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Friday, January 29, 2010


Another fucked up day. I haven't done much. Not yet.

I just endured several hours of bad 'music', or whatever it is the bands describe what it is they are doing. It sounds like they listened to a bunch of stuff from the 90's, and are trying to emulate that. One band tries to sound like Soundgarden, but their vocalist doesn't have the range or vocal strength, so I don't know why they bother. Nothing wrong with having music as a hobby. Just unfortunate that I have to listen to these people in their twenties who probably picked up a guitar two or three years ago. I wish them luck, and success, because then they will move away, or go on tour or something, and burn out, doing whatever they want to do, and hopefully it will be a long way away from me.
I've talked a little bit to the drummer a couple of times. He seems the kind of guy who would be in a Daniel Clowes comic book.

Fuck. I have to change the title of this blog. 'Davidia' is used by other people.

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