there are plenty of showers available, and the guy has to pick the one directly across from me, so then I move to another shower where he can't see me, and I certainly don't want to look at him.

     People have a little too much fun at their 'Nudist Camp Locker Room'.  I just go in there, shower, change, and get the hell out.  I have heard men talking about 'paying $300 to see Madonna in concert', what kind of salad dressing goes good on salad, and other things that makes me want to hear some bros talking about football, and I usually hate sports talk, too, which is the other end of the spectrum.

     Every day I go to the YMCA, there is usually some fucked up thing.  I was in the steam room, and out of the blue, some guy starts moaning...haha...."Nice sound effects," I said. 
     "Thanks," he replied.

     I have seen a guy walking out of the steam room half-mast barely covering his dick with a towel.

     I did hear a story of a guy masturbating in the steam room, with other guys watching, but that guy was kicked out of the YMCA.

     So, it is not always a comfortable experience to change my clothes at the Y.  Too many eyes, whereas, I don't care to see naked men, unless I was making a 'David Hockney' kind of painting.
     I wouldn't care sitting in there to draw, but the lighting is bad.  Too bright.  Plus, I'd rather be in the women's locker room drawing and sketching.  The women would leave me alone in there, because they don't care about me anyhow, haha.

     I don't know if anyone from the Y will ever read this.  I don't care if they do or not.  It's just my experience of going there.  It is neither good or bad.  It's just San Francisco, is all.  I just kind of feel that the men's locker room is a peep show for some people.  That ain't exactly right.  There are other places for that.

     I'm into the 'Mind Your Own Business' thing.

     Yet, I sit there at the cafe, and draw people. If I feel they are annoyed by it, I don't do it.  Some people like it.
    I draw women as they walk up and down the street.  They don't like being stared at for the most part, but I'm just trying to draw, which doesn't hurt anybody. 
     I do take pictures once in a while if the woman is stunningly beautiful, or if there is something about her.  Sometimes I take pictures so that I can draw them later.

     So, anyway, I don't know what to think about this blog entry, I'm just being honest.  Some of the things that happen bother me later, so I write about things to externalize my thoughts, and then I don't have to think about them anymore.

     No one reads my blog, so this entry probably won't be discovered for some time, and whether it is today or ten years from now, it won't matter.

     At least people have stopped talking on their goddamn cell phones in the locker room, that was annoying.

     I'm pretty sure people have probably filmed in there secretly, which is just wrong, probably jacking it to what they filmed...haha.

     I can pretty much tell that there are men in there who really want some action to happen in the locker room, but restrain themselves, because they don't want their membership revoked.    You can see it on their yearning faces, but that isn't any of my business, nor is it my problem, as long as they mind their own goddamn business.

Bimmo Magazine

     Maybe I'll make a blog called, 'Bimmo Magazine'.  It would be the online version of something I started when I was 16, but is basically my version of 'MAD'.
     It's either that, or 'Art Porn Magazine'.
     Or maybe I'll do both.
     When I can't decide, I just do it all, fuck it.
     I wouldn't say this blog is doing particularly well, and why should it?  No one cares, and no one reads anymore.  No one knows who I am or cares, and really, why should they?  No reason at all.
     The only thing that matters is that I have a good time.

     This girl video taped me a bit, so I photographed her.

     Here's her friend.

     They were both nice girls, it looked like they were tourists.  Both of them were young and pretty.  They weren't exceptionally beautiful, but if I met them at a bar, and if they were in the mood to party, I'd say, "Let's go!"

     In other news, there was an earthquake and tsunami in Japan....ouch.  8.6.  Hundreds confirmed dead. 

     The world is fucked up.

     Good things happen and then bad things happen.

     I would say that if The Earth had a spirit soul, and perhaps it does in the Alternate Universe, that it would not be too happy about how humans have treated The Planet Earth in the last one-hundred years.

     Or perhaps The Earth just had a zit, and it popped.  In scale to us, that is one hell of a pop.

Friday, March 4, 2011

'Blatant Nudity' was the first title that came to mind.

