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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Snow in The Gutter

     I woke up at 6:30 a.m., and I was pondering on whether or not to go to the cafe, and get an early start for the day.  I got on the computer for a while, and then it was, "Yup, I'm going back to bed."
     I ended up having a dream about being at Cal State Northridge, and I had classes to get to, and I was going to be late. 
     Somehow, I ended up talking to some woman, and I was in her apartment.  I still had enough time to make it to class. 
     Then she was having a brunch party, and everybody was dressed nice except me.
     By now, it had passed the time where I could make it to class.
     "Why don't you wear a nice silk shirt?," the woman said to me.
     I ended up talking to her privately for quite a while.
     Her mom was at the party, and she was good looking, too, and then I didn't know if I was going out with the mother or the daughter.  In any case, I did not know either of their names, and I didn't know anybody at the party.
     I hung out for a while, and then for no reason at all, I didn't even have a shirt on while I sat on the couch.
     Then I had to prove to her that the two bikes locked up outside were mine.  I had to show her that I had the keys to the locks.  She didn't want me to steal the neighbor's bikes, so I was able to unlock the bikes so she would believe me.
     Then a recurring dream occurred where I was on this L.A. dream freeway.  All the lanes go into downtown L.A., but there is no way back except through the streets, which takes forever.  If you miss the off ramp you are screwed, and you have to backtrack.  This freeway has appeared in my dreams over the years.  It is a one-way freeway.  I don't know why it still shows up.  I haven't driven for fifteen years at least.
     So that is my fucked up dream.

     I often go back to bed if I know that I am going to dream.  It is like seeing a free movie inside your head.

     This dream was articulate and clear.  I watched the dialogue-heavy Babylon 5 last night, and I was watching videos of 'Star Wars: The Old Republic' which is trying to make it so you are in an epic science fiction t.v. show.  It is also very cinematic.  I don't know if it encapsulates good acting, though.  Most of the dialogue comes off as emotionless and flat in the Star Wars tradition.  The hand and body movements aren't bad, but they are in no way complete.

     Anyway, it's another fucked up start on a beautiful day.  For some reason there was snow in the gutter.

