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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I had a nice time at the coffee shop.

     They played X, Violent Femmes, and The Velvet Underground, so I was happy.
     It was cold outside, but I sat there for a while anyhow.
     I drew my girls walking by.  They are a delight.  I try and draw them in motion.  San Francisco is such a great walking city.  Plus it is a nice fashion show.
     The hardest thing is to draw girls on bikes.  They whiz by so fast, so I have about four seconds to take a mental snapshot and try and get the gist.  No point with the camera, you never know when the bicycles will come by.
     I saw my new friend.  She is nice.  I like her smile.  I asked her what her name was today.  She told me.  I would love to draw her portrait.
     I like having long hair again.  I feel more like myself.
     I am still recovering from the cold.
     Time for yoga instead of writing blog entries.
     I am amazed that I've gotten 800 hits on this thing.  I don't know what it means, if it is real people, or automated, or what.  I don't know who is clicking on my blog besides me.  I certainly wonder at who would actually read it.  I can barely make myself read my own work.
     Time to go.  Just how it is.  I have a great teacher, and I don't want to miss that.  She is very literate.  It is like taking an English class, except that it is physical exercise. fingers are still cold from sitting outside.
     Yes, it really is time to go.
     I have the rest of the day to paint.
     Bye for now.
     Sometimes it takes a while to say good-bye.  I know people where saying good-bye ends up being a third of the conversation....haha.

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