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Monday, October 15, 2012

     God, I'm so pissed.  I don't even believe in 'god', and I hate when people say 'god bless'.  It drives me nuts, especially when used as a farewell.
     Anyway, I just got back from the cafe.
     I was the angriest today than I've been in a long time.
     I was pissed off by this man who sat next to me.  He was using his laptop, and then his cellphone right next to me.  He didn't give a shit about what I was doing.  I was trying to make art.  He just did not give a fuck.  Then, he was just getting in my way, in addition to soaking up all of the creative energy in a twenty-five foot radius.
     I was angry because I had just sat down to work, and within five minutes, this guy sat down, and ruined my mood.
     Then I had to stew in it for a fucking, goddamn hour until he finally left.
     I said 'hello' to him initially, but then he doesn't say anything about my art, or what I'm doing, and people like this, they just stare at you, if they even bother to fucking do that.
     God, I'm so annoyed.
     Then there was this lesbian and this young man, and they did the move which is..."Let's look at the stuff on the wall, and then passively end up near the working artist, and bother him."  I hate that.  I like people who make a decision to walk up to me and introduce themselves like a normal person, with some decent questions.  Anyway, I didn't like this couple because they didn't hate the crappy art on the wall, so because of that, I didn't want to talk about my art.
     Then there was this beautiful black woman in a chocolate striped dress.  She didn't bother me, but I was still glad when she left.
     Then there were two young girls and a boy, and they didn't bother me.
     But the first man, maybe he was Chinese American, he bothered me.
     Then Black Comic Book Guy showed up.  He is the one who used the phrase, "God Bless".  I pretended to shoot myself in the head, and fell on the sidewalk after he said it, I was 'soooo annoyed'.
     The Fuck.  What a day.  Then it was mother-fuckin' hot, which wasn't bad on account that it helped my art pieces to dry, but for me it was being in a steam room, and I wasn't in the mood for that.
     So, I bought a beer, and a grape drink, and maybe I can start to relax and calm down.

     Thank god for this blog, because I can fuckin' swear on it.  At least I think I can.  I don't think this one is monetized anymore, as it has been deemed 'for adults'.

     Teen-agers swear a lot.  Adults do, too.  Most people swear every day, so I don't know what the problem is.

     Anyway, so I painted to blow off some steam, and I am still not done yet.

     Then there was that woman who wanted me to do storyboards at some point in the future.
     "Maybe there is $1000 in it for you somewhere down the road," she said.
     "Yeah, right," I thought.
     My grandmother told me never to work on speculation, to always get money down, and a contract for shit like that.  Otherwise, it is all talk, and impossible to get paid.
     The woman is kind of cute, though, that is the problem.  But, she is crazy-mad.  I've seen her from time to time over the years.  She's been in my studio before.  I've drawn her.  I'm glad she seemed to be doing well, she even had a laptop.  In the past, however, I've seen her tweek pretty hard.  She is so damn cute, however, I don't know how she manages.
     She said she is leaving in a week, so she got my email.
     I could have worked on storyboards with her for the last two years if she had wanted.  Who wants to work with anybody via email?  It sucks.  I'd rather work directly with a person, otherwise, it is hard to care unless the money is there.  But at that point, it ain't art, it's a job, and who gives a fuck.  Some jobs aren't worth what they pay, esecially with artwork, because it always takes longer than expected.  Always.

     So, yeah, I'm still pissed, but feeling a little better.

     I lost in Magic: The Gathering last night, so I am still pissed off at that, and at one of the players, who decided to play an uber sliver deck, which pissed me off.  Then combine it with the hot sun today in the cafe, and annoying people, and now I"ve got the rage of The Incredible Hulk.

     Just how it goes, I guess, but yeah, I am really pissed, mad, and angry.  I even made some art about it, but I am not done yet with that at all.

     It took me a couple of hours to even laugh today.  I still don't want to laugh just yet.  I am still so fucking pissed.
     I am going to hang onto this anger, and use it for fuel.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

     I haven't written on this blog for a while, because I don't know what I can and can't do.  It is frustrating.

     What I want on the web someday is a place where I can do whatever I want without some company to edit me. 

     I just want total freedom.