  •      I have videos to post today.  I filmed a couple of new CWA videos.
  •      The music is good and alive here in the cafe.
  •      I don't know what anything means.
  •      My brother was down about blogging because you have to make $100 with adsense before they pay you.  It used to be $10.  I guess it is easier for them that way with the bookkeeping.  It also must mean that there are enough people that actually produce content that gives $100 from time to time.  There are some popular people on the web, and they must be getting paid.  Some people actually do get paid sizable amounts.  To accomplish this, you have to be really popular.  You have to be a human being that people like.  No one wants stuff from a stick in the mud.  They want to be entertained.  They want it to be funny.  They want everything to be awesome and incredible, enough to blow them away.  The youtube audience expects a lot, that much is true.
  •      A dream is what the mind does while the digestive system is working.  I've come to realize this as pretty much true.  Dreams are often correlated to the movement of material through the digestive track.  The twists and turns of a dream could be associated with shit moving through you.
  •      I am somewhat awake today.
  •      There have been days when I have gone to the cafe early, and I get my work done, but then I just end up crashing later, so I don't know what good it does me.  I do know that if I sleep well, and if I'm well-rested, that I write better.  When I am groggy, there isn't much point to writing, because it all comes out incomplete, disjointed, and awful.
  •      Emptying your bowels often clears the mind, too.  I hate to write about this, or mention it, but it seems to be true.
  •      The ramblings of a madman I don't think will do any good.
  •      So, I immersed myself in TOR videos.  Some of them are very long.  I don't know if there is an in-game camera, or if people are filming off the flat-screen like I do.  The quality of the videos look really good and clear.  It is funny when you have a good narrator going through the game.  It is a skill.  Not everybody is as entertaining.  This guy last night was okay, but he didn't know enough Star Wars terminology.  That is what wookiepedia is for, so everybody can be up to date on all things regarding Star Wars.  There is a lot of material there.  So much so that it is impossible to read it all.  There are a lot of entries, and some of them are quite long.
  •      Is the writing good on TOR?  Yeah, it is pretty good.  I don't know how they could do it better.   
  •      Why are all the actor's voices so flat?  Does the recording studio situation flatten any emotion that could be had?  Are the characters defined enough?  Do the actors know their characters, or does it even matter?  Babylon 5 has that same methodical approach to acting.  Lots of words spoken in a very dry manner, as if everybody is really well-read, and is ready to go at any moment with a paragraph from the encyclopedia.  It doesn't always seem natural.  It is as if they have squeezed all the emotion juice from that orange.
  •      My dream this morning reflected some of my current frustrations, I know this to be true.  I haven't been able to get it together recently, and I don't know how I will do it.
  •      I have to read today.  There is no point in writing if you don't read.
  •      I don't know how snow got in the gutter.  It was right in front of the market next door to my studio.  Maybe it fell out of a truck.  It was the icy kind of snow that would be there from yesterday, and froze during the night.  I know that kind of snow well.
  •      I feel better after a trip to the restroom.  All kinds of thoughts rush into my head.  I am still writing but I'm away from the keyboard.
  •      The Russian girl is not here today.  I had enough of her yesterday with her laughing and talking for hours.  I'm glad she is having a good time, and I hope she finds somewhere else to have it.
  •      I played Clone Wars for a little while this morning as I woke up.  I just did a couple of things, and I was out of there.
  •      I was on Free Realms before I came to the cafe.  I wanted to see what was going on.  There was an upload since I haven't played for a while.  Anyway, I did my collection thing in the swamp, looking for items.  I found some ancient plates.  Then I went to Snowhill, and got my presents.  The game has its charm, that is for sure.  It is definitely a fun place to be.  The movements are fluid.  It is a great game for kids to run around in.  It is not an easy game, either.  Some of the things are really challenging, even for an experienced adult gamer.  Finding coins is not always easy to physically get your character to a coin is impossible unless you jump exactly right.  Sometimes you have to try over and over again.  Anyway, I put my new Snow Lodge chairs in my guild house, one inside, and one on the porch.  They are nice chairs.
  •      Free Realms is one of the few games that has toilet imagery.  In all other games, I don't know how anybody goes to the bathroom.  They eat but they don't shit or piss.  Sims does deal with the bathroom issue, and they do it in a cute way, and it doesn't offend anybody.  It is just normal.
  •      'All in The Family' is one of the pioneering television shows to feature the sound of a toilet.  People considered it hilarious at the time.  They had never seen anything like it on t.v. before.
  •      T.V. characters do fuck, but there is only so much they can show.  They can imply that it happens, but that is about it.
  •      My favorite story in Hollywood is for a sex scene, some actress insisted that the guy actually fuck her so it would be real and not fake.  It is a good way to get laid.  Of course, you never would know that it was real or fake.  I don't know what actress it was, but I would say that is a great demonstration of method acting.
  •      Tom Cruise has a new Mission: Impossible movie coming out.  It is hard for me to care.
  •      WHAT?  I have to wait a year for 'THE HOBBIT An Unexpected Journey' to come out?  Fuck.  I don't even want to think about it until it actually comes out.  Based on people's reactions on youtube to the trailer, a lot of people don't know that The Hobbit will be two films.  All I know is that I am glad Peter Jackson is involved.
  •      King Kong is supposed to metaphorically represent the black man's plight of slavery.  If it ain't about that, it is just a movie about a monkey.  The original implies that better than the Peter Jackson version.  I stopped caring at some point during that movie.  Perhaps it was the scene where Jack Black was running away from dinosaurs carrying a movie camera.  It didn't look like he was in the same jungle as the dinosaurs.  It didn't look real.  Plus, there are only so many falls and physical injuries a character can sustain before it starts to become a fantasy.  People get injured so much in Babylon 5, I don't know how in hell they are walking around as if nothing happened five minutes later.  What, do they regeneration powers?
  •      In order to make money with adsense, well, you have to get a million hits a month on your blogs, and millions on youtube.  Then there is a chance.  If you aren't popular, you are fucked.  So the only thing to do is to become popular.  It is the only way.
  •      Damn, my first cup of coffee is almost done.  Fuck.  It goes fast.
  •      I have to figure out a way to make a living.
  •      I need a phone.
  •      I am in great need, and I will be in great distress unless I get some money coming in.  My extended vacation is over, sadly.
  •      Fuck, I don't know what I will do.
  •      What I would like to do is be a writer and an artist.  That would be rad.
  •      I will celebrate myself all over the web, and make people like me, or die trying.  That means I have to be cool, and do cool stuff, and be able to relate to people.  That is not easy at all.
  •      Man, I could use a good soak in a tub.
  •      The Russian girl walked by the cafe while I was out there smoking.  I was relieved she didn't come into the cafe today.  I can't stand her dopey smile.
  •      Well, I guess that is all for now.  I have to figure out what else to do.
  •      I don't know why I didn't take a picture of the snow in the gutter.  What was I thinking?  I was so surprised, I didn't think about it, even though I had my camera on me.  Fuck.

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