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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I need $10,000.

  Then I can give my brothers some money.  Well, not easy to get.  That's the problem.  I was hoping to be a famous artist by now, but that hasn't exactly happened yet.  Oh well, what can you do?  I am going to have to come up with something.  I might even have to, gulp, work...a regular job.  I've done it before, no big deal.  I just find them so tedious, and a waste of my time, especially for what they pay me as compensation.  That's been my experience.

     Well, here are two ideas for children's books I came up with today.  Not serious, just a cartoon, but I had fun making the video commercial of this.

     Damn, Matthew Barney has a career, and I don't, even though I'm not especially crazy about his work.  The upper class bigwigs like him.  He caters to that audience quite well.  I'm kind of lower class, I suppose, and have the marketing skills of William Blake or Henry J. Darger.  Oh well.  Where did I go wrong?  Right from the vagina, I suppose.

     My facebook is down temporarily for a site issue.  Something got fucked up, don't know what.  It was working fine one minute, then the next, not working.  I abuse my facebook privileges, I suppose, posting stuff every three minutes.  Just how I've been doing it lately, just having fun.

     Yeah, my family needs money, and I need a job.  I can't save them all, I can barely save myself.  So it is a thinker.  At least the blog helps me think things through a little.  It all gets a little confusing with the overwhelming circumstances life presents sometimes.  Just how it goes.

     I'm trying to get ready for an art show.  I am wondering if I should go low brow or high brow.  Put my best work up?  I could do that, but what fun would that be?  I don't have a lot of really good work anyhow.  I don't even know what art is anymore, besides just some kind of entertaining thing that people make for people who don't want to see a movie that night. can see I have an attitude problem.  I don't think it is all that harmful.  Yeah, sometimes I wonder about myself, too.  Who doesn't?  I don't think anyone will read this anyway, so what does it all matter?  Haha.  I can always edit this motherfucker later.

     Maybe I broke facebook with all the crap I post.  I can live without facebook, but I am already having withdrawals, oh no.  Must get on facebook.  Must get on facebook.  I have plenty to do anyhow without facebook.  It is mostly a distraction, but it does make it easy to write notes to friends and family without the big deal of an e-mail.  Just a short, little note...ok, three paragraphs...haha.

     I'm a pain in the ass, gotta figure out what to do about that, if anything.

     All my videos are on 'David Lovins 67' if by a freak chance some stranger reads this and wants to see my videos.

     It was worth a shot. 

     The events of the day certainly justifies me getting a beer.

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