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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I need $10,000.

  Then I can give my brothers some money.  Well, not easy to get.  That's the problem.  I was hoping to be a famous artist by now, but that hasn't exactly happened yet.  Oh well, what can you do?  I am going to have to come up with something.  I might even have to, gulp, work...a regular job.  I've done it before, no big deal.  I just find them so tedious, and a waste of my time, especially for what they pay me as compensation.  That's been my experience.

     Well, here are two ideas for children's books I came up with today.  Not serious, just a cartoon, but I had fun making the video commercial of this.

     Damn, Matthew Barney has a career, and I don't, even though I'm not especially crazy about his work.  The upper class bigwigs like him.  He caters to that audience quite well.  I'm kind of lower class, I suppose, and have the marketing skills of William Blake or Henry J. Darger.  Oh well.  Where did I go wrong?  Right from the vagina, I suppose.

     My facebook is down temporarily for a site issue.  Something got fucked up, don't know what.  It was working fine one minute, then the next, not working.  I abuse my facebook privileges, I suppose, posting stuff every three minutes.  Just how I've been doing it lately, just having fun.

     Yeah, my family needs money, and I need a job.  I can't save them all, I can barely save myself.  So it is a thinker.  At least the blog helps me think things through a little.  It all gets a little confusing with the overwhelming circumstances life presents sometimes.  Just how it goes.

     I'm trying to get ready for an art show.  I am wondering if I should go low brow or high brow.  Put my best work up?  I could do that, but what fun would that be?  I don't have a lot of really good work anyhow.  I don't even know what art is anymore, besides just some kind of entertaining thing that people make for people who don't want to see a movie that night. can see I have an attitude problem.  I don't think it is all that harmful.  Yeah, sometimes I wonder about myself, too.  Who doesn't?  I don't think anyone will read this anyway, so what does it all matter?  Haha.  I can always edit this motherfucker later.

     Maybe I broke facebook with all the crap I post.  I can live without facebook, but I am already having withdrawals, oh no.  Must get on facebook.  Must get on facebook.  I have plenty to do anyhow without facebook.  It is mostly a distraction, but it does make it easy to write notes to friends and family without the big deal of an e-mail.  Just a short, little note...ok, three paragraphs...haha.

     I'm a pain in the ass, gotta figure out what to do about that, if anything.

     All my videos are on 'David Lovins 67' if by a freak chance some stranger reads this and wants to see my videos.

     It was worth a shot. 

     The events of the day certainly justifies me getting a beer.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday, Monday, yeah, yeah, yeah.

      It's Monday.  Whoo-hoo.  How exciting.  Can't wait to start another day and another week all at the same time.
     I did my traditional 'Go to the coffee shop and draw session, and get slightly annoyed by other people' thing again...haha.
     People asked me for cigarettes, a bum walked into the cafe to fill his cup with cream from the dispenser which the owner of the cafe didn't like, a woman talked on her cell phone right behind me, and put her mother on hold for several minutes.  Some woman in her fifties talking about Thanksgiving food.  She bitched about what people brought, or didn't bring, and there I was trying to work on my Iron Maiden illustration, so she put a damper on things.  She didn't care.  Just in her own world, talking to her phone, and then her dog.  She did end up being nosy, walked past my table, and then stood right over my shoulder looking at what I was drawing, probably looking at the long dick that I drew on the devil, and being repulsed or whatever, but still being fascinated enough to look, but not saying anything, of course, because she had nothing to say.  Plus, she lied to her own mother, as she put her on hold talking to someone else, and told her mother she was having trouble with her new phone.  This woman probably hasn't gotten laid in twenty years, and she seemed to do everything to annoy me and distract me from my illustration work.  What a ....!

     So this is what the woman was looking at, haha.  "I guess whatever people are into," she said on her precious cell phone.
     She probably hasn't thought about a good long, hard one in quite some time, with her fluffy black and white dog sitting at her side.

