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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Some more 'woo woo' girls

     Fuck.  My blogging empire certainly isn't taking the world by storm.  It is a lot harder to get hits on blogs than it is for videos on youtube.
     Maybe I'll post some more 'woo woo' girls.  That might help.  Maybe after they look at these pictures, they will look at my other blogs, but probably they won't.  I'll post them anyway.  I can't control what other people do, and why would I want to?

     It is amazing how many people want to get naked for the web.  The numbers are staggering.

Fun with Magnetic Letters

      One day, I was sitting in the cafe, and I had my magnetic letters with me.  So I decided to spell out some words for my own entertainment and amusement.
      There was a guy I didn't like, so I spelled out, "Meathead".
      That of course, is the famous Archie Bunker insult from 'All In The Family'.
      Then, the obligatory 'Shit'.
 A more centered 'shit'.
      Once I had that, then I had to do this one.
      Then I developed the meathead theme.
       "Yes" is the only positive word I made.
       This word describes what most shows are on television.

       Depending on how it is used, 'cunt' can be an endearing word.

      The dirtiest word in the English Language, and of course, that is ridiculous.  They are trying to sanitize everything on the web, but I don't think that will ever happen.

      The Savior and a swear word all in one.  How convenient.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

      The Research Department produced these images.
      "Any Man Will Do" means she is really horny.
      It looks like the Devil is harvesting some nice broads.
      I want to read a book called, "Beloved Bitch".
     My word.  Look at the shit they used to publish.
      Instead of reading 'Action Comics', Clark Kent is reading 'Sex Action' comics, and Wonder Woman is curious about what he is looking at.
      I made 'The Flash' say something Ronnie The Limo Driver from 'The Howard Stern Show' would say.
     I can't put this on a normal blog.  It's too suggestive.

     I don't see anything wrong with these pieces of art, but some people would get offended, especially if I showed them to people in church, I guess.

     Fuck 'em.

Friday, June 21, 2013

     My god, I'm exhausted.  I need a nap.

     Anyway, what I want to post is this picture, because I can't post it anywhere else.  I don't think facebook, youtube, or Blogger would like me to post it on anything else than an 18 and over blog.  They probably don't want me to post it here, to be honest.  It is funny, because it is 'just a word'.  Yet, it is a word that I've heard on a daily basis for most of my life.  It is in 'high use', yet there is such a taboo about it on television, books, magazines, movies, etc.
     Fuck.  It feels good to post this fucking word.

     I bought some magnetic letters for an animation project I am working on, so I just had to make this word and photograph it right away. 
     It is cathartic for me.

     One time, I made a painting that said, "I'm Fucked!" and posted it on an art website.  They didn't take too kindly to it, even though, to me, it was Art in the highest manner.

     It is amazing that a word can have so much power.

     If you like this photo, go ahead and steal it, I don't care.  I hope it goes viral.

Monday, June 17, 2013

     23,981 hits on this blog so far.
     I don't know who the hell reads it.
     Maybe people just look at the pictures of naked ladies.

     No advertising allowed on this blog.  No, sirree.
     Yet, it is my most popular blog.
     Go Figure.

     I've been frustrated about what I can and can not do on the web.  It annoys me that I have to sanitize everything.  Sometimes, I just want to swear.
     I'm tired of catering to an imaginary wholesome audience.

     Religious people shove all their Jesus crap on me, but they get in a huff if I want to make some art.

     I guess, ideally, I would have my own 18 and over website, where I can do whatever I want, and somehow make money off of it.
     I don't know who would visit that site, so that is a problem

     I would love to figure out how to make a living off of the web.  That would be cool.

     I just want to make art, and get paid for it.

     I'll figure it out eventually.

     Sometimes a good night's rest can give answers, or at least some clarity of mind.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

      Boobies, Category 5 Breast Tornado, Titties, Tits.
     These women were hanging out, and we were all talking about breasts.  One woman thought that word was 'too clinical'.
     Anyway, it was a fun time.
     They paid me $100 for my art and my time, so I was pretty happy.
     I had to put this napkin art on this blog because she is naked.  Personally, I think that is how women look best.  It is way more honest than all of those fussy outfits they wear.
     I do like some women in business suits, though.  They look pretty hot.

     Anyway, here are some naked people that I photographed off of youtube.  It was from a science video where these people were pretending to be early versions of humans, but I think it is an excuse to get a broad's clothes off, haha.

     I love pictures of naked people in natural situations.  It isn't always easy to find pictures like these, but this is what this blog is for.  It is a repository for naked people, haha.
     Also, it is nice because not every naked picture has to be sexual, duh.

      This napkin art can't be on another blog.  Tiger Woods is using his wood instead of a golf club.

     Tiger Woods is a very prolific cocksman, and the media forgives him as long as he is winning.  It helps with the sports gambling, which is another thing they don't talk about.  Yes, they gamble in golf now.

     Tiger emphasizes why men want to get rich and famous in the first place.  It is so they can get laid a lot, and have a nice hotel room to do it in so the wife doesn't find out.

     I drew some tits and big dick on this chick at a bus stop.
     Three weeks later, the marker alteration was still there.
     Apparently, no one seemed to mind.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

     I have to put this one on the adult blog because the girl is showing her tits.  I don't see anything wrong with it, but they don't like that kind of stuff on normal blogs, even though it is just a drawing.  I would rather not cross the line.  Then I don't have to worry about it.

     The pig is the original fat version of 'Porky Pig'.  I placed him there because it looks like he is looking at the girl's tits.

     Interesting enough, I was in the presence of women the other night, and I used the word 'breasts' to be polite, and one of them said, "That sounds too clinical."  They didn't mind the words boobs or tits at all.

     It is frustrating to post stuff on the web when most people don't care about bad words or images.  They simply don't care.  If they don't like it, they don't look at it, or read it.
     There is always somebody who gets their feathers ruffled, that is the problem.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Where To Sin In San Francisco

      This book was first published in 1946, with the next edition from 1954 or something like that.
      The drawings are pretty fun and interesting.
      I like the line work of the figures.

     I like books like this because it verifies that people got horny before 1970.