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Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Aftermath Hangover of New Year's Day

     Aw, fuck, am I fucked up.
     Actually, I'm doing good now that I am at the cafe with some fresh air and some soft jazz.
     I got drunk last night.
     I was so drunk, I couldn't finish my last beer.  I usually have a policy not to waste beer, but I could not. 
     I was just glad to be able to ride my bike home.
     Anyway, I got my coffee, and that is all that matters to me right now.
     I got home, and I was starving, so I got a slice of pizza, and then I got a piece of chicken with rice and beans.
     I don't much air in my art studio, so I am glad to be able to breathe.
     Well, I drew a lot of pictures on napkins at the bar.  I did not sell any with cash, but I earned a couple of beers, so that was good.
     All in all, I had a good New Years celebration.
     No interaction with any females of note, though.  It is just how it went.  Sometimes I do okay, and other times no.  It depends on the night.  It is feast or famine.
     At least I was happy and in good company.  There were plenty of people I knew, so that made me feel comfortable.
     I met a couple of nice people, and at least one closed-minded poor soul.  I didn't like him much, and he wasn't too impressed with my art, saying, "Out of ten drawings, you've only done one good one!"
     "Well, you know what?  That is about right!  To get one good drawing out of ten is about the right ratio.  All of the other drawings have to be done just to get to the one good one!"
     He didn't get it.
     So, we didn't see eye-to-eye, and I was glad to see him walk off alone.

     There were lots of other minor events and interactions with people, but nothing else was too significant.

     I ended up going home, and getting on the computer, and talking to people on Clone Wars.  I was having fun kind of fucking with people, getting on their case about not being able to write in English, and making fun of the way they talked.  I enjoy that.  Then I ended up making a drunken video of a conversation I had with some kid online.  I have not seen it yet.  I don't know if it is any good yet, we'll see.

     I am glad the whole holiday mess is over for a while.  It was pretty much another uneventful holiday season.  The biggest event was the delay of my check, which would have made for a much nicer Christmas, but it all ended up working out.

     Well, there you go, that was my New Years.  Good friends, good people, and no sex.  Too bad.  I guess there is always tonight, or tomorrow.

     What a way to start the new year.  I was pretty congested from all the booze and smoking and lack of air in my art studio.  Geez.  I could use an upgrade in my life.
     Anyway, time to enjoy my coffee.

* * *
     Yeah, the big news for me yesterday was to get a painting up at Muddy Waters.  It only took me three years to get a piece of art on the walls.  The politics of arranging a painting to be on a wall is often a long process.  I am not kidding.
     There was an opportunity, so I seized it, and now I have a painting up in a public space, so I am happy.

* * *
      Not much activity in my head while I was standing out there thinking.  I thought about celebrity book writing where they often don't do their own writing.  I watched the cop cars drive by, or they were watching me, wondering about my status.
     It was nice to see people dressed up a little.  I was lucky to get a shave in yesterday and wear a new t-shirt.
     I guess I am not much of anything, otherwise people would think more of me.  I am starting to interact with people more, and not be such a loner.  I found that I can draw with people around, and talk and drink at the same time.  I don't have to be as much of a loner outcast anymore.
     I still got problems, though.  Social problems.  I have too many moments of awkwardness, as if I don't always know how to behave or what to say.  I am getting better, though, by being around people all the time.
     I should always bring a painting with me to the cafe.  I never know when I might get a sale.  This is true.  At the very least, people will see that I paint.  It is good advertising.
     It was fun to do my art thing on New Year's and have a good time.
     I still got a lot of life in me.  It ain't over yet.
     It was nice to hang out with friends and have some drunken conversations.
     Oh yeah, I smoked a little pot last night.  No wonder I got so fucked up.  I have a friend who always insists I take a hit or two.  I don't do too much of it, look at all the trouble I got myself into with just a couple of small hits and some strong booze.  Man, but it was fun.

     Oh yeah, I fucking forgot.  I fucking caught some guy stealing a case of Olympia, and I got on his case about it.  Then he actually threw two beers at me, but he missed.  Beers were rolling around on the street.  I ran up and took a blurred picture of him.  He was pissed at me because I called him out, and he ended up being a real dick head.  I had a good time at his expense.  I have no patience for thieves.  I hate that kind of person.  I have had so much stuff stolen by assholes, and I've known people who have been deeply affected by thieves who steal their shit.  I really do hate thieves, and when you talk to them, they are really not good people.

     So I had fun listening to Stern as I fell asleep, and it was still on when I woke up.  Then I pulled myself together.

     Thank god for this coffee right now.

     I had a good time without getting into too much trouble.  That is good.  What the hell I will do with my life and how I will support myself is a mystery on this, the first day of 2012.
     All the shit about the world ending this year is such a bunch of bullshit.

     I guess I'm not much of a person sometimes, no matter how hard I try, I will never win some people over.  They will always be skeptical of me as a person, and I will never be able to do much of anything about that.

     Thank god for Howard, Robyn, and Fred.  They helped get me through another holiday.  They make me laugh.

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