     Haha, glad I can laugh about it now, I was annoyed in her presence.  If she wasn't so in my way, I wouldn't be writing about her.
     Anyway, speaking of writing, I really enjoyed the 'Family Guy' episode I saw last night where Brian writes a #1 bestseller, and Stewie becomes his agent.  'Family Guy' keeps delivering the goods, so I don't know what to say, it is a great show, even though it pretty much started being a copy of the Simpsons, because Seth was a fan of the show and wanted to do something similar.  Uh, but I like the 'Family Guy'.  'The Cleveland Show' and 'American Dad' just aren't as good.  I watch those by default. with the prospect of thinking about how no one reads this blog that I know of...not even me...I just write the entries and pretty much forget about them...hard to read your own writing...eventually I see what the hell I was thinking on a particular day,..or to proofread..or to upgrade...or ....whatever....god, I hate when people use 'whatever' in spoken is so lazy of them..and it is used in such a snotty way.....a very nasal way...ugh.

     So my coffee was really good, and I got to hang out and talk with a friend, who has begun showing me his writings and drawings.  All works in progress, he really does it for therapy.  He is coming along with the stuff, but isn't that serious about it.  He writes and draws for himself, but in showing it to me, it is already taking it to another level, as opposed to keeping the work absolutely secret.  I don't show anybody my work unless they ask, but I usually have something on display at the coffeeshop if someone is interested, and most of the time they sneak peaks but never say anything. is yoga...I don't go to the noon class anymore...because one of my favorite teachers' class is at 5:30 p.m.  She is marvelous.  It's a real yoga class.  Very chill in there, but she is into 'awareness', too.  She is a cool lady.  It's good for me to go.

     I've been thinking about all things Alice, after seeing the Tim Burton film, "Alice Goes To Middle Earth'.  My 'Alice Finds Some Spanking Tools' got 227 hits in one day.  That is phenomenal for me.  It's my first video to break into Japan, with twelve hits....they were probably hoping to see some white underwear or something...haha.  It takes all kinds, people need their fantasies to help get them through the drudgery of another goddamn, boring day, especiall with nagging wives and crying kids at home, it must drive the average man insane.  I've by-passed the family thing for myself, I don't think I could handle years of crying and diapers, and not having enough money to make the wife happy, that would suck, and would feel like such a burden, trying to impress the in-laws with your bread-winning skills...ugh...I'll have no part of it.  I'm still trying to figure out how to make ends meet for myself, much less for a family.  I guess I could get a job,...but doing what?  I noticed yesterday that you can apply online at Subway, and then I guess they analyze your personal information, but never hire you, and why the hell would I want to assemble sandwiches anyway?  Sounds like a hell job, all for minimum wage, too.

     I like the blogs, now.  I can just write whatever the hell I want.  I know, I said 'whatever'.  Fuck it, I don't care.  Yes, I do.  What if some publisher reads my shit?  Unlikely.  Just like it is unlikely that any human being would sift through this blog.  I haven't read many blogs, because I can't find any that are worth reading, and text on a computer screen isn't always too terribly pleasant.

     I've liked the thought of being a writer for many years.  My original plan at age twenty was to get an art portfolio together and a writing portfolio together.  It still hasn't happened that I have done that.  Just laziness, and 'what is the point?'  I don't know.  To make money?  But who would buy my work?  I don't know.  Who would read what I write?  I don't know.  The print media is mostly going down the tubes anyhow.  People don't read anymore, unless it is 'Harry Potter' or something like that. 

     I wouldn't mind drinking a beer and doing some painting right now, but I have yoga later, and no point in going to class after drinking alcohol, haha.  Sometimes I drink beer on a night before class, when I need a little 'sippy'.

     Goddamn it, I have to piss, which to most female readers would be 'too much information than they need to know', though I hear women say that shit all the time.  Women talk about body functions frequently in mixed company for the same reasons men do it...because it is funny...well, sometimes.  But I am sure no one wants to read how my bladder is about to explode from drinking too much coffee....brb.

     Ah, I feel better now.  Much better.  Now I can think.  Funny when you have to pee real bad, and you can't think.

     I have found that the music of Iron Maiden is very good music to paint to.  When I need to 'get into that zone' so I can make paintings, Iron Maiden works for me.  If they are aging and still going at it, I can, too, I guess.

     "Inspiring" is a funny word to use, associated with creative projects, especially those designed to make money.  I used to use it more often, but I am aware of it now, so I try to avoid it.  But people use the word 'inspired' to talk about a record they made or something, as if god gave them to power and incentive to do it.  The brain just gets bored and needs something to do, don't know if there is really that much 'inspiration' going on.  I said the word 'inspired' during an art critique once.  It didn't go over too well with my teacher.  Oh well.  I was young( er ).

