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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Two in The Afternoon on a Saturday in February

      Wow, I broke 1000 hits on my blog.  That is good news.  It is amazing, actually.  The truth be told, my friend told me that bots do clicks on blogs, so it is hard to say if real people are reading the entries, or if it is just some automated system.  You never know who reads your content.  They certainly don't respond with comments.  So if I actually have had 1000 people look at this blog, not one person has left a comment, so that is how that goes.
     I love the idea of blogging, though.  Instant publishing, it is great.  That is incredible that we live in a day and age where we can do that.
     Also incredible is that someone like me can get a thousand hits.
     Basically, I am a pretty unpopular person, and I always have been.  Just how it goes.  I'm usually busy, and absorbed in my own thoughts, so I'm not the funnest person to hang out with, unless I am in a good mood.  I'm working on my art all the time, so that is what I am usually consumed with.
     Anyway, I've been thinking about how my family drives me insane, or that they are crazy, and then it makes me wonder if I am completely off my rocker.  One thing that might prove that I am not normal, is I actually want to be a full-time working artist, making a living off of my art.  Most people in The United States of America don't really give a shit about art, so my chances of making a living doing that is really slim.  Unless I work for some company or something, I don't think my chances are really all that good.  So, regardless, I have to keep trying, because art is what I do.  I love to make art everyday.  It is what I went to school for.  I am trained.
     I'm at 41,000 hits on youtube for my davidlovins67 channel.  I am really happy about that.  Surprisingly, I am approaching 400 hits a day.  That is great.  My old channel kirkindysolospock the last time I checked had 270,000 hits.  Wow, my videos have accounted for at least 310,000 hits.  That is a lot.
     Of course, no one cares how many hits anyone gets on youtube, but that is not true.  You just aren't supposed to show that you care, because that would be geeky.  You aren't supposed to gloat about how many hits you get, but I am proud of all my hits.  I put a lot of work and time into those videos, so fuck it.  Besides, it is the only thing I've got going in my life.  It is about the only chance I have of getting myself, my voice, and my art out there into the world.  And as you know, each hit translates into cash eventually if you get enough advertising supporting you.  So it is in my interest to develop a 'David Lovins' brand.  It is the only chance I have of surviving in this world.  To be honest, no one is rushing to buy my art, so I don't know how people expect me to live.
     Actually, my art videos aren't the ones getting hits.  My 'Clone Wars Adventures Online' videos are the ones getting hits to be honest.  There are a lot of good kids on that game, and they watch my videos on youtube, and add me as a friend in the game.  It is cool.  Dirk Wampaflash is more famous as a video game toon than I am as an artist.  All I can do is laugh.  Just how it goes.  But maybe over time people will appreciate my art, as soon as I can finish it.
     I want to talk about my older brothers, but I don't know if they would like it, so what is the point?  I can't mention their names.  Oh no, I mentioned that I have older brothers.  They might not like that, either.  Yes, I should refrain about talking about them.  It's all just a bunch of bullshit.  I don't care if they talk about me.
     I know someone who writes a blog, but that person wants to remain anonymous, so that is no fun for me to talk about that person, or promote the blog.  I don't agree with some of the person's ideas about things.  I don't even feel that I can tell that person that I don't agree, because it would amount to no good.  That person has a right to think and believe and write anything that person wants.  Eventually someone will notice what he writes, and might not be too happy, but that isn't my problem.  I should let it all happen.  It is none of my business.
     Amazing that I have to edit myself on my own blog, because I am worried about what people will think that I know.  They don't even read my fucking blog, so I don't know why I should give a fuck.
     Some friend of mine asked what my blog address is, so if you are reading this, 'hi'.  You are a lovely person.  I admire you.  I don't think I'll ever be a yoga person.  I'm an artist.  Just how it is.
     Yes, I still do yoga four times a week.  I cut down, I wasn't getting my art done.  Some teachers are better than others, so it isn't worth it to attend every class that is available.  I wouldn't mind trying out some new teachers at this point.  That might be fun and interesting.