     I already have enough problems with editing myself, wondering what people will think, if they even care at all.

     I don't like it when somebody stands over my shoulder.  It creates too much pressure.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Blonde Woman has Squirting Orgasm Into Her Own Face

     Well, I'm assuming that you are 18 or over.  If you aren't, leave now, because I don't want to get into trouble.

     Dang, I can't upload the photo from my computer.  Maybe I can get it to work later.

     Anyway, I was watching some porn, and this woman was using her hand on herself, and she had a squirting orgasm right into her own face.  I had never seen that before, I was laughing.

     I will post the photo when I can.

    Dang, I published the post, and then I was going to add the photo, and then the photo uploader was working, but then the photo wouldn't load.  Geez.
     I'll try again later.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

     Why does this blog have ten times as many hits as any of my other blogs?  The naked ladies, of course.  haha

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

     This of course, is my favorite blog, because I can swear here and put up naughty pictures without feeling bad about it.  The only downside is that it can not be monetized since Blogger does not support 'adult' content.  I can't say I blame them.  The advertisers get in a tiff over that stuff.

     Anyway, I'm just sitting around.

     I've seen people post all kinds of things on the web, and I don't know how they get away with certain things.  It seems when I do things, that I get into trouble.  It's just the way it goes, I guess.

     Sal Governales from The Howard Stern Show, from what I understand, posts pictures of his penis on Twitter.  I don't know how he gets away with that.

Monday, May 21, 2012

     Wow, it looks like they have changed Blogger around since the last time I checked.  It was so fun and easy before, so I don't know why they fucked it.
     I guess some guys in the office didn't have anything to do, so they had to rearrange things.
     I liked how the format was before.  It felt comfortable to write.  Now, it just feels sterile, like a hospital.

     Anyway, I'm looking at Blogger today because somewhere in my gmail account, I have made $35 from all the things that I post on the web.
     It will be a while before I can ever get paid, since I'm at the point where I have to provide my tax information, and that sounds like a real pain in the ass.  I wish they could just drop it into my paypal account.  Maybe they can, I don't know yet.
     Things on the web can get a little confusing and overwhelming at times.

     Anyhow, to continue...if you are a person who has discovered this blog, I'm sure you are here for one reason.  To see some tits, of course.
     I try not to disappoint, so here is some beaver, too.

      You'll be happy to know that the medieval meaning of the word 'beaver' is 'a piece of armor protecting the lower part of the face, or a helmet visor'.  That makes sense since beavers are hard when you actually get around to fucking one.  That pubic bone can really drive into you.  Anyway, the furry little beavers have big hard front teeth that gnaw on wood...ah, it all makes sense now. 
     I took these pictures from some medieval period movie where a lot of people were getting it on.  I don't know the name of the movie.  It looked like it had high production values, but for a porn site, they just linked together all the naughty bits, as one would expect.
     They didn't trim their beavers in The Middle Ages, so I don't know how historically accurate this film was.

     Basically, I don't see anything wrong with nudity, especially with females.  The more of them that are naked, the better.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Egg Salad Sandwich and Friday The 13th

     Fuck.  There are just too many things to remember from the last couple of days to count, much less try and remember and write about.
     Usually, I just start with the first image that comes to mind. 
     Today, it is the egg salad sandwich I had last night.  Goddamn, was that good.
     I had two beers to go along with that, and that was real good.
     Then I biked over to Specs and my night began.
     I had fun painting and drinking, my two favorite things to do.
     I had no sales, but I got some beers, so the night wasn't a total loss.
     I got some attention from people, so it was a good public relations nights.
     I was pretty hammered.
     I think..yes...I did talk to a Lutheran Father in the bar.  My god.  He is a real nice guy.  I was talking to him when I was pretty lit.
     Anyway, I got some work done, so I was happy about that.

     I wound up at McDonalds at 6 in the morning.  I hadn't had a Sausage McMuffin in a long time.  It was damn good.

     When I got home, I went and got a slice of pizza.  It was damn good.

     I was all wound up when I got home, so I got on to Clone Wars and did my drunk thing there.

     Now I am at the cafe and it is Friday The 13th.
     Okay, I can deal with that.  I don't know what it all means.

