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Monday, April 29, 2013

     I've been trying to get around to writing all day.
     I was in the mood to write, and then I wasn't.
     I had to work out some things before I got in the mood again.
     Even now, I don't know what I am doing.
     I just won a card tournament on 'Card Assault' in 'Clone Wars Adventures'.  They give you a booster pack if you take first place.  I am very happy.
     Anyway, the day started like any other day.  I slept in, and finally made it to the coffee shop.  I did some writing, and I felt good about that.
     My sister showed up, so we talked, and I got her some coffee.
     I can draw around her, which I did.  I produced a new drawing of 'Sauraman' from 'The Lord of The Rings'.  I'll paint it up later.
     My sister is strapped for cash, so I helped her out a little.  I feel good that I could help her, but it means that I have to sell even more napkin art if I am to help her out once in a while.
     Specs bar is closed tonight because of the party they had yesterday.  They always take a day off after one of the big parties they have a couple of times a year.
     I might try a new bar tonight, and see what happens.
     Kilowatt is right up the street from me.  I might give that bar a shot.

     Anyway, I went through some picture files today, and I am thinking of new animation projects, as soon as I figure out what the hell it is that I want to do.

     I still have a shitload of unused photos on my computer that I have to use before I move on.  There is no point in having all of those pictures unless I do something with them.

     My soup is cooling down, so soon I will be able to eat some of that.

     I ended up being more stressed out and frustrated than I had planned to be today.

     Anyway, thanks for reading.

     I'll try and work out some more problems, and get back to you guys with some better content.

     Sisters are high-maintenance, you know.  Sometimes expensive, too.

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