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Monday, December 27, 2010

I paid a bill. No one cares, but it is the first thing that came to mind.

     I'm lucky I had money to pay a bill.  I still owe Sprint a chunk of change.  Okay, I owe them $200.  Ouch.  I guess I had better get painting.
     I took care of one thing.  I bypassed the art store.  Maybe tomorrow for that.  I really need some more paint.   I considered myself lucky to be able to take care of that one thing, though, the bill is out of the way for a while.  It hangs heavy on my heart and mind if I don't pay it, in addition to guilt.
     I drew people while I was on the train, and in the station.  That is always fun.  I can't get people to sit still, though.
     I need to draw a woman right now.  I'm going to try and draw from the computer tonight.  Have to.  I can't make art without drawing women.  I used to take figure drawing class once a week, but now I don't even do that.  I would like to do it again.  I'll have to figure it out eventually what I am going to do.
     I would just assume make porn paintings, but people don't like that.  I don't see why not.  Millions of people watch porn.  I guess it is not appropriate for a coffee shop art show.  haha.
     I joined a BDSM social networking site just to see what would happen.  Lots of people are into it, more than you would think.  They just want to be open about it in a trusting atmosphere.  Nothing wrong with that.  I'm interested in it.  I'm interested in people.  I would love to make art based on that stuff.  Sounds like fun, which is all it is.
     I just want some fun and adventure.  No harm in that.
     I want to change my life.  Right now.  Okay, it is changed.  I am a new person now.  It is as easy as that.  Just making a decision is the hardest part.
     I just want to be a famous artist, and make art, and have everything I need to do it. 
     Okay.  That is a good, first step.
     I went to school for art.  I still need to pay off my student loan.  The only way to pay off that chunk of change is to make lots of art, and sell it for high prices.  That sounds good.  I would like to do that.  Fuck the world.  I can do it.  I'll do what ever it takes, even if I have to sell my soul, but I don't think that will be required.  It is just business, baby, all it is.

     It is a fucked up world.  It is amazing what I am finding on the web tonight.  Everybody does stuff.

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