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Friday, March 21, 2014

     Hello, I have not written on this blog in a while.

     "How is everybody doing?"

     Haha.  I like to say that line on online games.  It pisses people off because it is such a dumb question.

     Anyway, it is Friday, and I'm doing my thing.

     I had a good time at the coffee shop.  No one bought any art, though, unfortunately.  I could really use the money.

     Meanwhile, it takes a while to upload videos when I'd rather be playing EverQuest.

     You can't do everything at once.

     Anyhow, I got pretty drunk last night, and had a good time.

     I'm not always proud of my behavior, but I'm trying to sell art, and to do that, I need to party along with the best of them just to keep the good mood going.  That is when people open up their wallets.

     Sometimes when I bicycle home and I've been drinking, I say things to people.  I wish I would stop that.  Then sometimes people ask me for money inside of 7/11, and I don't like solicitation at all, much less inside a store.  I consider it really rude.  So I say something, and it pisses people off.

     Anyway, life is good, and I'm trying my best to survive.

     Meanwhile, I'm trying to read some Fantastic Four comics, but there are gaps in logic.  They got their powers from cosmic rays.
     Wouldn't anybody who goes up in space get super powers from cosmic rays?  It is ridiculous.

     You don't notice that stuff when you are a kid reading the same comics.

     Anyway, I don't know why anybody would spend time reading my blogs.  I just write because I like to write.  I kind of have to in order to keep whatever sanity I have left.

A censored napkin art piece

     The quote is from a Neil Young song, but I don't know if I can post this on anything other than an adult blog.

     I am confused about what I can and can not do on the web.

     It is frustrating, because I don't know why anybody cares or not what I post.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

     I'm pretty happy in my new studio.

     It is very nice.

     It is lovely.

     However, my landlady said, "Nothing lasts forever."

     For you see, anytime she feels like saying that she does not want me here, she can ask me to leave.

     That is her right.

     My back-up plan, which I hope I do not have to resort to, is that I will have to move everything into a storage unit.  That would not be fun.

     Meanwhile, I have been waiting for forty minutes to get into the bathroom.  Is someone living in there?

     Yes, I am only writing this blog because I am waiting to use the crapper.

     I ventured upstairs, and the door was slightly ajar.  The same guy has been sitting on the toilet for a half hour. 

     Maybe he needs more fiber in his diet, and less booze.

     I'm in and out of there in a couple of minutes.

     Dare I try again and see if he is still there? 

     After forty minutes, I was finally able to use the bathroom.  I was in and out of there in three minutes.