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Monday, February 1, 2010

I wonder what would happen if I wrote a thousand blogs?

Probably not much. Haha.

So when I was eight, I was in my friends' garage and I was trying to come up with something that rhymed with 'John', but all I could come up with was 'Chocolate bon-bon'.
So I told my brother Mike about 'John The Chocolate Bon-Bon' but came up with 'John The Bon'.
I didn't like the shortening at first, because it made no sense at all, it was one of Mike's 'ridiculoso' words, but over time, it became great precisely because of that.
So I give Mike half credit in helping to invent 'The Bon', which eventually became a fictional character. 'The Bon' has everything to do with excess.

'The Bon' really isn't my brother John. We do use it for him, though, when we do, we aren't really talking about him. Or we are. Or we are talking about this other thing, that we don't quite understand. Or we are making fun.

I think John and 'The Bon' are two separate people, really. Sometimes, I still wait for the real John to show up. We'll keep calling him 'The Bon' until the real John is reawakened. Glimpses of him show up now again, unless he's had me fooled all these years. Could be. Maybe I've been the fool all along. Even as of today, there are no signs that it will ever change, so "The Bon" will live as a fictional character.

Of course, John will think it is about him, but it is really about how I have to deal with this fictional character known as 'The Bon'. It certainly isn't real.

I just wanted to write this stuff because it was on my mind, and I wanted to e-publish that my brother Mike and I actually invented 'The Bon'. We wouldn't have unless there was a reason. We also would have forgotten it, if there wasn't a reason to keep using it. There is no other way to deal with the ridiculous over-excessive aspects of what I have to contend with. Makes no sense in this world. It is quite ridiculoso.

I think it is legal to write about people if you tell the truth. What about those 'tell-all' books?

It certainly isn't my intention to 'tell all'. That wouldn't be much fun anyways, and no one would want to read that.

I might do some 'The Bon' material in comic book form. Well, I already have. I just haven't published it in any sense yet, haha. I can draw 'The Bon' from memory. It's just some kind of cartoon guy.

Mike and I came up with a lot of stuff.

We didn't always get along, but a lot of times we did.

Anyway, the bands are going at it. There is No Hope they will ever play anything larger than a small club, if they can even get that. I've heard lots of bands unsigned that are much better than any band down here. I wish they had some humility, because if they knew they sucked, then they could improve and actually get better. Their egos are too big, so they'll never get better.

Maybe John will get pissed if he reads this and will threaten to sue. My mother's name was Sue. Well, Susan. She didn't like it when I called her 'Susan' a couple of times. That put us on equal footing. She wanted to maintain power, just like John does. How ridiculous, especially when there is no power to be had. It's over, just over, everything is just over, and, who cares?

I need to get thousands of hits on this blog to even make $4, I think. Haha, what a joke it all is, house always wins.
Again, nothing for the little man, that is all I am, a little Napolean Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec guy with a funny hat.
The system is set-up so someone like me can never succeed. Fuck that. I have no choice, I have to succeed, if I want to live at all in this world.

time to lay down, god this guy singing is awful. He is really bad.

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