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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Rod Serling's Refridgerator

     I have several entries for this blog that I am itching to write.  I have to do it at home, because I have the photos I want to use on my home computer.  I am here at the cafe now.  I don't often get into 'writing for a blog' mood when I am at home with everything going on.
     I thought that I might get into blog writing last night, but I was busy researching several subjects on wikipedia.  It was some good reading, going into stuff about old t.v. shows.  I like that stuff.
     Anyway, I'm at the cafe.  I got a good cup of coffee, and plenty of time to write.
     I haven't been drawing much, and I haven't painted in weeks.  This is unusual for me.
     My studio has so much stuff in it, that I can barely move around in there anymore.
     Oh well.
     Time to step outside for a smoke.
* * *

     I'm trying to write, but the skateboarders decided it is a really good time to practice their skateboarding tricks.

     Anyway, how in f**k did Rod Serling write all those scripts for The Twilight Zone?  Jesus Christ, he worked his ass off.
     He had to work hard, he had a family to support.

     It's some good reading for the Rod Serling entry of wikipedia.  Give it a shot, you might like it.

     Rod was a good writer.

     An angry young man, he found an outlet that worked.

     Wow, the slick guy in Babylon 5 who is associated with The Shadows is based on the character of Rod Serling.

     Well, it looks like Rod Serling got into the television industry at the right time.
     He helped to shape content for decades to come.

     I know my father liked Rod Serling.  I guess my dad wanted to be like him, and have the success he had.
     It didn't happen.

     I used to watch Twilight Zone a lot as a kid.  It was a good show.
     I was so bored out of my skull growing up, shows like Twilight Zone gave me something to do in the afternoons.
     Some of the episodes were scary.  The image of a head on a spring was the most frightening image for me, from the Billy Mummy episode where he had powers.

     Anyway, I wish I could sell some television scripts and make some money.
     Poverty sucks.

     I'm going to have to do something about this plight I am in.

     I'll just have to keep producing my own material for youtube, and for this blog, and try to make something happen for myself.

     You only live once, and then you die.

     Forever, I will remember the sound of my father's electric typewriter, whizzing away on a Saturday afternoon, while I was downstairs in grandma's house, and I would just listen to that typewriter rhythm he had.
     It was music to my ears, quite different than my mother's piano playing, which I enjoyed, too.
     She never played Chopin, though.  She stuck to Mozart, and to classical standards like Bach and Brahms. 

     Anyway, it is 12:41 p.m.  Now what?

     I always get tons of ideas, and then when it gets time to do them, well, I freeze up, so I just end up doing whatever.

     Rod Serling was only 5'4", and was a ladies' man in college.

     Anyway, there is a guy sitting to the left of me in a blue jacket.  He is kind of a disturbing presence to me.  He is unshaven, and that is no big deal.
     I sense kind of an aimless energy about him, and he makes me feel uncomfortable.
     He has done nothing wrong, except just kind of sit there too close to me.
     It feels weird.

     I chose the title for this entry because it just popped into my head as I was writing it, and it sounded good to me.

     I wonder what Rod's refrigerator looked like?  And what did it have inside?

     Rod was a chain smoker.  I wonder what brand he smoked?

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