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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Happy Saturday

I guess it is happy. I feel good, that is something.
Just playing EverQuest, drinking coffee, smoking self-rolled cigs, and having a pleasant time in my studio.
I am still thinking about D & D Online with my brother last night. We both like that game. It's right up our alleys. We had a good time fighting acolytes and fish people who were trying to take over the City of Canuth through infiltration. The fish people, we imagined, represented people working in the tax or accounting industry, so we had a good time killing them.
I had a nice time in yoga class. This teacher is a little new agey for my tastes, but she is getting better. I don't agree with her about some stuff, but she will get better as a teacher with age and experience. She is a nice enough person. The actual physicality of the poses and actions we did were good. I just don't need it dressed up too much with her philosophy about things. She did announce her relationship status, and I didn't care if she did that or not. I guess she had to announce it to the whole class. I guess girls like to do that kind of thing, and then talk about her boyfriend for a little bit.

Anyway, I am continuing with the painting today, and I will post some new videos, and see what happens.
I know how to get a hit with a video. Just pick a song, and put good photos of the band with it. People like that. So it is no mystery how to get hits on youtube. My idea is to get people to watch some of the other stuff on my channel that they wouldn't normally watch, stuff about art. That's the challenge. Getting there, little by little. It takes time, like everything.

I should call my friend today. Haven't talked to him in a while. He's the one that came up with the 'Use Birth Control' t-shirt. Maybe I should make a video of that.

Blogger is very useful to me. There isn't enough room on Facebook to put all my stuff. I'm already flooding thing, mostly to no effect whatsoever. That is typical and normal for me. I've never generated much response to anything I've done in my life. Let's just say I've had mixed results. Takes a while to think through a life.

My right arm hurts a little from using the computer too much. Yoga is helpful there. I've done everything right ergonomically, but just the repetition of the movements, no matter where you set it up eventually get to you. I need a table where you can change the level of the desk constantly, sometimes so you can even stand at it. Maybe that is the way of the future. A lot of people get problems in their hands and arms with computers. I could never get a job doing computers all day. I'd get carpal tunnel syndrome inside of six months. Keyboards ought to be angled more like a regular typewriter. I can type on that thing for hours, np.

I talked to my sister, she's doing good.

I have other phone calls to make today.

I'm getting hungry for homemade vegetable soup, that sounds good. I think they have a special on mushrooms next door, have to check it out.

Life is good, getting better, still looking for work, something I can do that won't make me want to snuff it.

The painting and the video making will continue today, and we'll see what happens.

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