     Haha.     Anyway, I am an artist, and I've spent twenty years making drawings from the human figure, both clothed and nude.  I like bodies, but drawing the figure was part of my course curriculum in the various schools and classes I attended.  I'm always looking for ways to express the human form.  For this one, I found a stock photo that I liked, and photographed that.  It's quite a change in effect from the original photo.  Especially in the portrait of the head, she still conveys nudity as her shoulders are bare.  In the second photo, nudity is blatant, but there is no identity to the body, except in the photo above it, which you assume belongs together. The breasts are obviously fake....implants.  Then I noticed something about the vagina.  It looks like the photographer used black electrical tape to cover the labia, perhaps to give the area darkness for the black and white photo, or perhaps to....wait, maybe he just used a black permanent marker on that area.  The pose is about 'empowerment, yet she has implants for breasts, and her vagina is modified.  Her face has make-up with lots of mascara.  She is naked without being nude.  Or is it the other way around?  The artificial aspects of her body make it seem so that she is not naked at all.  She has artifice to hide behind.  Presumably, she got paid a fair amount by the photographer.  With all the make-up on her face, she would not be easily identified in public for this photo, therefore, she is not afraid to model nude.
     The nude female body is a beautiful thing, and she is certainly beautiful.  She has excellent muscle tone, indicating she must do yoga or ballet.  Her breasts and face almost look out of place with the rest of her body, though.
     The portrait portion is very thought provoking on its own, and there is no need to show the rest of her body.  She is looking upwards, perhaps in contemplation.  The hands and arms are not shown, and only later do we discover she is flexing, and is perhaps making a statement about female power.  In the first photo, all that doesn't matter.  She says it all with no real nudity at all.  The portrait and the body become two different things.  It is often difficult for anybody to acknowledge all aspects of a person, all at the same time.
     Knowing nothing about this woman still gave me a chance to examine certain aspects of portraiture, the expression of nudity and nakedness ( which is which? ), the real and the artificial, the staged and the unstaged, natural vs. imposed...I learned a lot from doing this photographic exercise.  It is also an examination of what is pornography and what is not.  If it was porn, would that be bad?  Who knows? 

          Depending on where I took the photograph with its distance from the computer screen changed the lighting subtly, and creates different moods.  The lighting in my art studio actually affected how these photos came out, changing them ever so slightly from the original.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I visit my blog more than anybody else.

     I must be my biggest fan.  Someone has to do it.
     Walt Whitman, the poet, he wrote 'Song of Myself'.  He had to be his own biggest fan, because no else would.  He ended up making a significant literary contribution.  I don't think many people read him these days, besides people in college.  I haven't seen anyone carrying around a Walt Whitman book in some time.  I think the last person I saw carrying around a book by Walt Whitman was me, and that was over ten years ago.
     I had a good yoga class.  I was two minutes late, so I ended up being in the front of the class.  The word of the day was 'integrated'. 
     I was pre-occupied a little.  With four brothers and two sisters, I have a lot of minds I have to sift through.
     My EverQuest character died last night, and it was a brutal death.  No other game makes my heart sink more than when I die during an EQ battle.
     If you star in a television show that is popular, you can make a lot of money.  If you are owner of the show, you can make more.  I wouldn't mind owning a television show, and collecting royalty checks when it goes into syndication. 
     I don't know exactly what day my art show is.  It is coming up.  I still have a lot of work to do for it.  I don't know if working on the art will help or not.  I am expecting zero sales.  No one I know has money to buy art.

     I haven't made any yoga art.  I haven't had any yoga models.

     I am glad I can take yoga classes, and participate in a daily group exercise class.  It's good for me to be a part of the human race in some capacity.  The women are pretty cute, but I try not to stare or look.  Sometimes it is a challenge, like the other day when a very attractive woman was bending over right in front of me as she was setting up.  At times like that, I just try and relax and breathe deeply.
     I've never gotten an erection during class, but there have been times when I feel little pulses, and then I have to think about something else.  Not good to go into Mountain Pose standing there with a signpost pointing due north...haha.

     This blog is not really for my family.  I hope they never look at it.  This isn't really for them.  It is more for me.  I already have to make clean rated G type videos once in a while just so I can show my brothers at least some of my work.  My two sisters don't seem to show much interest in what I am doing, they are into their own stuff.  That's okay.

     I saw a beautiful blonde woman in a grey office skirt right after class.  I wanted to photograph her walking with her blonde friend who was also nice looking, but I resisted.  I can't photograph every woman I see, though I would like to.

     I would like to draw people while in yoga class once in a while, but I guess it is better to participate.  I'm an artist, though, and it is no problem for me to spend an hour drawing people.  I'd probably end up drawing all the women's asses.

     I gave my blog address to one of my former yoga teachers that I see at the cafe once in a while.  I don't know if that was a mistake.  If she reads any entry of mine, I'm sure she will see how 'non-yoga' my mind is.  I've read a lot of Robert Crumb comic books, and I have no plans anytime soon of changing the way I think.  I like women, and I lust after them and admire them all day long.  They are beautiful and the sight of them makes me feel alive, so fuck it.