      Uh.............I like painting beer bottles.  I like the tactility.  Working on flat surfaces gets boring after twenty years, so it is fun to just let go on an unsuspecting beer bottle.

     Does this Christian Girl look like she is going to get on her knees to pray?  Or to get on her knees for something else?  Haha.  Stupid facebook ads, I'm sick of this company, as they present Christian girls as wanton sluts.    

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Day After.

     I don't feel like doing a goddamn thing.  But I have to work and do stuff.  I have an art show coming up.

     I'm still taking little sips from my whiskey bottle.  I haven't bought a bottle of  'Old Crow' in a long time.  It is good with coffee, or with beer.  Just little baby sips to get a 'kick'.  When you get to be 42, you need something.  Life gets boring and dull, I like that most of the time, but now it is getting a little cold, and it is harder to make art when it is cold.  Even at the cafe, I could barely draw, but I finally made myself do it.

     I am a little depressed and down, but that is normal.  I'll make it through another holiday season, no problem.  A lot of people die during the holidays, because they just can't stand the drudgery of another year.  Rich people can go to their winter home to keep their spirits up, but most people have to just suffer and endure.

     I did my research on strip clubs and strippers on wikipedia.  They had some pretty racy pictures for wikipedia, I was impressed.  Anyway, I was looking for the number of strippers currently working in the U.S.  I could not find that number.  Worldwide, stripping is a $75 billion dollar industry.  Makes you think.  I'm just wondering how many nice, innocent girls end up being strippers to pay the bills, because society doesn't offer enough jobs for people, according to their skills?  What a great world we live in. 

     I watched Sarah Silverman's 'Jesus Is Magic'.  She has a potty mouth, but I love her.  Sometimes with her songs, they come across as a little flat, but that is just her style.  She makes it seem as if she doesn't want to put 'too much work' into the lyrics.  Adam Sandler's 'Thanksgiving Song' nails it, though, with carefully set-up lyrics.
     Funny songs are pretty awesome.

     Anyway, I need to figure out how to make some money.  Always a problem.  I just have to figure out how to slut and whore myself out.  The best thing I got going for me is my artwork.  People don't want me as much as they want my art.  They will pay for my art, but not really for me.  I am trying to develop a personality and persona.  Takes time.  I'm not 'a-scared' of putting myself on youtube and facebook constantly.  I have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.  I am trying to get better with my 'inter-personal people skills'.  Not easy.  I can be very friendly when I need to be, but when I am in work mode, I shut everybody out, because I can't hear myself think.  Working while talking to 1-3 people on the internet kind of makes the train derail from its' tracks, but somehow I pull it together.  I do, after all, need people, just like anybody else.  Impossible and not encouraged to live on a private island within your soul.

     I took this picture of a girl sitting with purple pants in the Bart station yesterday.  I like things in profile.  I like how her body is within the perpendicular space.  You can draw a straight line from the wall where her back is to her boots.  I like the straight line where her butt is.  She looks like she could be a figurine for a bookend.  I like how her butt is pliable enough to make such a straight line.  It's cute.

     I've always been amused by butts.  I can't help it.  I find butts to be pretty funny.  They come in all shapes and sizes, so I never get tired of them.  'Sticky out butts' on women are my favorite.
     Sarah Silverman has a surprisingly flat butt, which is part of her charm, I suppose.  Her boobs look enormous, I wonder if she had them done.  She is skinny everywhere else.  She is like a pole with two big melons tied two-thirds up.

     Here is the painting of Homer Simpson I did for my sister.  It is right above her sink in the kitchen.  It's a great place for it.  Such a pain to wash dishes, at least Homer is there to make you laugh.

     Here is a photo of a girl I got from a video, where she showed everything and had sex with two guys.  It just seems all kind of normal and natural to me.  I was warned about porn growing up from the church, but I don't see that it actually does anything to me.  It's what people do.  In this world, it is a business, and a big one at that.  There is a stigma in the art world about making images that are pornographic, though some artists do it, and get away with it, depends on the artist, and what he is trying to do.  I've seen slightly pornographic art done by women, where they do detailed drawings of their vaginas and other body parts.  It doesn't seem to offend anyone, except making family members a little uncomfortable, but that isn't the artist's problem.

