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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Robert Crumb Is A Great Artist

     Here is a drawing by R. Crumb.
     The guy is obviously some kind of self-portrait, while the lady looks like his first wife.
     This drawing is about desire, and it ain't always pretty.
     I think it is a pretty honest drawing.
     I love this drawing, that is why I took a picture of it.
     One would never do this in real life, though his brother Maxon actually did pull down a woman's dress while she was standing in line at a convenience store once.  I don't think Maxon is with us anymore.
     Anyway, why would a man ever pull down a woman's dress without permission in a public area?  It is forbidden, and not a very nice thing to do to a lady.
     Yet, the drawing is funny as hell.
     The guy is depicted as some kind of bum, exposing the plump, ripe, firm buttocks of the young red-haired woman.  She is alarmed.  Yet, her nipples are rock hard.
     The drawing, as a work of art, is executed well, and colors are very happy.

     There is a joyful interplay between the graphic presentation, and the degraded subject matter.

     Comic book language is familiar to us all, and this drawing definitely conveys the meaning of inappropriate action.  In other words, don't do this, but enjoy it as a thought.

     If you notice, the guy's nose is very phallic.

     The woman's ass becomes the area of desire, and Crumb has expressed every detail of the ass possible to show how full and bulbous it is.

     Look at the detail work.

     Crumb notices everything.

     It is such a degenerate cartoon, but I am thoroughly entertained by it.

     Besides, relax folks, it is only art.

     People make a big deal about stuff like this, for some reason.

     The thing about art is, you can do anything.  That is what true Freedom of Speech is.

     Actually, it is against the law to depict minors doing anything remotely similar to this, so don't do that.  It is really sick, perverted, and wrong if you do.

     In this cartoon, they are clearly adults, so it is okay.

     Robert Crumb is a great artist.

     He draws what people think.

     All I know is that when I draw, I work things out of my system, and feel better.  Those that don't draw have to hold their desires in, and that ain't healthy.

     I encourage everybody to draw.  It is good for you.

     Thanks for reading.

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