     I don't think I'll ever get married.  I like too many women.  I think I've pretty much decided that I want to have sex with as many different women as I can while I am alive, as often as possible.  The truth of the matter is that I haven't been on too many dates lately.  I'm busy, I got things to do, and art to make, and I haven't had too many women interested in me anyhow, so fuck that, too.

     I could write a whole blog entry about masturbation.  Haha.  I could probably devote a whole blog site to 'The Joys of Masturbation', and write a journal entry for every time I do it, and show the girl I got off on...haha.  I'm sure I'd have at least three-hundred entries a year.  Some days I just forget to do it.  Other days, I just need a release, or to chemically change my mind, or to relieve stress, or so that I can sleep.  Any number of reasons.  I don't think anything is wrong with it.  Everybody does it, whether they admit it or not.

     Back to marriage, it wouldn't really benefit me.  The day I get married would be the beginning of the countdown towards divorce.  I could never provide enough financial support for a woman, I'm barely scraping by myself, so marriage is just out of the question.  Besides, you have to be dating someone before you can ever marry them.
     There always comes a day in the relationship where it suddenly isn't fun anymore.  The chemical of 'the love blindness' wears off.  If two people really love each other, a marriage can last a lifetime.  I believe that.  My problem is that I like to be alone a lot, so I am no fun for anyone else.  At least I am honest.  I have enough problems that I have to deal with, and I can't be bothered with anniversaries and holidays and visiting in-laws.  Doesn't sound like any fun for me.  The main reason to get married is if you want to have kids.  I don't want to have kids.  I am the kid.  I am the kid I want, and I just want to have fun.  I've been a kid for forty-three years, and it is pretty fun.
     Most women want to mate with a taller, richer, more successful man, anyhow.

     I'm usually the fall-back guy, when a woman breaks up with someone, I'm always available with no kiss and tell.  I think relationships should be private.  It's no one else's business.
     People in The U.S. of A. like to get into other people's business, though.  I guess they have nothing better to do.

     I feel better now.

     Weird writing a blog.  Putting all of my personal, private thoughts for anyone who cares to read it.  When I am writing in my sketchbook, I am always very protective of anyone even glancing at what I am writing or drawing.  I don't like it when people look.  It's an invasion of my privacy.  I'm not there to entertain anyone, I'm just minding my own business.
     Here I don't give a fuck.  I doubt anyone reads this blog any how, or ever will.

     Here's photo I found on the web from some 'stock-photo' site.  What I do is use 'non-flash' on my camera, and then take the picture so that the logo or text of the photo is not included.  It is a photograph of a photograph.
     As an artist, I'm glad I found a nude of this pose.  It is hard to see how the muscles on the body work when in athletic poses if clothes are in the way all the time.
     This model does have a pretty cute butt, however.  

     As an artist, when I draw from an actual model or a photograph, I always need multiple views to get understanding of the form.  The human body operates in three-dimensional space, and when an artist draws a human form on a two-dimensional surface, the third dimension must be implied and recognized, or else everything looks flat.  Also, the viewers of art are disappointed if the artist does not have a comprehension of the third-dimension and does not express that understanding.  Some people like flat comic book characters, and cartoons, so you never know sometimes, but real art has to have intelligence.


     I'm sure you've seen 'Blade Runner' with the focusing in of details on the photo.  Here the photo begins to be pixelated, but when I'm drawing this figure from a photo, I need to see how the shadows work over the form.  Yes, real models are better, but even a real model couldn't hold this pose for more than twenty seconds.  This is a very difficult pose requiring years of training to achieve.  Even with the close-up on this photo, it is still not easy to see how the muscles of the back are working together.

     One of the most difficult things to do in figure drawing is to get the size of the head in correct proportion to the body.  I always fuck up on that.  How big the head can indicate how tall the figure is.  Proportions in comic books are exaggerated, making the head smaller to increase the heroic stature of the super-heroes until they look pretty ridiculous.
     Superheroes these days the way they are drawn are pretty much nude with their costume painted on, but no anatomical features are shown.  Men are often drawn with indication of nipples, but women are not, because...comic books are for kids.  To me, this all makes it a little gay.  I come from the days when Captain Kirk was fucking everything in the galaxy, haha.
     Anyway, it is a great photo just to show what the ass looks like while in this pose.  Comic book artists should take note.  They often don't use models, and make up the figures out of their head, and everybody looks fucked up in these impossible poses.  This photo shows what is really happening.
     The artist always has to make choices.

