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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rap and Hip Hop

     Rap and hip-hop are good buzz and key words.  A lot of the stuff sounds like a bunch of nonsense to me.  I like Eminem is small doses though.  I like The Beastie Boys.
     I saw a Tupac Shukar video once where he was at a party with a bunch of women in bikinis.  Some genius.  A lot of his stuff is better than the rest, though.
     Basically, I'm tired of rap songs that rhyme for the sake of rhyming.  It is tedious on my brain.  'Sick rhymes with dick.  I guess I will put that in my rap song.'

     Anyway, ...

     Here is a Pittsburgh Steelers fan asleep on a San Francisco Bart train.    

     Here is this woman Sarah Palin.  The text on the poster mockingly says, "enrage them with fear until they feel justified in their violence."  Some people don't have the comprehension to understand that kind of English at first, without it being explained to them.  A lot of Americans don't know about subtleties within the English language.  They watch too much t.v. and don't read enough, and they are always on their cell phones, or have headphones blasting music into their ears.
     See how her mouth is open?  As I explained in another blog entry, men want to put their dicks in her mouth so she will shut the fuck up.

     People cater their talk and their whole lives to kids and children, but I don't do that.  I'm over 18, so that makes me an adult.
     The ironic thing is that a lot of time is spent protecting the children, and they just grow up to find that adults act more like kids than the kids do.

     Mothers cry at weddings.  The bride seems so happy to be getting married, but the truth of marriage and divorce brings more pain than the one day of joy brings.

     As a financial decision, marriage is not in my interest.  No point in me getting married, since I just want to be alone, and try and get hits with my blog.  And play online games.

     I did hear that some people make $400-$800 a month on their blog.  They must get twenty million hits a month on their blog to earn that much money, I am not sure.  I'd sure like to find out.  I wouldn't mind making that kind of money on my blog.  That would pay a lot of bills.

     I have seen some blogs where they kind of regurgitate what they read on wikipedia, but make a palatable entry anyway.  Not a bad idea if you like Star Trek or something, and want to write about it to get hits, even though you don't know much about the subject.

     So someone has to write content for others to read and look at.  Might as well be me.  It's a good job, but the pay is lousy so far.
     Also, on the web, things have to be 'new' all the time.  People are obsessed with 'the new', which then becomes old within ten minutes after they talk about it on their cell phone.

     Nothing really affects people.  Most people are swamped and swimming in their own bullshit and they don't even know it.  Then they find people to validate what they do and think so their behavior and actions seem normal.

     Pot smokers always want to talk with other pot smokers about pot.  Well, they want to talk to everyone about pot.  I've talked to pot smokers, and even though I don't like pot much, they will begin to talk about pot, a subject I don't care much about.
     I smoke cigarettes, but it is boring to talk about smoking, so I try and avoid it.

     Some gay men want to seduce straight men.  Maybe other gay men irritate them, I don't know.

     I was looking at pictures of muscle chicks yesterday on the web.  There are a lot of female body builders who used to be men.  I saw a program on t.v. once talking about this.  These bodybuilders have a lot of fans.  Makes me sick, I can't stomach it.

     I didn't talk about rap and hip hop in this blog because I don't care about the subject all that much.  I just wish people would pull their pants up.  I'm sick of looking at boxer shorts.  They just look like idiots to me.  They can't even walk with their pants so low.

     Some skateboard rider clanked his skateboard down near my table outside the cafe yesterday, then he looked at me to see if I was looking at him.  I didn't care, so I didn't look.  He wanted attention from a complete stranger, I guess to validate what he was doing.  I don't give a shit if a grown man is on a skateboard.  It is kind of down the list of accomplishments. 

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