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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Holy Ghost Vision

     Someone I know said he saw The Holy Ghost, as part of his vision(s) where he saw God, Jesus Christ, Moses, Joseph Smith, Abraham....but that is all a bunch of crap.  He said he actually saw these visages.  Even if you just go by scripture, The Holy Ghost has never appeared to anyone, and has no need to.
     Just because you believe something does not make it true.

     I asked this person if what he saw was as real as was a cup he would see on the table.  He said 'yes'.
     I can't explain why people make up a bunch of shit that is preposterous.  Some kind of validation of the ego thing that I don't have the psychological terminology for.  I have a lot of homework to do.

     One would think that if someone actually did see The Holy Ghost, God, etc. that the leaders of the church this person was in would want to know about it, if it did indeed happen, which indeed, it did not. It was all in his head.  Those leaders would write him off as crazy. 

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