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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dakthar The Dwarf

     Dakthar is a good dwarf.  There are two versions of him.  The first is in EverQuest, the second is in 'Lord of The Rings Online', and the name is spelled 'Daktharr' there.
     I like the name, and the character.  At times he can be a prolific swearer, and a heavy drinker.  Other times he can be warm-hearted, and getting the job done. 
     Tonight he killed a female archer, and looked at her dead corpse laying on the grass, noticing that the character model showed some ass cheek as she lay lifeless. 
     This online gaming experience reminded me of a time when I had sex with a woman late at night in a park, and she was laying on the grass, but she was alive.  I still like her, I'd give her a hug if I saw her, she was sweet.  Her friend was adorable.  This one was more of a brainy type.  She wore glasses, and I think that is pretty hot.  I like girls with glasses.
     Anyway, Dakthar is short and stocky.  Very muscular, he swings his axe hard, and likes to cleave.  Running around in his armor all the time, he probably needs to shower more, but there is a war on.
     Dakthar has a full beard, and it isn't necessarily kept well.  He doesn't have time for grooming, not with the orc invasion at hand.  He really hates orcs enough to leave his homeland, and put an end to the scourge of filth.

     I like Dakthar.  I identify with dwarves more than elves.

     I've been making lots of Lotro videos on youtube, and they aren't watched much, and I don't care.  It's a hobby I enjoy, to make these Lord of the Rings videos of anything I want.  I try to have fun, and try and tie things in to real life. 

     I've been trying to work out my own alternate universe system for all my fictional characters.

     My family doesn't like me talking about them much, so I was wondering if I should say I don't have a family, or create my own fictional family, and then I could talk about them all I want.
     I guess that is the whole idea of fiction, to make characters say and do whatever you want.
     I like non-fiction, too, as long as it is honest.  Some non-fiction can cross the line into fictional territory.

     Anyway, what does 'Dakthar The Dwarf' mean to me?  Well, he ain't Conan The Barbarian, or Elric The Albino Elf from Melnibone, or any other person's fictional character.  He's mine, and I can relate to him.

     Dakthar likes to fuck, too.  He is no stranger to the ways of the pussy.  Having experience in the mines, he is naturally into tunnels of all kinds.

     When I was a kid, I liked being small at times.  I could easily go under tables, or into small areas that larger people couldn't get access to.  I still can, I'm pretty flexible, but it was fun being a kid in that sense.

     I always wondered if people noticed me much as a kid.  I was hoping they did, but I guess I was just a kid.
     Now I am 43, and I know they don't notice me much.  Well, they do, but they don't say much to me in person, nor do they comment on what I do on the web much.  I guess I create that effect on people, they don't know what to say, or I don't make them care enough to say anything.

     Dakthar can be a right bastard, and so can I.

     Yet, Dakthar and I are two different people.

     It isn't easy to create a fictional character.  You have to live with them for a while.

     I have other characters I am working on, as I develop my own personal alternate universe.  I am discovering many alternate realities.
     I am not satisfied with the term 'universe', though.  To me, it is becoming more of a multiverse, with many different realities, and dimensions.
     Good to keep it simple, though.

     I noticed this blog is getting hits in various countries.  I don't know if it is a mechanized bot, or real people that read this.  I assume they are using a program that translates English.

     That would be cool to develop a world-wide audience, because one thing is for sure, no one gives a fuck about me in The United States for the most part, haha.  And why should they?  People don't care about other people when the necessities of life are always prominent.  Most people I know scrape by on rent, and are lucky to get enough to eat.

     Anyway, I plan on doing more with Dakthar The Dwarf, maybe even making some comics.

     I tried to make a new blog today and a website, but it all got complicated really fast, so I'll just stick with what I got for the meantime, and see what happens.

     I'm all about having a good time.

     By the way, Daktharr became level 19 tonight, but he really needs some help on this quest.  I'm going to have to get some help from someone, otherwise these human brigands are going to make toast out of me.

     One thing is for sure, Dakthar swears a lot more than this dwarf.

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