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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Hello, Human Race"

     Again, that was the first title that came to mind.  It just happens automatically, and then I kind of 'go with it'.  Eventually, I just write about the same shit anyway, so the title doesn't really matter anyhow, except I guess to attract humans to read the blog, based on if the title appeals to them.  I don't really care if people read this or not.  A movie can have a great title, and still be a shitty movie. 
     "Where The Wild Things Are" was a movie with a title with great promise.  Five minutes into the movie, I knew I was in for a real sucktastic experience, which turned out to be true.  It seems it would have been better to just photograph the pages of the book, have someone read the story, and that would be the movie.  Sometimes Hollywood people get all fancy because they have more money and props than they know what to do with, and then the movie ends up being shit.
     Meanwhile, a 14 year old can make a Lego animation video that millions will watch on youtube because it has some soul to it, and some real interest in the subject matter. blog update is that thirty-one people have seen my 'The Sexual Proclivities of The Fantastic Four' making it my fourth highest viewed blog entry.  It just goes to show that you never know what people will like, so the idea is to just put everything out there, and let people decide if they like it or not.
     I have been aware that there is a market for 'superhero porn'.  I found hentai videos of The X-Men fucking each other, so I know there are people out there who like that shit.
     Having The Thing fuck Sue Richards is well, very heterosexual of me, in my opinion.  Comic books these days seem a little gay to me, because everyone is in costumes, and men and women don't seem to have much interest in each other, but everyone is into their real cool costumes.
    Makes me think about making a superhero based on Neil Young, and just have him be all scruffy, but he has awesome powers.

     My youtube update is that I got 51,000 hits on the new channel, and 330,000 on the old one.
     I got 500 hits yesterday, due in part to the fact that it was William Shatner's 80th birthday, so I guess they watched my William Shatner videos.

     I had a good yoga class today.  There was a woman showing off her muscular back, so when I see that, it's like an anatomy lesson for me.  I love women with muscular backs, it is fascinating to me.  I think she had breast implants, though, because when she lay down, her breasts seemed to be like two jello molds resting there.  Still looked damn cute, though.  I wish I could have whipped out my drawing pad and started drawing.

     I had a nice coffee at my outdoor office location today, and was drawing yoga women from memory.  I try to remember what I can, then the memories slowly dissipate, especially in the new environment, and then it was a little cold today, and then I start noticing the cute office women. 
     There was a woman in a gray office skirt whose ass would not be done justice with a no. 2 pencil.  I needed a large sketchpad and some charcoal to really get the luscious form of her butt in all its dimensions.

     I watch porn off of redtube, and there is this reoccurring red-haired guy that doesn't seem especially good-looking or in shape or anything, but he sure does seem to bang a lot of hot women.  He must be a nice guy while on the set, so people like to work with him.  So he seems to be playing his cards right doing what he likes to do.  Getting paid, fucking women...seems like a good life.  He seems to be having a good time.  Doesn't seem like he would do too well with women in the real world, but in the porn world, he gets laid a lot.

     People judge the porn world I guess.  Some of the women start out working at Domino's Pizza or Burger King, and after six months they realize how much that sucks, and how miserable their lives will be making minimum wage, so they get into porn, have fun, make their money, and hopefully save up enough money to do what they want, raise kids, or do whatever they want later in life.
     I grew up Mormon, and they were always telling us not to look at porn, but I wanted to see naked women, so that's what I did.
     They also told us not to masturbate when I didn't even really know what that was.  I used to have this weird guilt about jacking off, as if God was watching.  I eventually realized that was impossible because even if there was a god, I don't think he would care if I was jacking it off or not.
    Jesus Christ probably masturbated just to try it out when he was a teen.

     Let's see, what else?  They took out the coffee machine at the cigarette store next door.  Dang.  I hope they get coffee back in there soon.  I like going there to get coffee.

     I was thinking I could put more videos in my blog entries.  I could give that a try.  I don't know if people care or not about that.  I'm all over youtube, that seems to be good enough.

     This is a video I made today that I put on youtube.  I like the Howard Stern show a lot, and Sal's pitch for a movie idea seemed to me to be a good subject for a slide show video.

     I generally like anything that has to do with 'Frankenstein'.  I've read the book five times, which is a masterpiece of literature.
     Films of 'Frankenstein' are hit and miss.
     The 1931 Frankenstein is incredible even if you just look at the Black and White contrast of the compositions, and how it was filmed.  Someone who knew art and photography really knew what they were doing.
     Meanwhile, I saw a silent film version of 'Frankenstein', and it was just awful.
     The Frank movie with Kenneth Branagh and Robert DeNiro was a hard watch...Bob did not make a good Frankenstein.
     Want to read the best presentation of Frankenstein in book form?  Read the Marvel Comics one with the Berni Wrightson illustrations.  That one is incredible.   

     A note about 'Young Frankenstein'.  Careful giving Mel Brooks too much credit.  Gene Wilder wrote the script, and gave a historic performance.
     Mel Brooks' 'High Anxiety' which was made a couple of years after...I've never been able to sit through the whole thing.

     Let's see...what else to write about?  Tons.  Just depends if I want to or not.  Lots on my mind.
     I did choose to put black type on a white background on this blog so people could actually read it if they wanted to.  People get all fancy with multi-colored type and backgrounds, but I just want my page to be easy to read.  A lot of people are on trains while they look at their portable electronic devices, and it is hard enough to read when everything is shaking around, without lots of distracting things on the screen.  That is my guess.  I don't have a portable electronic device yet.

     So I skimmed over the google license agreements for posting video.  I'm still not exactly sure what I can or can not do here.  I just want to obey the law, and not infringe on anyone else's rights.  The images I took off the web, and I took the Howard audio from someone else's video.  I did my best to arrange the material in a creative way, and of course, to humor myself.

     Eating an orange seems like a good idea. 

     I could use some coffee, too.  It is always a good time for coffee.

     "Good-bye, Human Race".  Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. Banned Utah Humor !

    (1) Three levels of LDS heaven: celestial, terrestrial, cholesterol !
    (2) LDS houses are painted by Ladder-Day Saints.
    (3) Brigham Young, when looking down on the Salt Lake Valley, said "This is the place." How come so many folks settled in that valley if he looked down on it?
    (4) Did Adam Swapp get his wives at a Swapp meet?
    (5) New Mormon cat food: 9 Wives !
    (6) What's a plastic covered Indian? A laminated Lamanite. Of course I've known this since I was Nephite to a grasshopper.
    (7) Mormon: Someone who is more man than woman. Is "Mormon" short for "More Money"?
    (8) Mormonism teaches that we can know truth if there is a "burning in the bosom." Joseph Smith was the first Mormon who had a bosom below his belt !
    (9) Brigham lived in the Lion House which helped him to keep on Lion.
    (10) Utah is the only state where you can spell "Moron" with two m's. And it's the only state where the sheep take care of the cattle !

    (Glenn Beck, Jon Huntsman Jr., Warren Jeffs, Thomas Monson, and Mitt Romney did not approve of the above humor.)

    (saw above net goodie - Steve)