     Speedy is working here today.

     The cafe is nice and quiet.

     My friend was here.  Neither of us had much to say.  I couldn't think of any heavy metal references to talk about.

     It is just how things go sometimes.

     Okay, so I did my painting on napkins.  It is a real good time to do that.

     I had one of those meaningless conversations with one of those North Beach people who sat next to me while I was painting.  It was hard to paint with somebody over my shoulder.

     It is a challenge even to get a cup of water when Speedy is working.  To get buzzed into the bathroom is another challenge.

     I did some good work on the computer yesterday to arrange my photo files.  It was not easy.
     I now have photo files that correspond to my blogs, so I am finally able to find some stuff that I am looking for.
     I still have work to do on that today.

     I don't have much interest in journalism.

     I don't like it when people call what I am doing 'art therapy', but in a way it is.  It isn't all that it is, though.  I am also a serious, working artist.

     I hate people sometimes at the same time I love them or adore them.  However, there is this hunk of humanity that I will always hate and despise.  I guess it is the attitude and the closed-mindedness.  It usually involves the kind of people that wear their baseball caps tilted and off to the side.  The hat does bother me a little, but it is the head behind it.  Now that fuckin' bothers me.

     Anyway, it is a fucked up world.

     I was hoping to make a change in my life and bring some money in, but it was not to be, not last night. 
     Tonight could be my night, though.

     Boy, is this counter girl pleasant.  I think she just mocked me by saying in a low voice, "cup of water". 
     You see, she ain't too good with her English.
     Hey, she isn't a singing mockingbird, that is for sure.
     I am starting to hope they get rid of her, and get somebody more pleasant here.  She just isn't all that fun.

     Half the day is gone already.
     There just aren't enough hours in the day.

     I was thinking while I was outside to get into an argument with the counter girl, but it wouldn't be any fun.

     I don't know what to say about this world. 

     I finally made it into the bathroom, and I feel better.  I was waiting a long time to get in there.  I don't want to bother the counter girl too much.  She seems to get bothered when she has to go out of her way for somebody.

     I'm not superstitious, but I wouldn't be surprised if some fucked up things happen in San Francisco tonight.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Space Journey Battles and Drunken Tales comic book stuff

Here is a panel from my sci-fi adventure 'Space Journey Battles'.
The idea that there would be a drive-thru McDonald's in space has been a long time favorite image of mine.

Eventually, my brother will do computer coloring on this or I will keep painting on it until I get it right, which takes time.  That is the unfortunate reality of painting.  It can be fun, though, to paint.  I like it.

All Love is Unrequited

     So that was fun to have The Druid show up at the cafe today.  It was a surprise.
     I was expecting him yesterday, but he was a no-show.
     It turned out that he didn't show up until 2 p.m., and by that time I was gone.
     We must have just missed each other.
     Anyway, Marco, The Druid, and I were out there smoking and talking for a while, and that was fun.
     We also were able to peruse the Magic The Gathering website for cards.
     The Druid was looking for a card he didn't know the name of, but we were able to find it anyway.
     Seedborn Muse was the name of the card.
     I am sure he is looking forward to trying to use it against us.

     So, it was a good time at the cafe, and damn, I just saw a woman in purple pants squat down.  Another photo opportunity missed.  Damn.
     There is a cute girl with her laptop, and another one that was here who walked right by me when I was on my knees taking pictures of my artwork on the ground.  I looked up and all I saw was a cute ass walking by.
     It drives me nuts, I love them all, and I can't do anything about it.

     Then the idea was introduced to me recently that 'All Love is Unrequited'.
     No matter what, it is never enough.  It doesn't matter if you are married to the person, or sleep with them or not, you can never completely consume or be with another person.  You can be close, but never completely fuse no matter how much you might want to.  It sucks, but that is just how it is.

     Those yummy moments only last for a short time.  Damn.

     Sure, the memory lasts forever, but it is never as good as the moment when you experienced it.

     Thank god at least we have those moments.

* * *

     Fuck, I am going crazy today.  I lost my paint water can.  Well, I left it at the bar last night.  I simply forgot it in the bathroom when I was packing up to go.  Damn.  Maybe it will be there later today if I can manage to get over there again, but damn, I need to put some more air in my bike tires...damn...always something.