     I would put other pictures I took up on this blog, but I don't think I am allowed to, so I won't.  It is like I need a lawyer who can tell me what I can or can not do.  Most images are okay to put up, ones that I know are 'Rated G' in nature, those are fine.  I get bored eventually with that stuff, and I'm not interested in creating content for people under 18, too much, unless I really get into children's books and programming, or something like that, but I find making art simply to entertain a child to be kind of boring for me, unless there are things to do with dialogue that make it interesting for me.

     In 'Breakfast At Tiffany's', I just interpret the movie as 'Audrey Hepburn figures out what to do with her cat, which metaphorically, is her vagina.
     It's a sweet movie, so innocent in a way.
     I ought to read the book.  I can't trust Hollywood to adapt books to films.  They have their reasons for doing what they do, and most of those reasons are business reasons.

     I saw Tim Burton's 'Alice in Wonderland Meets Lord of The Rings' yesterday, too.  There were a couple of sins in that movie, like the break dancing at the end.  There were some troubles with dialogue.  Early on, it was ' and me...'  I find that a 19th century woman of good standing in Victorian England would never dare utter a variance of 'you and I'.
     With all the money they have to make the movie, you would think they would use some of it to hire a writer who is good with dialogue.  Poor Crispin Glover didn't have much to work with in his final scenes in the movie.                

     I also saw 'Up'.  It was a movie watching day.  Anyway....uh...I had an emotional reaction towards the end, where I actually cared about what was going on in the movie.  The music eventually got to me.  I began to feel for the characters.  I must be human after all, and not an android.  It's that 'welling up' feeling inside that one sometimes gets in movies.  Movies throughout my life have made me feel things, and you always wish afterward that you can retain that feeling, but then you walk out of the theater, and the feeling starts to slip away painfully.  You wish it would go on forever.  But it doesn't, even when watching the movie for a second time. 

     So Audrey is a special girl.  I'll have to read up on her.  Humphrey Bogart wasn't a big fan of hers.  He was a codgy old man by the time he met her anyway, haha.


     Here is my cartoon of Bruce Dickenson from 'Iron Maiden'.  Like a lot of singers, he likes to talk inbetween songs, and you just want him to sing the song.  I like Bruce anyway.  The last time I saw him, he went off on some tangent about how people would rather go see Brittney Spears, but there were 3000 people who paid to see him, so there was no need for Bruce to be a 'Mr. Complainer' about what the state of popular music was.       

     I took this picture from 'The S.F. Weekly' which was laying on the cement near the door to my building.  Lots of women strip in this town in order to pay rent, and have nice things.  The strippers are exploited by management while they exploit the customers.  Management should treat strippers well, though, because they wouldn't have a business without them.

     Uh, I'm just getting into 'holiday cheer mode', but I can't really forget about how the world actually works with all the crime and corruption.  Somehow, I have to sell myself so I can live in this world.  I would like to do it with my art, but so far, while I have had many successes, it isn't enough to sustain myself full-time yet.  I work on it every day, don't know what else to do.  I know I have something to give, just have to keep doing it.  Wish me luck, a lot of luck.  But it is also time to really do my research, and get some business opportunities happening.  I just have to play the game.  Not a pretty thing to do, but I have to do it.  Maybe it will be fun.

     It would help if I got a phone, duh.    


Thursday, November 25, 2010

So...just drinking some whiskey

     I'm just sitting around, doing a little painting, and drinking some whiskey.
     Got some beer, too.
     Gonna go over to a sibling's place, and have some dinner.
     Hard to get too excited about the holidays.
     Still hard to believe people get all caught up in the shopping bonanza.
     At this point, people should make more gifts, and just give people cash to buy what they want, instead of the rigmarole of returning gifts.  The shopping madness just makes me think that most people are crazy.

