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Friday, May 6, 2011

Two girls sitting at 16th and Mission

     Okay, I just got back.  When I stepped off the escalator, I saw these two young ladies.  Of course, the one that got my attention was the one on the right, with her ass cleavage.  She had a cute face, too.  She was pretty.  She had a whole thing going on with how she looked.  Kind of a goth romantic feel.  Her energy vibe was good.
     I actually walked past them, then I walked back to get the photo.

     Earlier, I was in the Bart station, and I was sitting there minding my own business, and a cutie pie skinny girl was standing there for five minutes.  Then she pretended to walk by me, but she stopped, and she was looking at my sketchpad, trying to see what I was doing.  I caught her looking, and she was flabbergasted and didn't say anything, but she was nosy enough to look.  Then she continued walking, and stood in her new location, and then looked back at me, and I caught her looking at me again, and I just looked back with an expressionless look on my face.  She was really cute, and I would have talked to her if she had said something, but mostly she was a little nosy about my business.  Curiosity kills the cat, I suppose.  That's just the thing, people seem nosy about me, but they rarely say anything.  Maybe I don't seem all that approachable.

     The nosy girl, she was young, tall, skinny, and cute.  I guess I could be nicer, but it is hard to think about being nice to anybody and everybody who sticks their nose into my business, when I am trying to concentrate on drawing and writing.  Just how I work, I guess.

     I'm glad I took this picture.  Certainly, I am nosy about their business.  Just how that goes, I guess.  I don't even know if I have a right to take any picture of anything in this world.  The laws are all a mess. 

     I'm not too big of a fan of people photographing or video taping me, it depends on the vibe I get from them.  Sometimes I don't care in the least, and sometimes I care.

     Anyway, I have some things to do before I go to work, so I will continue on with the next blog entry next time.

David is about ready to go.

     "Let's see, go to the gym, shower, shave, draw on the Bart train, get some coffee, come back here, play some games, have a good time.....and then go to work," the artist thought to himself.

     "I had fun at the coffee shop.  I saw some fine examples of feminine beauty.  One girl had angel wings on her, and she crouched down, so I saw some ass crack.  Just to be able to see the beginnings of her luscious ass with that viable territory on temporary display, made me feel alive.  It's good to know people are human, and that we all have asses, some better than others."

     "What I think about of course, is lodging my cock in between her ass cheeks while I hold on to her breasts, or the bed, and cumming all over her back.  The chances of that happening outside of my mind is approximately zero."

     "I'm 43, but I still have the drive of an 18 year old.  I guess I'm healthy.  Some people seem to shut down sexually as they age, but not me.  Fuck it, I want to be alive."

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Professional Video Game Player

     I am a professional video game player.  That is what I do.  The only problem is, I need to get paid for it.  Takes time.  Isn't easy.  Nothing else I would rather do.  I like playing video games.  It is fun.
     So anyway, I'm just sitting at my computer after playing facebook games for hours.  It is an activity that requires focus and attention.  To be good at any game is another matter.  That means that game is your life while you are playing it, and you know the disease has hit when you are thinking about a certain game when you are not playing it, thinking of your next move, and your basic strategy.
     I need a break.

     It was a good time at the coffee shop today, except for I had to listen to some girl rant for an hour about her vacation to her friend.  Previously before her friend arrived, I was subjected the monotonous drone of her cell phone call.  I was relieved when her friend showed up, because at least it wasn't a one-way conversation any more.
     Then some guy sat down to eat his store bought burrito and drink from a place different than the cafe, so I left.
     Some lady photographed my wire dog and I, and said she was going to do a write up on her blog about it.  She interviewed me briefly and jotted down some notes.  She said her blog gets two-thousand hits a day, which is more than this blog has gotten all-time.  She makes no money at it yet, but you never know, someday she might, and do quite well.  Those things are possible in today's world.

     Otherwise, I saw some beautiful women today, with their luscious bodies walking up and down the street.  Lots of eye candy for me on Valencia St.  The women are the main reason I go to the coffee shop, and to draw and write about them, which I find a fulfilling experience.

     So, I really put in my office hours on the video games today.  It's a full time job.  It does become work at a certain point.  It isn't easy to concentrate, and click on everything.  My body becomes challenged sitting in the chair.  It is like any office job, just being chained to the desk, looking at the computer screen.  At least it is something I like to do.

     I've been going to town making videos, so playing facebook games was the focus today.  Sony games are still down, and there is no sign those games will be up any time soon.

     So, I went to art school, and they had us read a lot of text, which kind of messed up my inclination to get information from visual sources.  Now it is a continual struggle to go from visual mode, to text and image, and to pure text.  All three make pictures in my mind.  Comics of course, are a happy meeting place for text and visuals.

     After all the video game playing, I just want to lay down.  Too bad there isn't a soft lady to lay down with me.  Too bad.  I've gotten used to sleeping alone anyway, and kind of prefer it.

     Let's see, what else?  I sluffed yoga to write at the cafe, and to play video games.  I didn't feel like going today.

     For the last couple of hours, I've been suffering from the mediocre sounds of the meat locker band, with their repetitive staccato bass lines, and unmelodic songs.  There isn't much musical talent in that band.  Silence seems to be a better sound than what they produce.

     A woman walked by in a short black dress today, and the sunlight made it see through, so I was able to see very clearly her lovely heart-shaped ass.  I wanted to fuck it, or at least grab it, or kiss it.  haha.

     Maybe it is good that no one reads anymore, then I can write whatever I want, and no one will give a flying fuck.

     I like writing about sex stuff, and being a huge Howard Stern fan doesn't help.  It's all just comedy.  People get so uptight about human bodies.

