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Sunday, February 7, 2010


It's SuperBowl Sunday. From what I understand, this is the best day of the year to go to DisneyLand, because it isn't crowded.
I put up a bunch of videos on youtube, that was fun.
I've made artwork for twenty years. Pretty pointless if no one sees it. I can't even see the stuff anymore, I have so much, it's all rolled up, and put away. The videos help at least to get some of my stuff out there, I'm happy about that. Because of youtube, more people have seen what I do then ever before. No complaints here.
I just turned on EverQuest. Always good to get some kills in and some xp.
I could go up to North Beach and hang out with people to watch the game, or I could just go to yoga. I don't even know what time the game starts. I haven't really cared at all. It would be nice to see the Saints win, after all those years of being a sucktastic team, and it would be good for the city of New Orleans.
All of a sudden, there are Saints fans in San Francisco. Who knew? Actually, a lot of people moved here from New Orleans after Katrina, that's why.

I used to watch a lot of football while living in Utah. There was nothing else to do.
I remember watching the Philadelphia Eagles win the superbowl when I was in 7th grade, 1980 possibly, and the world had changed. Wow, the Eagles won. That meant that I had to think of the band The Eagles, and the Philapdelphia Eagles, as Eagles that really meant something. I went to school thinking how the superbowl had affected me, and I was thrilled to see how the other kids would react because someone won a football game. It was exciting. An event that I participated in, and was a part of, because I had seen it on t.v. That was my idea of world events back then.

My life didn't change much, I was hungry, and wanting to do something, but couldn't. No resources, just school. I didn't have the energy or the desire to be a good student, I got slack from the drudgery of school, with nothing going on, and a limited sense of self. All I had was baseball to look forward to. That was the only thing that got my blood going, the only time I really felt alive. Existence was drudgery.

There is a yoga woman in class, she is absolutely repulsed by me, she probably wishes I didn't show up to class anymore. She is a nice woman.
I'm a complete artist type, wearing old clothes, dirty and scroungy from working in the studio, smoking, drinking, but hey, I take two showers a day, I don't know what else she wants.
She's very attractive to me, and I've followed her footsteps with my eyes in the past. She has an amazing body, and she'd be awesome to make a painting of, that's why I look at her, after twenty years of life drawing, you start to be selective of who you want to paint.
Yeah, she is completely repulsed by me. I think she is married. I never talk to her or bother her, or any woman in yoga class that I know of.
I go into class unshaven, dishevelled at times, I don't care.
The YMCA I go to is in the heart of The Financial District, and there are lots of business people that go there. I'm not one of them at all.
So, business people, and men in the locker rooms that scope out other men a little too much, and a little too obvious.
I've seen men in the locker room look at who comes in and out of the shower, and sit in strange positions fully nude in the steam room. It's like, "Dude, towel?" and "Plenty of gay bathhouses in the city, it's the YMCA, man."
I don't care if someone is gay or not, doesn't matter to me. You can't buy class, though.

No one wants to read all this shit on Facebook, so I might as well blog it. I have an excess of words, and they have to go somewhere. I'm sick of just putting words on paper here, and not have them go anywhere. I have mountains of paper as it is, and I don't know what to do with all of that. I also don't know what the point of it all is. I'm not published except what I've printed up myself, but it is hard to get people to buy stuff that I've printed off of a xerox machine, so I've given up on that.
Even with xeroxing a one-page cartoon? Where do I put it? Where are the cartoons distributed? Who wants it? Might as well just put it all on the web, and people anywhere in the world can look at it in a photo or video. I can't really care if I get paid or not. The idea is to get the art out there, any way I can. I'll worry about getting paid later, if ever. It interrupts the creative process when I have to think about that shit.

Scummy, my EverQuest ShadowKnight, will reach level 26 soon. That is exciting. I have fond memories of leveling up Scummy as a young Iksar warrior, haha.
Like a lot of other players, I am emotionally attached to my characters.

As far as the yoga woman who doesn't like me, well, I made a character that looks just like her on Dungeons & Dragons Online, and kind of named the character after her. She has short hair and a flaming sword of fire that kicks ass against men in religious robes and seafish people. Pretty hilarious.

I don't mess with married women at all. I did however talk to a woman last night that I know who is sleeping with a married man. She says the sex is good. I guess you always want what you can't have, but the guy is married with a couple of kids, and the wife just had a baby three months ago. It's just wrong. I don't want to be within a football field when the wife finds out, because you know, women always find out. It's just the look on a guy's face. She knows, she always knows. Men are stupid to try and hide that stuff. It's impossible, and then you have to live a lie. My 'friend' should just bail on that situation. Plenty of available men, but she's picky about how they are supposed to look to her. She's crazy enough as it is, without sleeping with a married man to mess her life up. I guess the sex has to be that good if she is risking that. Of course, the wife is completely exhausted from the birth and the crying of the kids, and now she has a cheating husband. Great. The wife when she finds out will divorce him, and that will be that mess. And she will find out. It's a small city, some woman who knows the wife will tell the wife, if the woman doesn't suspect her husband as it is.
I just had to get that out of my system, I've been thinking about it last night. Glad I have nothing to do with it, and I'm far away from that kind of crap.

I will take it easy, maybe do some painting, and decide what to do.

My chicken burrito on a tomato tortilla was damn fine eating last night. Mmmmm.

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