     I've been thinking about the plains of Utah and Wyoming, and where ever else there are 'Plains'.  I did not know that 'Magic The Gathering' is real, but it is.  MTG has a real life art connection for me now.  No longer can I look at a landscape without thinking of it as a magic card.  Lands have power.  Just ask any Monopoly player, real estate agent, or home owner.  Most people are nothing if they don't have land, and that is most people.  Land is soul.  There are increasingly fewer chances to own land in this country.  It's a shame.  Just how it is.

     'Secluded Steppe' really looks like some places I've seen in Utah and Wyoming.  Just vast areas of open land.   You can feel that a million years has been there.   

Oh...It's Thanksgiving

     "Okay, so here is my Iron Maiden illustration.  It's coming along.  I work on it an hour or two everyday in the morning when my mind is most clear at the coffee shop.  I'm completely re-doing 'The Number of The Beast" album art, just for kicks.  I'm taking some liberties with the type.  I don't care if it is perfect.  They can fix any part of this drawing on the computer, if anyone ever cares enough to do that.  I certainly don't, not right now.  I haven't warmed up to the idea of doing art on the computer yet.  I will someday, when there is a reason to do it.
     I'm gonna do some drinking today.  Whiskey and coffee sounds good, haven't done that for a while, not since last Sunday...haha.  No, it's different at the bar, as opposed to buying a bottle of whiskey, and going for it.  I got the cigarette store next door, they sell coffee, and I'm going to get a $5 bottle of 'Old Crow', and I'm going to go into 'sippy cup' mode.  I survived another year, somehow.
     I'm glad Eddie is with me."

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Well, Well, Well...I got an art show coming up.

     Anyways, it will be at Muddy Waters in San Francisco.  Exact date not set yet, but I have begun work on the show.

      I'm excited about the show.  I am going to work hard in preparation for it.

     I did get to see the new Harry Potter movie.  It was really good.  A nice bit of film making there, I was impressed and entertained.

     'The World We Can't See," a line Bob Dylan said, applies to so many fictional things that have a reality to us.

     Basically, rocks, walls, and trees can talk.  But you have to get to know them.  The human being channels the stored energy if the human is in tune.  For a human to be in tune is a little bit more complicated than tuning a guitar.  Each person has to figure out what their gifts are.  Research and Development never hurt anybody.

     So what does it all mean?  I don't know.

     Anyway, I'm drinking a beer, and I saw a good movie.

     I made a video for my upcoming art show, but it was blocked because I used a Mama's and Papa's song.  Oh well.  I replaced the same video using a Nirvana song.  Works to get the point across.

     I just want to lay down, been a long day.

     I had a nice hamburger, fries, and chocolate shake.  That was good.

     Below is my first finished art piece for my upcoming show.  I want to frame it just how it is.

     The whole money thing is a constant problem.  I'm gonna be forced into being a slut whore with my art, and prostitute myself around town.  Bitch needs to get paid.  I don't like being an art whore, but if that is what it takes, I'll do it.  I need some things to make my life better. 

     I just feel like laying down right now.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Local Christian Girls and other stuff

     I took the above picture off of facebook from a 'Local Christian Girls' ad.

     I don't know what is up with, and I don't want to know.  There isn't anything in this picture that defines her as a Christian.  Not even a cross around her neck.  It basically looks like she is ready for a guy to jump on her on the grass and start making out with her.  She has that look on her face as if she'd like to have some fun.  It's the way her legs are, too.  So, thumbs down on    Their ads are misleading.  They make it seem if you go to, that you can get laid by a Christian girl.  Hey, maybe that's not a bad idea.  I could just tell her I love Jesus with all my heart.  But I wouldn't do that.  I would try to unconvert her.  She would try to convert me, so turn-about is fair play.

     Anyway....just another day, drawing pictures in the morning, yoga, and I actually looked up job opportunities to be an illustrator on  They want the world.  Expert on computers with several years experience, competent in several programs...I just can't do that stuff.  My work is by hand, and then it can be modified on the computer.  I'm outdated, but my work looks good when it is all produced and slicked up.  I like tactile art.  The painting programs are nice and all, but it is all a little too slick for my tastes, like some guy who greases up his hair and makes it shine.  Yawn.

     Yes, I drew Yoda today.  I've been wanting to draw him for a long time, and I finally got around to it today.  It came out pretty good so far. 

     I've been cranking out videos for the last two days.  I'm trying to get hits.  It takes time.  Requires a lot of patience and waiting.  The hits eventually come.