     I like yoga women.  They are rad.  That is one of the primary reasons why I like yoga.  I like the women.  It gives me ideas about art.  I like bodies in space.  I used to do some modern dance, and I did that for the same reasons.  It's good for my art, and I can't sit still all day doing art, I have to move.  It's good for me.
     I should do some sun salutations today.  I have so much crap in my studio, especially with getting ready for my next show, that shit is everywhere.  Just how it goes.
     Why am I writing this blog?  I don't know.  It helps me think, and I don't care if people see what is going on in my head.  It is harmless, and by the time I am finished writing this blog, I'll have a whole new set of thoughts in my head.
     Let's I have to pay my internet bill, and I might as well go to the gym for a refresh with a shower and steam room.  That always makes me feel good, and clears my mind.  Then I like to get coffee, so I turn it into a whole adventure.  That sets it up so I can have a creative time for the rest of the day.
     I am a big Howard Stern fan, and that doesn't mesh too well with either my art, or my yoga, but the show makes me laugh, so maybe it has everything to do with it.
     I am not in love with anyone, I just love women.  I love to look at them and draw them.  I'm not one to be chatty.  I'd rather just look at them, and admire from a far.  If any woman likes me, she will let me know, but because of their passive nature, or maybe mine, nothing happens, and maybe that is a good thing.  I can't give a woman all that she wants, so there is no point in going into it.  A woman wants security for the future, and I don't even have that for myself.  I certainly don't have a good chill-out pad, so there is not even a point of bringing chicks over anymore.  No room for them.  Plus, there are other problems about my living situation, but that is just how it is.  It is alright for me, I love living here.  It just isn't all that cool for guests.
     I just thought of Jeremy Olsen, my friend from art school.  He was here three months before he died.  I don't even know what he died of.  When he was here, we shot the shit, and talked.  He was a nice guy.  I am sorry he is gone.  He smoked some pot while he was here.  I'm not crazy about pot, it doesn't do much for me.  I'd rather sip on coffee and smoke a cigarette, or a beer than smoke pot.  It affects each person differently, so that is how it affects me.  I just don't like the feeling pot gives me.  It stays in my system, I can feel it.  I don't like it.  It fucks me up.  It certainly doesn't help with my breathing, and it makes me cough, and that is no fun.  So fuck pot.  Once in a while it is okay.  But if there is a hot chick smoking pot, I would smoke it with her, no problem.
     I heard on Stern when he was interviewing Jeff Conaway from 'Taxi', that Jeff was doing drugs with about eight women, and he was the only guy around, and they all got wasted, and he fucked and did stuff with all eight of the women.  Amazing.  Lucky bastard.  You have to do a lot of drugs to get into that situation, so that is why that stuff never happens to me.  Drugs and alcohol do lead to sex, so that is why people do that stuff.  No one fucks when they are sober.  Well, they do, but to get laid from my point of view, it helps if there is booze around.  When I am at a certain amount of tipsiness, girls like me better when I am at that point.  I am more accessible.  Just how it goes.  Most of the time, I am closed off to the world, and I am no fun.
     Why am I writing all this shit?  I don't know.  Just something to do, as I prepare to do my chores out in the real world.  Going to at & t is not my favorite thing to do.  I need to juice up with a lot of caffeine before I can even begin to deal with it.
     I have jury duty this upcoming week, so I'll do what I have to for that.  I have no problems serving.  A jury saved my ass, so whether they did or not, it is my duty to serve.  My experience with the legal system definitely made me rethink how I felt about doing jury service.  Anyway, serve on a jury, and be glad about it.  You never know what can happen in this life.  A jury may save your ass someday.
     I really have to go.  It is about time.  Let's see if there are any pictures to put up...

     Here is my Portable PlayStation One that still works like a dream.  I put it next to my computer recently, and I am really happy I did.  I can play the games I never get around to, and make videos off of the small flat screen.  It is really cool.
     One of my brothers and I figured out that I will have to get a small flat screen tv for my PS2, so I can make videos from those games, too.  That will be fun.
     I really like making video game videos.  It is enjoyable for me.  I like talking smack over the games, I have a good time.
     Well, I'm going to take off.  Hope you enjoyed this blog, if indeed, you are human, and not a bot. 

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