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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Red Wine and Soft Music

     Goddamn, I just feel like posting a picture of a naked sec, let me find one.  I have many to choose from....
     She looked like a happy girl, so I might as well put her picture up.  She looks like nudity doesn't bother her in the least.  She looks very happy and content.
     A lot of people are very screwed up in the head about bodies, and you know what?  It is all very natural and normal.  There is nothing to be ashamed about, unless you are a fucking lard ass who can't run around the block every once in a while.  Then you've got problems.  If you worry more about your hair and nails then that tub of lard you are carrying around, you might also have problems.
     You know what?  People love Jennifer Aniston for how good she looks.  Women copy her hairstyle, but they won't do the three yoga classes a week.  That is about all she does to look that good.  It's no mystery.  A lot of Americans are fat, ugly pigs, though, and they like television.

     I still haven't put any pictures of my penis on the web yet, or on this site.  I don't feel there is a reason to, or that anybody would be interested in that.  Yet, my dick seems to have a life of its own, and guides my interests sometimes.  The dick wants to get satisfied, so it makes me want to do questionable things.  I can't help it, I'm male.  I deal with it, and I move on.

     Most women don't really want to see a dick anyhow.  They just want the lights turned low, with a glass of red wine nearby, and some soft music.

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