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Monday, February 14, 2011

The Artist's Journal for Monday Night

     Hi there.  I haven't written for a while.  I was writing every day on this blog it seemed, but then my interest in blogging varies due to lack of response.  I love this blog, because, mostly it is for me.  I write it for myself, I do it for me.  I write every day in my sketchbook, and that stuff I never show any one, for it is no one's business but mine.  The text thing is weird, though, putting myself out there like this with words.  It seems easier with youtube and making videos, than with text, where in a way, I feel more naked.  At least with a video, I can act my way through it and have it be no big deal, but this is the real thing, I guess.
     I usually like to write a bullshit paragraph or two, so that the people who don't care at all will just go somewhere else.
     So, it looks like I have two followers on this blog.  Maybe I will have more some day, I don't know.  I have 968 hits or something.  I've made 75 cents on this blog so far.  Haha, what a joke.  As a boss, Google doesn't pay too well.  However, maybe with persistence, I can build an audience with this blog, or maybe I will start another blog, who knows?
     I guess I still am on Art Bistro, but I wasn't crazy about that site.  It is owned by 'Monster', and they kind of own what you put up there, and I didn't like that too much.  It is mostly a bunch of amateur artists and house wife types.  One of these days, I'll check in with it when I have some time to kill.
     I haven't bothered with 'Etsy' for quite some time.  My work keeps changing, so to advertise something for sale, well, by the time some one would buy something, chances are with me that the painting will have changed.  I need a whole store room for my inventory, and I just don't quite have it together enough to run a business out of my studio.
     Why haven't I written much on this blog lately?  Well, video games.  I've been playing Free Realms and Clone Wars Adventures a lot.  I love those games.  I still want to get back into EverQuest, Star Wars Galaxies, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Lord of The Rings Online, but it all takes time.  Youtube has been a big focus, because I actually get responses to my work there sometimes.  On my DavidLovins67 channel, I have 37, 500 hits so far in a year's time, and I feel pretty good about that.  My old channel had 270,000 hits the last time I checked.  All in all, I have over 800 videos on youtube, and more are coming.
     In a way, I wish I was into politics more, because then I would have more to write about that people might care about, but I mostly just don't care about getting swept up by all the shit politicians say is important.  It's all a bunch of bullshit, which is mostly designed to propel their own careers, and during my lifetime, things really haven't changed all that much since 1970.  Same old crap, different year.
     It is a relief to have W. Bush out of office.  I felt the scary curtain of ignorance cover the land like a spell, and people got stupider and stupider, but they seem to be awake now.  Also, Bush had an effect on women, so people didn't get laid as much, much like the great pussy shortage of the 1950's that Richard Pryor mentioned.
     Anyway, money is the bottom line in this country, but China seems to produce all of our every day consumer goods.  So, in a way, we are fucked, and there aren't enough jobs.  The country is in debt for trillions of dollars, and from my point of view, no one gives a shit about art, so as a professional artist, I am fucked unless I can get some sales soon. 
     Anyhow, life is good, and I am having fun.
     I did my yoga today, and I feel good.  The girls were cute, and I can bend as good as they can, which took about two years.  It is good to be flexible. 
     I guess I should put up some pictures so someone who happens upon this blog won't get bored....This Hello Kitty Backpack girl was pretty cute.  I hope she doesn't mind that I took her picture.  She was adorable, though.

     Here is my Nurse Chapel painting in progress.  Takes a while to get it exactly right.  The eyes take the longest amount of time, and if they aren't in the right position, they have to be redone.  Just part of the painting process.

     I guess Tony Clifton made a return appearance.  I would have loved to have seen that.  I'll have to check on youtube to see if anyone filmed it.

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