     What I am going to do for employment is a problem right now.  I hope to figure that out soon.  I actually need to in order to survive, go figure.  Wish me luck.

     Not much more to say right now.

     I don't care if anybody reads this blog or not, I write for myself.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I've given all I can give today, and I'm wiped out.

     Not really, I'm good for the go.  I've been making youtube videos for hours, and before that I was drawing all day long.  It's a good life.  Just need to get paid for it is all.  Someday.  At least I'm working on what I want to be doing, so that is something.

     This female Robin is one of my favorite things I drew today.  It came out good.    

     This drawing came out pretty good.  I worked two hours to get it like this.  It is pencil and marker.  I really took my time with it.

     Kitten Trek is the other thing I did that I liked.  Just a simple little cartoon, but it is pretty cute.

     'Dr. MeowCoy' was a name one of my brothers came up with.  He then said the word 'purr', and I came up with 'Purrhura'.  'Mewlu' he came up with.  I haven't come up with names for Chekov, Kirk, and Spock yet.  I did come up with 'The U.S.S. Litterprise' for the ship.

     So, I've been posting all my art on facebook to little effect.  Hardly anyone seems to care.  There's a handful of people who show some support, but I am putting up a lot of work.  I guess people are busy with their own stuff.  They don't realize or care that I am trying to develop as an artist and get paid for it.  Maybe they see me as busting their balls, or they hate me, or have apathy towards me, or whatever.  Maybe I'll just become a musician, too, and see if they like that.  Probably not.  Plus, the world has enough musicians, and a lot of them make some pretty bad music.

     Anyway, I need to find a job, pronto.  Eeeek.  I'm not a fan of working on someone else's art project, which is all a job is.  They hire me, pay me low, they keep the profits I help them to make.  They aren't in business for their health.  They want to make it just as bad as I do.  They want homes, cars, wives, what have you, just like anybody.

     It's all a living hell.  But, if I don't go for it, no one else will do it for me, so I have to.  It is very hard and difficult work, this art thing is.  I haven't even thought much of making paintings lately.  I don't have the room in my studio anymore, and I have to get that fixed.  I have bills.  I gotta figure out something that I can do for the next couple of years to keep things afloat.  I'm sure most of you know that...if there was anybody reading this blog...hahahahahahaha.   Just how it goes.

     I'll keep going whether anyone reads this or not.  One day I hope people will appreciate my work, and gulp, even pay me for it....more consistently.

     All I can do is smile.  I worked my ass off today.  :) 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Kittens are cute.

     Market research indicates kittens are cute.  This is an important factor when examining the visual needs of your target audience.

     If artists really want to reach out to people, they don't have to stick to what they want to do all the time.  There is no reason not to step out of the boundaries of what you would normally do as an artist.  Besides, people have needs for cuteness.  It can't be about you all the time.  Sometimes it is about a cute kitten.

     Sometimes art school teaches that you always have to do this all-encompassing, important kind of artwork that follows a time line of art history, and aims to cement the artist's epic journey.

     Fuck it.  Sometimes it is time for kittens.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Update, Drawings, and Stuff

     There is no real update, except that I've been cranking out a lot of art, and having a good time.    Football fans should be drawn with small heads, I decided.
     They always have smoking hot girls in these facebook ads with 'come hither' looks.  It gives the viewer the impression that these girls are ready to get randy, whether they are Christian or not.

     Charlie Brown's ear is placed exactly in the middle of his head in profile.  A good tip for people who draw cartoons and people.

     I wish I could get this t-shirt made up, and sell a lot of them.  I drew this and added in the type.  Schulz was a Giants fan.

     It was a good night of drawing last night at the bar.  I love to draw people in bars and in coffee shops.  I can do it for hours and be completely happy.

Half pint of beer and a shot of whiskey at a bar I go to.  They used to call it a 'Recession Special' but now they are calling it a 'Recovery Special'.

     This is a drawing that I would think twice about putting on facebook, but is no big deal here.  But I think the words are true.  Women must get sick of men looking at their asses all day.  However, they are so fun to look at is the problem.

     Like I said, I love to draw people in bars, especially women, and I like to draw them with no clothes on.

