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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A need to say a word, coupled with things about today

     Fuck.  Another day, and I'm confused.  I got a lot to do, and I don't even know where to begin.

     Anyhow, I raised my keyboard and my mouse, so I can stand while I work on the computer.  It is much better.  Sitting all the time is not good.  It was turning me into a lard-ass to sit too much.  The human body isn't designed to sit all day long.
     Anyway, so that problem is solved.  I used a bunch of books to elevate the keyboard, and I used a small, cardboard box to rest the mousepad on top of.
     Now I have the option to sit or stand, and it is much nicer.
     I would like to raise my monitor, too, but that would take some time.  It would be a whole involved project to do that, and to not upset the wires, but I'll eventually figure it out.  I always do.

     Fuck, so it was another day at the cafe where I had to sit next to a bunch of people who were engaged in an epic conversation.
     I am a magnet for that kind of thing, because there is always a lot of activity on my table, and people like to watch with the corner of their eye.
     It is annoying because they never say anything, and if they did, I would probably be annoyed if they said something stupid, which is usually the case when they do dare to speak with me.  It usually never works out well.

     Anyhow, I have picture files to organize, and I'm trying to put a video together which I am behind on. 
     Fortunately, I have a client who understands that making an animation takes time.

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