     I'd like to get a model, and with my knowledge of ballet, modern dance, and yoga, get her to pose in every position, and photograph each pose.  I would also photograph feet and hands, facial expressions.  From one person, with my digital camera, I'm sure I could get three-hundred photos easy in an hour or two.  That would be enough to capture the essence of a person.  One or two photographs of anybody doesn't really do them justice.
     There is the fourth dimension of 'time'.
     Many photos can look like the person, but not really be that person.
     Artists get into trouble when everyone they draw looks pretty much like a self-portrait.  Artists have to be very giving to break out of their own conceptions, and to capture the essence of another human being.  It is not easy.
     There is always this look to people I draw, and I usually have to redraw things a second or third time to make them look more like them.
     Vision changes during the course of a drawing.  Lighting can change, and the facial expression of the model can change, as it settles into the pose.  The mood in the room can change.
     I've been thinking how a drawing can be a version of 'time-lapse' photography.  The piece of paper serves as 'a photographic plate' by which the memory jots down the impressions of the dance of light and shade that makes up the form.
     There is another thing, too.  Are you drawing a body in space, or a spirit-soul?  Both?  Humans are more than their bodies.
     Looking at this photo, I know nothing of this person.  Even unclothed, I know nothing of her except her physical history of movement is recorded in her muscles.
     That is some ass, yes it is.  I would like to get my hands on that, but that is impossible.  With drawing or painting this picture, I could begin to feel what her form must feel like.  It is the next best thing to being with her.
     The artist gets to know people in different ways, though.  The artist gets to experience not only what it feels to be with that person, but what it feels like to be them.
     Some kind of transposition should take place.

     The way I would paint the background would be less mechanical than this photograph.
     The camera records, but often does not interpret.
     The camera only has one eye. that is the problem, too.

     Three-dimensional figures in video games are becoming amazing and stunning to look at.  Even in EverQuest, I turn that game on, and I am just stunned.  These game designers know what they are doing.

     This is a pretty amazing figure.

     Here is Bauvy, my main.

     Here is her butt.  Not bad, but this is an older model design.
     The dream is to have actual perfect 3-D representations of humans, with everything anatomically correct, and functioning in 3-D game space.  They have porn games where people can walk around naked, and copulate, but I don't know if those games would be fun after five minutes.  It's all getting better, though.

     I still like EverQuest, I've been playing again.  It is a rad game, and is still challenging.  They have very good players on that game, who have been there a long time, and they are always friendly and helpful.  Plus, they hate World of Warcraft, so that is good.

     I like being in fantasy world games.  It is fun.          

     Why do artists draw and paint women?  Well, one answer is no one likes to look at a naked guy.  Well, some people do.  Even women like to look at women, whether they admit it or not.  Women don't like porn, but they look at it when they come over to my place.  They don't keep the stuff at home, but they look at the stuff at a guy's place if they have it around.  It is fascinating,...for about five minutes.  The problem with porn is there is too much light in the photos, and you can't really see the form.  It's all flat.  They don't know how to light the set.  It all becomes very graphic in the sense that it is mathematical, and not artistic.  Then they have crappy text in porn magazines, written by some dickhead on a computer pretending to be a woman, or writing what he thinks men want to read when they are looking at female bodies in heat.  It's mostly a turn-off, and makes the reader feel stupid, since the text is so in the way and obnoxious.  It cheapens the sexual experience.  The porn industry has a long way to go instead of all this fake and phony shit, but, a lot of porn is produced in L.A. so what do you expect?  A lot of women participate in porn for the money, but then their lives get a little dull, and they want out of the industry.  The money is usually good while they are in it.
     I've never done porn.  I wonder what it would be like to fuck on camera?  It would probably be annoying, as you are trying to do your business, and no one wants to see the guy.  Men should wear masks in porn movies, who cares about them?  Then they always have the executive producer of the movie fuck the actress for a scene, some guy in his fifties with a gold chain on...haha.  Then the camera man wants a shot, too, so everybody can get into the act.  Just how it goes in the porn world.  Lots of porn stuff happens in San Francisco, too.  Big business here.

     Anyway, there are my thoughts on the body at this time.  I don't have an editor, and I just write what comes to mind.
     Even after everything I wrote, there were still some 'self-edits' that took place.  I try not to involve other people besides myself on this blog, keeping it more to my thoughts, and my perceptions.  To be honest, yoga women are hot, and there is nothing I can do about it, so it is frustrating.  Then I walk outside, and there are hot women, too.  They are everywhere, don't you love it?  So that is why I can't get married, you know?  Why would I do that?  Why would I even get into a relationship?  There is no point for me, because I want it all.  I would rather have nothing, and suffer.  There's kind of a joy in that, too.  My mind is an orgy of everything.  Even non-sexual things become sexual.  That's what life is about, when there is life everywhere, and death is forgotten.