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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happy Sunday

     I'm having a good day, doing what I want to do.  I made a new video about figure drawing, that was fun.  I was able to make it after the band stopped playing next door.

     I'm going to do a little more painting, and play some Magic The Gathering tonight, but, oops, wasn't I supposed to be somewhere?  Is there a concert to see tonight?  Ooops.  I'm just not in the mood to go anywhere outside of my routine tonight.  I got to rest up and take it easy for a couple of days.  The Giants won, so I will be working The World Series.

     So there is my figure drawing that I worked on today.  It's art, so I am not violating any agreement with Blogger.  This drawing was started at a life drawing class I used to help run at a local S.F. bar on Sundays.

     Anyway....I know that no one reads this blog now, but maybe someday they will.

     I have begun looking at other people's blogs, and I haven't found any I particularly like yet, or appeal to me.  The lay-out is nice, or they have pretty pictures, but that is about it so far.  Kind of disappointing to go on someone's blog, and they just have other people's content.

     Anyway, I wouldn't mind a nap, or laying down for a bit.  When my head gets too filled up, I like to lay down and quietly think about things in a wandering way to see what bubbles up in the forefront of my imagination.

     I did find out what it meant to be a really popular person, and that is on the online game 'Free Realms'.  With 2200 friends, people were talking to me all the time, they wanted stuff from me, and they wanted attention.  It became a lot of work.  Girls on the game were asking me to go out...and there was a lot of confusion about what was a video game, and what was real.  I don't date girls on the game anymore.  Why a girl goes out with a guy, and why a guy goes out with a girl sometimes is two different things, haha.

     Even if no one ever reads this blog, it is a good outlet for me.  I like to write and post pictures, it is fun.  It is similar to composing an article for a magazine.

     I have not yet explored all the things I can do with this blog, but I just learned the animation program 'Flash' yesterday, so my mind is occupied with what I am going to do with that soon.

     I think about money and how to get it.  There's got to be something I can do in this world.  What I would like to do the most is make and sell art.  I wouldn't mind ladies paying me to come over to their house to draw and paint them.  That would be fun and profitable.

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