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Monday, January 9, 2012

Life ain't too bad

     Hello.  I have my work cut out for me today.
     I started out today, getting on Clone Wars Adventures, and some kid had his AT-RT mount outside the battlezone, at somebody's house lot.
     He explained to me that it was a glitch thing, and he told me how to do it.  I wrote down the instructions.  Then I tried it out.  It works.  So, I had the time of my life showing off my AT-RT in the Jedi Temple.  It was a good time.  I had a lot of fun.  Some other kid had his mount out, too, so we were riding around.  It was awesome.  Finally, I can sit down in the game, and ride around.  Sweet.

     Anyway, it was a fun night of Magic in North Beach.  I won a couple of games, and so did Marco.  The Druid only won one game, and he wasn't too happy about that, but that isn't my problem.
     I had a good time playing Magic because I was painting during the slow moments of the game.  I finally got tired of waiting, so I brought my paints with me, so I was able to get something done instead of just wasting my life playing Magic.  I killed two birds with one stone on that one.  It helped to keep my mind active, too, so I was pretty awake and alert, which was unusual.

     Sam still owes me $2.  I will ride this out for all it is worth until he pays me.

     Motorcycle James' true intention is to see what girls he can get.  Some friend.  It sucks that it all boils down to that, but it does.  At least I know what I am dealing with.
     Sam is the same way.  His interest in knowing me is that he knows that I associate with various females, and he hovers around trying to work the scene towards his own benefit.  I can't say I blame him, but I'm not going to help him.  Fuck it.

     So many things happened over the weekend, that I can't possibly list them all.  It doesn't sound fun to me, but I did do some Drunken Facebook Posting, and a couple of people liked what I wrote.  Maybe it could turn into a thing.

     Meanwhile, I have blogs to write, and videos to make.

     It is not easy to be successful on the web.  It takes hard work and dedication.

     One thing that I am really realizing, and that is that nobody is going to pull any strings for me.  No one will help me, and I'm not kidding.  People in my family won't, or can't, and most people have no connections or contacts for me to help get my art out there.  For me, this just sucks.  It is like I am all on my own.

     I decided yesterday that I want to change some things in my life.  Living in my studio isn't really cutting it.  I don't have all the things I need.  Plus, I have so much stuff in there, I can barely walk in there.

     My youtube hits aren't exactly going through the roof.  Little by little, I get more and more every day, but there has never really been a sudden rush on any of my videos.
     I'm lucky to get any hits on my blogs.  It will take a long time, but I don't care.  It is the only way for me right now to create some solid pieces of text.  I don't have any connections to the literary publishing world, and my work could use a lot of improvement.  I'm working on it, it just takes time, and there are no short cuts.

     I directly asked a person if they knew of any work contacts for me, to let me know.  I told her that I was done working at the ballpark.
     She had no way in which she could help me.

     First of all, my work has to be awesome.  Then, it needs to be popular.  These two things are not easy to do.
     Charles Schultz was very successful, because he worked his ass off.  I don't know if I would want to draw a comic book strip about kids for the rest of my life, though.  I have other interests.

     I thought it would be fun to start writing gossip pages about people I know, because, who cares what I do?  Maybe if people found out I was writing about them, they would read what I write.

     There isn't even anyone to go over my comic strip with me for purposes of editing.  Again, I have to go over the whole goddamn thing myself, all by myself, and it sucks.  Then, I have to photograph it, and make a video of it, and then hope it is halfway decent.

     J.R.R. Tolkien actually went around asking people about how the Elvish language would be, but nobody had the faintest idea or interest in that.  He had to do it all himself.
     The development of all the fictional languages in Middle Earth did turn out to be very important in helping to flesh out that world, and to make it real.

     Anyway, I got my coffee, so life ain't too bad.

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