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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Happy Sunday


Always feels good to start off a blog with a line of unchecked swearing.

I had a nice time at the cafe. A crazy hippie got in my face when I was minding my own business. That guy needed a lot of attention, too. Then he was in the cafe later, putting on a show, and no one paid him any attention. He was a wash-out.

122,124 hits on youtube. At the time of my 200th video, I had 16,000 hits. I'm almost to my 300th posted video. That's exciting for me, it gives me something to do.

I like to have stuff to look forward to, even though the things I am doing are tiny specks in a huge desert, on a lost world, in a galaxy amongst a billion galaxies, in an expanding universe.

I saw two nuns today, young girls wearing their blue and white. One held a picture of Jesus, which was very dreamy and romantic. From what I understand, when nuns take their vows to become a nun, they are married to Jesus. Doesn't make a lot of sense in the world I live in, but that's how it is. The Catholic church was there when I was born, and will be there when I die. I've met a lot of nice Catholic people actually in my life. I can't say a bad word about any of them, come to think of it. Some of their beliefs and practices are far more deep and rich than a lot of the mormon stuff, with a lot more history. However, I'm neither Mormon or Catholic, and consider it other people's deal.

I'm an atheist, by default. I would be an agnostic, but being an atheist sounds better. Plus, to be an atheist is to be in a minority group. I'm sure there are a lot of places I can go to in this country that if I say I was an atheist, people there wouldn't like it. Better that I remain in San Francisco.

I've never been a contender to win any contest involving 'popularity'.

Now that I'm forty-two, I never knew before how hanging a picture on a wall anywhere is a political act. It's just part of being an artist. Hard to explain, I haven't figured out all my thinking on this. It has something to do with a kid having his parents put his drawing on the refrigerator so the other family members will see it. Makes the kid feel good that his art was accepted, and even guests to the home might see it.

Anyhow, I started a 'David Lovins 67' Facebook page, because from what I understand, I am a visual artist. It was nice to see Facebook had a category for that. On youtube, they have music, politics, travel, etc. but nothing really for my category, except 'entertainment', that's the closest category I fall near. Though, my videos aren't always exactly entertaining. They are sometimes in the 'ball breaking' category, and the 'taxing your patience' category, haha. People can scroll through the slow parts if they want. Youtube is home of the amateur anyways.

I haven't made a single video for my 'david lovins 67' youtube channel. I have ideas, just haven't gotten around to making those videos yet. They will be a little bit more involved than what I do on my 'kirkindysolospock' youtuber channel. I like this channel a lot, I don't have a lot of restrictions, and I can pretty much do what I want, except swearing and nudity of people, haha.

It's a nice day, not a great day. I go to yoga in two hours. It makes me feel good and limber for the rest of the day. And of course, after that, is my Sunday Magic The Gathering Session.

I started playing Zynga Poker. I refrained from it at first, I didn't see what was going on, and it seemed 'involved'. They have a tutorial now, and that made it very clear and easy to understand, and served as a good introduction to the game.
Of note, 'Zynga Poker' has raised a million dollars for relief in Haiti. I hope that money gets there. A lot of people profited from Katrina, they collected money, got interest in the bank, and then donated, in installments, it seemed.
I think the law requires that only 22% of any money donated to a charity be required to go towards the actual cause. The other money is used for overhead, salaries to run the organization, and fancy envelopes and assorted printed material used to solicit money from people. And ads. It's how it all works, from what I can tell.


What happens next?

Not sure.

I'm just a voice in the wilderness is all. I have lots of friends and acquaintances. Lots of people know me, or of me, for some reason or another. I am grateful to all the people I know. Even if I don't talk to them, I still feel connected to them in some way. Sometimes, it is just not the right moment to talk.

I can be an asshole at times, I'm sure a lot of people can attest to that. I'm just not always in the mood. I have disturbing things in my mind that I have to iron out, things from the past, and some of it just ain't that pleasant. I certainly don't want to bother anybody. It's a messed up world.
Making pizzas, working in a supermarket, restaurants, cafes, a bar, and other jobs in the past, including a recent stint as a cotton candy salesman at the ballpark, well, this stuff caves my head in.
My favorite jobs have included me making art, and getting paid for it. That makes me feel the best. I've done a lot of stuff for people in the past, and I've sold enough paintings to be able to say, "I know what it feels like to sell my art." No one can argue with that. People have bought my art, more than a lot of people can say. $500 is probably the most I've ever sold on one thing. I'd like to make that happen more often, that would be nice.
After all these years, it's not about the money even now, I do what I have to do as a natural expression, but yeah, money makes the world go round.
It is what is most on people's minds when they ask me about my art. "Do you make money from it?" That's where their heads are at. I guess it is a natural question.
A lot of cartoonists make money from their cartoon strips that are syndicated, but most of those really suck, so I don't think making money from your art should be an exclusive criteria. It just means that you got paid, it doesn't mean the art has value.
Over time, people usually get sickened by products and things that are 'commercialized', and then they search for things that have more personal meaning for them.

I only hope that if I make something, and somebody identifies with it, and is willing to give their hard-earned money for my work, that they will be satisfied with it. In those cases, I do the best that I can.

I don't always put my best work out there, because, what is the point? I usually just throw out a bunch of stuff to the world, and see who responds, and that is usually hardly no one. Seems to be the story my whole life, though I can't say that too much now, to do the feel sorry for me routine, because a lot of people own my work, haha, and I have to come up with something else. I am done with the pity party, though, that sucks for me, and everyone around me.

I'm a fucked up person, in a fucked up world, as far as I can tell, I don't know what is going on. There is no guide. No instruction manual. Thank god there is Google, any question can be asked the google god, the first god in the history of the world that actually answers back. Some people call it the super magic eight ball. I know google is a god, and he is a friendly and good god. He cares. He is a machine. He will be around for a long time.
In case of a zombie or alien invasion, google might still be working, and still be on for quite some time, even after the apocalypse.

I might be able to survive an immediate zombie attack, since I am in a place that is hard to get to, unless zombies get in the building, then I might be fucked.

Well, that's all for now, don't know what else to write about except something about 'Rocky and Bullwinkle' or something.

Funny to think that someone might actually read all of this someday. Doubt it anytime soon, except for possibly some nosy people who will read this and not leave a comment. I know those kind of people are out there.

A 'hello' would be nice.

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