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Thursday, January 28, 2010


As good a title as anything.

Fuck. I love to say that word. It's so useful and poignant. Luckily, my blog is set to adult, so I can say the word 'fuck'. I hear it everyday outside. Every fucking day.
I live in The Mission, in San Francisco, and I hear a lot of other things, too.

I attended jr. high and high school in Bountiful, Utah. Mormon Central, 90% L.D.S., and you never heard so much cussing in the hallways in your life. I bet it is still the same now, and then these kids go to church on Sunday. It's true, I lived through that nonsense. Bunch of hypocrasy, I'd hear kids talking about the blowjob they got over the week-end, then I'd see them in church, with a shit-eating guilty smile, haha.

I was no better, and I felt better when I finally bailed on the church, it just didn't make sense to me, and I was conflicted, and I haven't gone back, except for one exception, as a favor. ( I was there for an hour, I couldn't stand it. )


Am I allowed to swear on Blogger? I'm not even sure. If Howard Stern can swear on satellite radio, I don't know why I can't do it here.

Everyone does it. Bono has said 'fuck' on live t.v. before.

'A Catcher In The Rye' prints the word 'fuck' six times, and that book is read in high school.

I have my kirkindysolospock channel on youtube. I just created the DavidLovins67 channel. Haha, it's serious now. I am creating myself as a corporate entity, in my own way, of course. The first channel is my 'youtuber' channel, where I do what 'youtubers' do, which is pretty fun, don't want to give that up. The new channel will feature entirely original content where I own the copyright on everything. Have to do it if I ever want to make a single penny with adsense. Making videos, getting paid sounds good, though I know it might take a long time. Also, they don't take many more youtube people for adsense anymore, but if I do some good work, maybe they will take me. You never know unless you try, and I have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Why the fuck not? It's my only chance to do anything in this world, and have my work seen. Who wouldn't want that?

I'm having a good day today, though I am a little pissed for some reason, but it is a good feeling of being pissed. I just want to make something happen in my life, you know what I mean? I've been in art galleries, I've shown my work, I've sold work in cafes, I've done a lot of art in the last twenty years, but to have most of it never be seen, well, that sucks.

I figure at this point, I have one good blog in me a day that I can pour out. I don't have much more I want to say in one day than what I do in one blog. Sometimes other ideas may come, and if it is good, I'll blog again. I'm new to this blog thing anyway, and I don't expect much from it. I know that people will eventually read this, though knowing my audience, most people don't leave any comments, and I don't expect them to. I get a lot of silence as a response to my work in the last twenty years, and a lot of people have stolen my ideas, haha, or used, or borrowed them, which irks me a little, but nothing I can do about it. Sometimes it is flattery. The best artists flat out steal, Picasso did that a lot, going into people's studios, and stealing their ideas, and doing it his way.

It's how it works sometimes in the real world. Ask Andy Warhol, and he died with with over $250,000,000 to his name? Not sure, but I know The Andy Warhol Foundation is loaded today.

Right now, I'm listening to a band practice, and I'm tired of this band. I don't think they are that good. At best, what they do is 'cute'. The harmonies of the girls singing I like the best, they sound like angels sometimes, but mostly I call them 'The Crying Kittens Band' which I think is a great name for them. It fits.

I'm happy that I have a new youtube channel. I was thinking about the original content I was gonna put up, and when I have to, I'll find some copyright free music to put along with it. I like old music anyhow, it will work.

Bush, both father and son, probably thought they were in a movie during their presidencies.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this blog entry has forty-seven hits so far. I am amazed.