     Our Magic The Gathering games always have toys on the table, just for fun.

     Dagwood is sad, because the Blondie comic strip is never funny, even though two people work on it.

     On a Monday morning, this woman was wearing violet and green while talking on her cell phone.  I love San Francisco.

     My new idea for a comic book with my cartoons in it.  This is just a thumbnail sketch.  Maybe I will do a finish of this at some point.

     I wish I did have a real update, but here are some drawings I did, and stuff I've been thinking about.
     I realize that no one may actually read this blog, I don't care.  No one ever comments.  It could be bots looking at this blog, who knows?
     Sometimes it is fun to go into old blogs I wrote to see where my head was at.
     I'm having money problems, or rather 'lack of money' problems.  Haha.  I gotta get that fixed a.s.a.p.  All I want to do is make art, so I've been concentrating on stuff I can develop to sell.  Even that takes time.  I'm going to have to sell my work, my ideas, and myself, and that won't be easy.  I just want what everyone else has, a home, and a place to live, food to eat, nice clothes to wear.  It isn't too much to ask.

     It spins my head in circles here in San Francisco with these aggressive pan-handlers who have trouble accepting 'no' as an answer.  Minding my own business is not enough for these people.  They feel it is their right to bother people, and say 'God Bless' to those who don't want to hear that phrase.  This guy was really in my face today.  He went into the cafe to ask for money from the customers.  It is one thing to ask on the street, but to go into a local establishment to do that is fucked up.  People are nice in San Francisco about it. They put up with it, so as not to upset the pan-handler and cause a scene.

     The drama I see on the street is petty.  Nothing to write a rap song about.

     I like when Debbie Harry raps.  She should do more.  Never too late.     

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Does Batman Believe in God?

     I would probably say that Batman does not believe in God.  After all, he is really into science.
     If Batman does believe in God, he is probably really pissed off at God, for letting his parents die at the hands of a petty asshole burglar.

     So if Batman is really angry at God, well, Christians and non-Christians alike buy his comic books and watch movies featuring him.  So Batman could acknowledge the existence of God, merely by being angry at God.

     But I really don't think that Batman believes in God.  But I believe a nation of Christians has been obsessed with Batman for over 50 years.  I guess that Christian imagery gets a little boring, and the mind needs an escape, so it turns to Batman and Catwoman in tight leather, and Batgirl in that sexy outfit of hers.  Haha.

     To my knowledge, Batman has never really talked about God much.  I think he is concerned with other things.

     So why do Christians even bother with Batman?

     Sure, Batman is just a fictional character.

     However, I think God is a fictional character, just completely made-up.  Ancient peoples used to have many gods and goddesses, then some people got the idea to just simplify it into one God.  Boring.  Just a way to keep the troops in line.

     Does Robin believe in God?  Could be, not sure.  I don't think Robin would discuss that with Batman, though.

     Is it important for superheroes to believe in God?  You don't see Spider-Man telling people to love Jesus.  In fact, you hardly ever see superheroes deal with what religion they are.  They must be pagans, or the comic book companies don't want to touch that one.

     The Mighty Thor is definitely a pagan.  He is a demi-god himself.

     Captain America, he might be a Christian.

     Wolverine is probably an atheist.  He doesn't give a fuck.

     *****                   *************                   **************

     Well, it was a good day.  Got my webcam to work again with the help of my brother on gmail.  We gave up trying to make it work again on Windows Live Messenger.  It used to work on that, then one day, it just stopped.  We uninstalled all Windows material, and reinstalled the new stuff.  We just could not get it to work.  Gmail webcam worked great right away, no problem, so there is my tech update.

     I did my drawing session this morning, that worked out good.

     I drank lots of coffee, and did my pen and ink with marker drawings.  It is a lot of fun. 
     Before a couple of days ago, I had never drawn a half horse naked pregnant blonde woman before, so there you go. 
     I still do not know what the extent is of what kind of drawings I can or can not put up on this blog yet.  It is all over 18, but I still don't know.  Not sure of what photos I can put up, if I have to own the copyright.  I don't know if it is okay to put naked pictures of people I find on the web.  Seems like a pain to research it.  I guess I'll just inch ahead forward until someone complains.  The basic idea is not to offend anyone, but I've met people who get offended at things, and I don't know what they know about the world anyway, so you can't believe them.

