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Friday, November 26, 2010

The Day After.

     I don't feel like doing a goddamn thing.  But I have to work and do stuff.  I have an art show coming up.

     I'm still taking little sips from my whiskey bottle.  I haven't bought a bottle of  'Old Crow' in a long time.  It is good with coffee, or with beer.  Just little baby sips to get a 'kick'.  When you get to be 42, you need something.  Life gets boring and dull, I like that most of the time, but now it is getting a little cold, and it is harder to make art when it is cold.  Even at the cafe, I could barely draw, but I finally made myself do it.

     I am a little depressed and down, but that is normal.  I'll make it through another holiday season, no problem.  A lot of people die during the holidays, because they just can't stand the drudgery of another year.  Rich people can go to their winter home to keep their spirits up, but most people have to just suffer and endure.

     I did my research on strip clubs and strippers on wikipedia.  They had some pretty racy pictures for wikipedia, I was impressed.  Anyway, I was looking for the number of strippers currently working in the U.S.  I could not find that number.  Worldwide, stripping is a $75 billion dollar industry.  Makes you think.  I'm just wondering how many nice, innocent girls end up being strippers to pay the bills, because society doesn't offer enough jobs for people, according to their skills?  What a great world we live in. 

     I watched Sarah Silverman's 'Jesus Is Magic'.  She has a potty mouth, but I love her.  Sometimes with her songs, they come across as a little flat, but that is just her style.  She makes it seem as if she doesn't want to put 'too much work' into the lyrics.  Adam Sandler's 'Thanksgiving Song' nails it, though, with carefully set-up lyrics.
     Funny songs are pretty awesome.

     Anyway, I need to figure out how to make some money.  Always a problem.  I just have to figure out how to slut and whore myself out.  The best thing I got going for me is my artwork.  People don't want me as much as they want my art.  They will pay for my art, but not really for me.  I am trying to develop a personality and persona.  Takes time.  I'm not 'a-scared' of putting myself on youtube and facebook constantly.  I have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.  I am trying to get better with my 'inter-personal people skills'.  Not easy.  I can be very friendly when I need to be, but when I am in work mode, I shut everybody out, because I can't hear myself think.  Working while talking to 1-3 people on the internet kind of makes the train derail from its' tracks, but somehow I pull it together.  I do, after all, need people, just like anybody else.  Impossible and not encouraged to live on a private island within your soul.

     I took this picture of a girl sitting with purple pants in the Bart station yesterday.  I like things in profile.  I like how her body is within the perpendicular space.  You can draw a straight line from the wall where her back is to her boots.  I like the straight line where her butt is.  She looks like she could be a figurine for a bookend.  I like how her butt is pliable enough to make such a straight line.  It's cute.

     I've always been amused by butts.  I can't help it.  I find butts to be pretty funny.  They come in all shapes and sizes, so I never get tired of them.  'Sticky out butts' on women are my favorite.
     Sarah Silverman has a surprisingly flat butt, which is part of her charm, I suppose.  Her boobs look enormous, I wonder if she had them done.  She is skinny everywhere else.  She is like a pole with two big melons tied two-thirds up.

     Here is the painting of Homer Simpson I did for my sister.  It is right above her sink in the kitchen.  It's a great place for it.  Such a pain to wash dishes, at least Homer is there to make you laugh.

     Here is a photo of a girl I got from a video, where she showed everything and had sex with two guys.  It just seems all kind of normal and natural to me.  I was warned about porn growing up from the church, but I don't see that it actually does anything to me.  It's what people do.  In this world, it is a business, and a big one at that.  There is a stigma in the art world about making images that are pornographic, though some artists do it, and get away with it, depends on the artist, and what he is trying to do.  I've seen slightly pornographic art done by women, where they do detailed drawings of their vaginas and other body parts.  It doesn't seem to offend anyone, except making family members a little uncomfortable, but that isn't the artist's problem.

     I would put other pictures I took up on this blog, but I don't think I am allowed to, so I won't.  It is like I need a lawyer who can tell me what I can or can not do.  Most images are okay to put up, ones that I know are 'Rated G' in nature, those are fine.  I get bored eventually with that stuff, and I'm not interested in creating content for people under 18, too much, unless I really get into children's books and programming, or something like that, but I find making art simply to entertain a child to be kind of boring for me, unless there are things to do with dialogue that make it interesting for me.

     In 'Breakfast At Tiffany's', I just interpret the movie as 'Audrey Hepburn figures out what to do with her cat, which metaphorically, is her vagina.
     It's a sweet movie, so innocent in a way.
     I ought to read the book.  I can't trust Hollywood to adapt books to films.  They have their reasons for doing what they do, and most of those reasons are business reasons.

     I saw Tim Burton's 'Alice in Wonderland Meets Lord of The Rings' yesterday, too.  There were a couple of sins in that movie, like the break dancing at the end.  There were some troubles with dialogue.  Early on, it was ' and me...'  I find that a 19th century woman of good standing in Victorian England would never dare utter a variance of 'you and I'.
     With all the money they have to make the movie, you would think they would use some of it to hire a writer who is good with dialogue.  Poor Crispin Glover didn't have much to work with in his final scenes in the movie.                

     I also saw 'Up'.  It was a movie watching day.  Anyway....uh...I had an emotional reaction towards the end, where I actually cared about what was going on in the movie.  The music eventually got to me.  I began to feel for the characters.  I must be human after all, and not an android.  It's that 'welling up' feeling inside that one sometimes gets in movies.  Movies throughout my life have made me feel things, and you always wish afterward that you can retain that feeling, but then you walk out of the theater, and the feeling starts to slip away painfully.  You wish it would go on forever.  But it doesn't, even when watching the movie for a second time. 

     So Audrey is a special girl.  I'll have to read up on her.  Humphrey Bogart wasn't a big fan of hers.  He was a codgy old man by the time he met her anyway, haha.


     Here is my cartoon of Bruce Dickenson from 'Iron Maiden'.  Like a lot of singers, he likes to talk inbetween songs, and you just want him to sing the song.  I like Bruce anyway.  The last time I saw him, he went off on some tangent about how people would rather go see Brittney Spears, but there were 3000 people who paid to see him, so there was no need for Bruce to be a 'Mr. Complainer' about what the state of popular music was.       

     I took this picture from 'The S.F. Weekly' which was laying on the cement near the door to my building.  Lots of women strip in this town in order to pay rent, and have nice things.  The strippers are exploited by management while they exploit the customers.  Management should treat strippers well, though, because they wouldn't have a business without them.

     Uh, I'm just getting into 'holiday cheer mode', but I can't really forget about how the world actually works with all the crime and corruption.  Somehow, I have to sell myself so I can live in this world.  I would like to do it with my art, but so far, while I have had many successes, it isn't enough to sustain myself full-time yet.  I work on it every day, don't know what else to do.  I know I have something to give, just have to keep doing it.  Wish me luck, a lot of luck.  But it is also time to really do my research, and get some business opportunities happening.  I just have to play the game.  Not a pretty thing to do, but I have to do it.  Maybe it will be fun.

     It would help if I got a phone, duh.    


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