     Well, I hope the Sony games get back up into action soon.  I pay $30 a month to play those games, man.  It was a major hack for Sony to shut all the games down.  It pretty much cements my ultra hatred for computer hackers.  They are in the same category of other people I hate, those that produce stupid graffiti.

     That is enough for now, like I said before, I just want to lie down.

     I don't really know if it is 'lay' or 'lie'.  I will have to research that one again.  It's been a while since it was explained to me.

     So, maybe that lady will write a nice blog entry about me, who knows?  Anything helps.

     She kept asking me what I wrote about.  It's kind of hard to explain, but I just told her basically that I wrote about my personal experiences.

     It's a good thing my brother and I updated my website last night.  See?  You never know what will happen the next day.

Making Clone Wars Adventures Videos

     The problem with making Clone Wars Adventures videos for youtube is now I have a bunch of kids watching my shit, and they comment in bad English.
     It's bad enough they follow me in the game all the time, but that is what kids do.  They follow people, until they figure out where to go.
     If you are under 18 reading this shit, get out of here, this shit is not for you.  It's not even legal for you to be here, you little nosy brat.
     Anyway, I'm having fun.  I would be having more fun, but somebody hacked into Sony's old database, and the result was that Sony had to shut down all of their games, affecting  every single person that plays their games.  I don't know how many that is.  Hundreds of thousands?  A million?  Not sure.
     So basically, hackers suck ass.

     Anyway, my website has been updated, so I'm happy about that...!

     I've been listening to hours of Howard Stern, playing facebook games, doing computer stuff.  It's a busy life, and I like it.  However, I've got to get going with the financial end of things.
     I want to have more fun in life, and that takes some financial support.  I can't go to Amsterdam, for example, if I don't have the bread.
     I'll figure it all out someday...

     Anyway, it was a good day today.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Selling Myself Into Slavery

     When I make up a title for a blog entry, it's like spinning a wheel of titles in my head, and I pick what pops up.  In this case tonight, I spun it a couple of times, and 'Selling Myself Into Slavery' has been a recent theme for me so that is what the wheel landed on.  Plus, it made me laugh when I said it out loud, so I knew that was the one.
     So what is all this hubbub about selling myself into slavery?  Well, that is what a job is basically.  They own your ass.  I've worked lots of jobs over my life, and that is basically how I feel.  So, if they own my ass, they had better pay for it, or else I won't work for them.
     A lot of jobs I've worked hasn't been worth the ass-owning.

     Anyway, I really could use a job, but even that isn't necessarily true.  I just need the money, so I can continue with my art and video making.

     The reality of selling paintings has pretty much dawned on me.  It ain't going to happen for me.  There hasn't been much point in painting recently, because all that is going to happen is the painting will sit around and collect dust.
     At least with video making, people watch my videos.  With my art, no one sees that.  Even if I make a video of my art, not many people care enough to watch it.  But I will keep trying.  I just have had more ideas for Clone Wars videos recently than art videos.

     I haven't written on this blog much lately, because I don't think anybody reads this, so I don't know what the point of it all is, except I do enjoy writing.  So, I will keep writing from time to time.
     I write in my head when I am not writing.
     I draw in my head when I am not drawing.  In this case, when I am in yoga class, I draw the bodies and forms in my mind.  Then I try to remember what I drew, to put it on paper later.  I have mixed results, but sometimes I get the shapes and poses pretty good.  I would rather draw from a live model, but those have been in short supply lately, so I do what I can in public places, where every body is moving or walking.  It is good practice.  I like having drawing people as a basis for my art.  Each person is a story.

     So today, I made a crapload of videos for youtube, and put them up.  With the entire Sony gaming network down because their database was hacked into, I've solaced myself with facebook games.  I got caught up with a lot of those.

     The book I am reading currently is 'Conan The Barbarian' the original stories by Robert E. Howard.  I've never read the original stories before, and I am enjoying his writing.
     I guess the literary establishment doesn't approve of sword and sorcery, scantily clad big buxomed women, large snakes, blood, and decapitations, but that is too fucking bad.  I'm enjoying the book.  What the fuck am I going to do, read 'Bright Lights, Big City' about a guy who does a lot of cocaine?  Fuck the literary establishment, they don't know everything.  If Conan saves his kingdom by defeating the beast from the depths, he deserves to plow his cock between the ass cheeks of a pliable red-head or scantily clad blonde as far as I am concerned.  It's just words on paper, and people fuck every day any how, so I don't see what the big fucking deal is.

     As I get older, I am beginning to see some forces at work I didn't notice or care about before.  I see who is in power, and who makes money, and who gets to make the decisions.  I see advertising with its' heavy sexual themes.  No body says a word about the imagery or themes there.  A lot of it is sexual in nature, paid for by companies and corporations, and placed in areas where kids are.  But that is okay.

     So, they finally got Osama Bin Laden.  I wonder what took them so long?

     I'm tired of them calling the U.S.A. by the easier to say 'America'.  Mexico and Canada are America, too.  So are Brazil, Peru, Argentina, and Equador.  The way they use the word 'America' in the media is political, and pulls on people's deep-rooted heart strings.  I don't fall for it much. 

     I've seen a lot of political shenanigans in my life time.  Not much has changed.  I expect to see bullshit in politics for the rest of my life.
     W. Bush got away with it all.  He sure did fool a lot of people.  Pulled the blanket over people's heads, and created fear, so people couldn't see.

     It's all just one big circus.  A con job by the people in power over the populace.  Must be nice to be in the Harvard or Yale club, and laugh all the way to the bank.

     So, what I am is an artist, but for what I do, there are zero jobs for.  I either have to be one hell of an entrepreneur, or buckle down, and sell my soul so I can get a paycheck.

     I am not a fan of doing other people's bitch work, but it may turn out that way for me.