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Saturday, March 12, 2011

It was 'foreign language' day at the cafe today.

     The original title for this blog entry was, "I saw a video last night of group sex, and two women had squirting orgasms, and shot their juice on the camera lens."
     Then after that title, I figured I would mention the video, and then start talking about religion and Jesus and all that, which I would have thought would be funny.  Any perv checking the blog link because of the title would suddenly be confronted about my feelings about Jesus.
     Anyway, I was at the cafe, and I did my writing thing.  Two couples spoke in foreign languages, one Spanish, the other Italian, so I didn't know what they were saying. 
     I usually like to hear the rhythms of foreign languages, and to listen for cognates.  I was listening to the Italian couple ramble, and then all of a sudden, the girl said, "skinny jeans", and the guy said it, too, and laughed.  That was the only thing I understood.  Eventually, the girl left, and I was trying to write, so the Italian guy started to whistle, then he smoked some pot.

     Okay, so I played some 'Lord of The Rings Online' last night.  Davvo increased his fishing skill to 82, and Daktharr the Dwarf ran for over an hour and a half to make it to Bree, killing some wolves and bears along the way for some xp.

     Otherwise, it is a nice Saturday now, and I have the whole day available for fun and adventure.

     I will play some 'Clone Wars Adventures'.
     One of my brothers said, "People go where they are loved."  Out of all the online games I've played, people seem to like my Dirk Wampaflash character, because I've made videos of him on youtube that a lot of people have seen.  Then they add me as a friend, and then some of them ask me to make videos of their characters.
     I made enough lightsaber videos, so I am burnt out on making those.  Those videos are only fun for the people whose toons are in the video.  Pretty tedious to watch otherwise.  But then the kids can show them to their friends, so it isn't a bad thing, if it makes them happy.  But then kids want me to make videos of them, too.  There are only so many videos I can make in a day, and it isn't like I'm getting paid for it. 
     'Dave's Online Video Service' has begun, though.  Hey, maybe I will get paid for it someday, who knows?
     You never know in this world.

     Let's is picture time...let's see what I can find...oh, well, let's try this video, just for kicks. 

     Okay, that is enough blogging for a while.  I have nothing to say.  I have lots of ideas at the cafe, then when I go to write here, sometimes it all just falls flat.  Happens.

     I'm still trying to figure out how to make this blog work for me.  Actually, it does work for me quite well.  Making it work for other people is the issue, and plus, people don't read much anymore.  You can tell by talking to people.  If they use generic buzz words and catch phrases all the time, they are just going by what they hear.  Not a bad way to go about life, you'll always be in step, but you'll always be like everybody else...which isn't a bad thing, either. 
     Let's see...popular person who says all the right things to win friends and attention, or pathetic loser with obscure references from books written before 1920....hmmmm, makes me wonder.

     Anyway,....I use 'anyway' a lot.  It is a good segue way to change the course of my thoughts and dialogue.
     Wow, that was the first time I ever wrote 'segue way'.
     Google is a really good spell check device.  Just type in the word, and it gives you options for the word.
     If there is a red underline underneath a word I am trying to spell, I really do try to figure out how to spell it.  I have an old-fashioned dictionary, too.  That is very helpful. 
     I did use '' for the first time.  I heard about that on Howard.

     I was thinking about getting some Chinese food today.  That sounds really good.  I might not go in order to save some money, though, and then I just get hungry an hour later.  $7 buys a lot of fruits and vegetables.  Chinese food is kind of fast food, with all those sauces they use.  Tastes damn good, though.  I like drinking their tea, too.

     To be a writer?  I would not mind getting paid to write, if I could write anything of interest to anybody else on the planet.
     I like to write about the process of writing as much as I do writing stuff.

     People don't expect that I can ever write anything of value, but I've been writing daily for over twenty plus years.  Most of it is shit, though.  Just random thoughts and passages, and whatever it is I'm doing that day.  Writing helps me to think, and also helps me to generate new ideas.
     In a way, writing is like taking a piss in the snow.  It all comes out, and the evidence is there.

     So, I was thinking all week how it would be good for me to find a therapist, counselor, or someone to talk to.  Maybe someone who knew what they were doing could help me figure out my head a little.
     Then today, I woke up, and was feeling, "Fuck that idea.  I don't need a therapist.  I am doing fine."

     I thought I was going to have a great time at the coffee shop today, but Ms. Charming was there, and while I got my writing done, I didn't get much drawing in.
     Instead I had to deal with other people just sitting there.

     Granted, I don't mix well with people when I am trying to get my work done.
     Some people go to the cafe to work, others to relax.  I go there to work, think, smoke, drink coffee, relax....and draw chicks walking by.  I didn't even do much of that today.

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