Hi. I don't have anything to say right now. I just wanted to write something, but I don't know what.
I'm just at the cafe right now.
I'm starting to read over my entries like I would any other blog. I am starting to see mistakes that I can't possibly see while I am writing the first draft of the entry.
It is a constant quest for the truth of what it is I am writing.
I am finding that there are better ways I can say things, better descriptions I could do, and more complete thinking that I need to do.
Also, research is really important, and I could start citing my references.
Writing ain't easy, that is for sure. It takes hard work.
A week can go by before you have the clarity and distance required to edit a piece properly.
Writing is the fun part, editing is the real work. Editing can be fun when it makes the piece of writing better, though.
The thing to remember on the web is the stuff you put up here stays here forever, so it is important to do your best work. I am starting to find that out.
I am building an audience, little by little, and I don't want to disappoint them by not doing my best work all the time.
People do assume that anything you put out is your best work, and if it isn't up to snuff, then they don't think too well of you.
I like to write more than I like to talk sometimes. When I write, I can really work out my thoughts. Talking is letting it all out of the bottle, never to return. But talk can be useful, too, in that it makes room for new thoughts, in the exact same way a computer works with its memory. Get rid of things on your computer so you can have more room to put new stuff in.
I am on the edge of memory with both my computer and my mind. I put a lot of stuff into both, and then the Operating System can get clogged.
Computers help you to understand how your own mind works. Cool, huh?
Computers are a great thing. They turned out to be better than anybody could have ever imagined.
Not easy to explain, but it took them a while so that anybody could use them.
What is brilliant is that a 9 year old girl can get onto a computer and navigate her way around. That is amazing.
Anyway, I got to get out of here.
I have some important work to do, and all of my mental shit can wait until later.
Thanks for reading, to anybody who comes across my work. It will improve over time, I just have to go over it all, and figure out what the hell it is that I am trying to do.
In a way, I'm writing messages to myself in the future, and I invite anybody who wants to go along for the ride to have a good time.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
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