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Thursday, August 27, 2015

     Hello.  I have not written on this or any other blog in quite some time.

     By the way, this is by far, my most popular blog.

     It is easy to see why.

     It is because of the profanity and the adult content...haha.

     I do not know if it is mature, though....haha.

     Anyhow...I've had a lot of trouble on my computer, but it is completely fixed now.  We did a 'PC Reset' and things work fine.  We even got EverQuest to work, and I was having problems with that for a year.

     It all started with installing Windows 10, and then I couldn't get a single online game to work, much to my distress.

     I like online games, and I want them to work.

     When I get home, or wake up, I just want to kill and get xp.  It gives me a sense of accomplishment.

      There is nothing better than a good online game and a good cup of coffee in the morning.

     I am single, so I don't have to worry about some woman getting in the way.  I also live alone, more or less, so I can do what I want.  I am an artist, and I need lots of alone time. is good, but there is much room for improvement.

     I am trying to figure out how to get paid from  I have been selling my art off of their website.  I am on there as 'David Lovins' if you want to take a look.
     I discovered that I was getting paid because of my mistake of typing in my gmail address wrong.  Hopefully they will be able to pay me now.  Artists need money, you know, just like anyone else.

     I am not a non-profit organization.  People ask me for discounts on my art all the time.

     Eventually, I will have to give youtube my tax information so I can get paid from them, too.

     It ain't easy to make money on the web, but I'm trying.  It takes time, even years.

     I'm just happy my computer is fixed so that I can get down to business, and have some fun.

     I have one brother where to spend time writing a blog makes no sense to him, as there are no results.  I do it because I love to write, and I like blogs.