     I am so tired of 'You gotta protect the children!'  Fuck it, they shouldn't be on my blog anyway.

     If your kid is on my website, you are a bad parent.  I said it was for people 18 and over, so don't bitch at me.

    'Art is Mostly Harmless,' is the best way I know of that I can put it.  Haha.

     Some people think certain kinds of art should not exist.  Too fucking bad.  More than one way to look at the world.

     I'm having fun regurgitating a lot of things that have been thrown at me through television and movies in the last thirty years.  Fuck it.  My turn to talk.

     Thanks, Google, and to people who made blogs possible.  I love instant publishing, even if no one reads this.  Who cares if they do or don't?

     No one has commented on this blog to my knowledge yet.  Again, who cares?  It would be nice, but it would be rare to get a decent comment, just look at youtube.  Egads, a lot of people write a lot of vile, stupid, ignorant stuff there.

     The most vile hate speech I've ever read in my life can be found in youtube comments.  That is in complete contradiction to the community standards that people are supposed to have for the videos they make.

     I have a solution.  Have a youtube for people under 18, and have one for people over 18.  Problem solved.  Otherwise, it just becomes another control thing about what we can and can not do, and that sucks, especially if it is art.

     The human body becomes an obscene object that must never be shown in art, so then people just watch animal videos for the cute factor, and don't even have to deal with other humans.  All that cuteness with baby animals..I can only take so much of it.  No relevance to anything going on in the world.  Ok, it is a baby piglet, so what?  What does that have to do with anything?  Jesus.

     So, I figure I can get away with putting some naked zombie drawings up on this blog.  That will be fun.  After all, it would be in a 'fictional context'.

     I've drawn naked people in figure drawing classes for twenty years, so nudity to me is no big deal.  But it is in The United States of America.  People make such a big deal about it, when it is no big deal at all.    Just a pair of tits, and maybe a dick.  Haha.  Some ass bending over, and people are ready to have a heart attack, unless they are viewing it in private, then they look at whatever they goddamn want to.  Lots of girls like looking through what smut I have laying around.  They won't collect it themselves, for fear of having people think things, but they don't mind looking at it when someone else has it, haha.  All these fake and phony standards that we are expected to live up to are just bullshit, stupid crap that our parents imposed on us.  Stupid, huh?

      Does Batman believe in God?  I don't think Batman gives a flying fuck about God.

The Thousand Year Goblin War

I need a ticket to go where I want to in this world.

So far, it's been a one-way ticket to hell.

But thanks to my sister, Mary Lovins, I discovered the music of Daniel Johnston.  I really liked Daniel's music.  There is the short video I made of the photograph I took of my sister.  She liked the video.

It was a good night hanging out.  My friend showed up, so my sister, my friend, and I, hung out, and had a good time. 

I was going to do this blog last night, but I was a little out of it.  No point in doing a blog when you are a little drunk.

Right now, I want to get dressed, and get to the cafe.  I want to continue on with my drawing.  I'm on a roll.  Hard for me to get the day started sometimes.  Not always easy to pull myself together.

We are all a bunch of animals that can talk, is how I think of humans...haha.

If anyone does read my blog, I am sure they are probably here for the pictures, so it is good to put lots of pictures here on this blog.
I haven't really come up with a name that I like for my fictional land.  I've tried a couple of names, but nothing has really stuck yet.  Basically, I'm trying to create a world in which all of my art can exist in.  It's a 'David Lovins Alternate Universe Thing' so far.  It is kind of Dungeons & Dragons influenced.  It is based in San Francisco as a starting point.  I am still working on a lot of the details.  It takes time.

I've been playing a lot less video games lately, because now the question is, "What kind of video can I make about the game so I can post it on youtube?"  That's been a fun question to ask.  It gives purpose to my game playing, and gives me content to put on youtube.  I like that.

My biggest problem right now is getting some income to come in.  Now that baseball season is over, and that the Giants won the World Series, I need a job.  Eeeeeeek.  I need one right away.

     I am hoping to make something happen today.  You never know what will happen until you try.


All a bunch of goblins out there, constantly.  It's in the middle of a thousand year goblin war.