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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

!@#$ and Clone Wars Adventures, and other uses of some popular key words.

     This blog isn't exactly catching on like wildfire.  Wow, I've made 80 cents so far.  It seems to me to be a better use of my time to make videos for youtube, where at least I get some hits.  The problem is, there is no way to make money for that, at least not that I know of.  I'll keep going with everything, though, and just have a good time.  I like writing in general, and I like writing on this blog.
     When I am making a video, or involved in an online game, I often get into blog mode, but I am involved in something else, so it is hard to break away from it.
     I basically have at least one blog entry a day in me.  Sometimes I can do up to ten entries.  It depends if I am on a roll or not.
     I might as well put 'Clone Wars' in the title, as a lot of people seem to like that.  The game and television series is a smash hit, it looks like to me.  The kids love that shit.  The game is fun, I'm on that thing every day.  I am 'Dirk Wampaflash' if you ever want to add me as a friend.  I have over 700 friends on that game already, so it is hard to give attention to every one.  I do the best I can.  Most people just say 'hello' if anything at all.  Nothing deep.  The chat box does not allow for involved conversation anyhow.  It's almost strange to be able to use my full language capacity here in this blog, I get edited so much on both Clone Wars and Free Realms.  They are kids games, but as an adult, I find them challenging.  I like them.  I like the graphics and the game play, and my favorite thing on those two games is I get to build things in three-dimensional computer world space.  I love games that let you build.  It is great.  Every online game should have a building function as standard.  It is a great way to individualize so people can distinguish themselves a little. 
     I still like EverQuest, I don't care what people say.

     Anyway, I had a good coffee at the cafe.  I got to listen to two German guys talk for an hour.  Nice to hear a different accent.
     I sluffed yoga.  I decided to give my teacher and fellow students a break from me today.

     I spent three hours on making, "CWA- Brandon Nicholas - "Grooving on MJ's Billie Jean".  It's on youtube.  The first Brandon Nicholas video I made got fifty hits in its' first day, and I was like, "whoa...this kid is popular" so that is why I decided to go all out on the next video.  Seventy-seven hits on two videos for this kid.  To me, that is youtube gold.
     Hey, lots of hits on my channel basically means lots of exposure and free advertising.

     I keep thinking of writing a blog entry on the subject of 'masturbation', but I haven't gotten around to it yet, haha.  In a way, every entry is a form of masturbation on this blog.

     So basically, I wake up in the morning, light up a cigarette, and try to find a Howard thing on youtube that I haven't listened to yet, and that is how I start my day.  Then I try to be as creative as possible, and get as much done as I can.  I spend days and weeks doing this, and I try to keep in motion, and not be too lazy.  Making art takes a lot of energy, and sometimes your body is ready to go, but the mind has no ideas, and it works the other way, too, where your mind is brimming with thoughts, but your body says, "No way, pal, I'm sitting on my ass or laying down for the next hour, fuck you, I ain't moving."


     Anyway, what's next?  Just having a good time, and grooving on Clone Wars, Lord of The Rings Online, and other games.
     I guess I could play guitar every day, and be a musician, but I like being an artist.  I guess I could have done both.  I liked watching cartoons when I got home from school, I didn't feel like picking up an instrument, not that I had one anyhow.  To think, I could have been a talented musician by now.  Being a musician ain't all it's cracked up to be anyhow.

     I suppose in order for me to reproduce, I have to earn a good salary.  That is one of the things a woman needs is financial security.  Well, I need that, too.  I could always marry a woman for her money, but that never works.  Then I would have to kiss up to her, and be her bitch, and that would be no fun at all.

     I guess to earn some money, I had better get my ass moving, and do something.  I'm an artist, though, and I just don't think I would make a good sales clerk.

     I put symbols in the title because '****' is my number one blog entry.  You never know what people will like in this world.  I guess the idea is that if people do click on your shit, that the least you can do is not disappoint them.
     I have looked at so many websites and crap, and the worst feeling is that you have spent your time looking up somebody's shit, and it sucks.

     Here is a picture for those who need visual stimulation.  Actually, text only is kind of a strain on the eyes, a nice picture can ease the mind, and act as an emotional indicator.  Colors can help create a mood.

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