     I need more coffee.

     It was nice to have my friends at the cafe.  I enjoyed the company, but now as I return to my own thoughts, I feel an overwhelm of thoughts unfurling from my mind.
     There is a lot going on.

      It was nice to get a $15 art sale last night.  I didn't take a picture of the sold piece because I am getting tired of documenting everything in a world where hardly anybody cares about what I am doing.
     Anyway, it turned out to be a good night over all.
     The pizza was damn good with fresh pineapple. 

* * *
     Since 2002, I have tried to figure out how to make money on the web, and I still haven't done it yet.  Damn.  This shit takes a lot of time.  Fuck.  Bills need to be paid now.  Maybe I just need a real job, but doing what?  Everything sucks at those damn jobs, and I don't like the kissing ass part.  It sucks.

I lost my water can that I use to paint with

     Fuck.  I left my favorite water can that I do my painting with at the bar last night.  Fuck.  I know right where I left it, too....on top of the goddamn urinal.
     I brought the can in with me to empty the water out, and I ended up forgetting it.
     I can only hope the bartender knows it is my painting can.  Maybe he saw me using it, and he will save it for me.
     If not, fuck it, I will just use another can.
     What I liked about this one is that I painted the outside of it, so I hate to lose stuff like that.  It is ever so painful to lose things that I have an invested emotional interest in.  Fuck.

     Anyway, I sold a napkin drawing for $15 last night.  That was good.  I ended up buying pizza for my friend and I, and some beer for me, and an Arizona Watermelon drink that was damn good.

     But fuck, I lost my water can.

     Maybe it will be there when I go there tonight.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Lesbian Parade

     Here is another example of photos I have on my computer that I don't know what else to do with them except to put them here.  Since many of the women are topless, I can't really post the photos on other sites, or on youtube.  Yet, I think they should be seen by anybody who wants to, as long as they are over eighteen.
        Before I begin, I might as well state that my role in this parade is as a bystander in the form of a dog.
       I am only a viewer with basic male instincts operating at this point.  I'm a guy, I can't help it.
       During the parade, I found myself only taking pictures of the prettier ones. 
       The guy in the plaid shirt, he was going up to just about every topless woman to get his picture taken with them.  They didn't seem to mind.  He was having almost too good of a time, almost being insulting, and taking advantage of the situation.  Some of the women were straining to be nice, but I guess that is what you should expect when you take your shirt off in public.  Guys will want to take a picture with you.
     Nice boots.
   Nice buns on the girl in the yellow shorts.
 Nice side boobage.
 She looks like a healthy girl.  I've never been crazy about that rainbow flag as a symbol, though.
  Nice and perky on the red-head.
These girls are on a mission.
 She kind of has the Helena Bonham-Carter look.  Nice.
 She's pretty.  Her breasts are round and supple.  Very nice.  Looks like a pleasant woman.

 God loves all of his children.
 Nice face and hair, and very beautiful breasts.
  Having fun.
 Even the bare back of a woman is often attractive to me.  I like to see all the skin, and the slight indication of muscles.  I have an interest in anatomy.
 Nice little handful there.
 Again, here is a bare back.  I really like the look of a female back. 

     Anyway, I would have taken more pictures, but you can't film everything.

     I like lesbians and I support what they do.  They've never bothered me, and they have the right to do anything they want.

     Some men don't like lesbians, but I like them.  I just see them as people, like anybody else.

T-Shirt Photo Collection

     This is by far the most photos I've ever posted on a blog entry.  Anyway, I've used these photos over the years for various videos and postings.  I've outgrown them, so I figured I would post the whole batch here and be done with them.  Then I can delete them from my computer forever, and make more memory room.
     The original idea was just to make a collection.  I was working as a doorman, so I had access to all kinds of people who were kind enough to let me take pictures of their t-shirts.  It was fun, especially when a woman was kind enough to allow me to take a close-up photo of her chest just to get the t-shirt image.
     Anyway, I had stopped adding to the collection, so it was time to end this set.
     Things have changed in this life, and these photos will always represent a time in my life that I've since moved on from.
     I hope you enjoy these.