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Friday, March 11, 2011

BIMMO Magazine

     I came up with Bimmo Magazine as my answer to 'MAD' when I was sixteen.  I just wanted to do that kind of nonsense humor, but in my own way. 
     Not having any other ideas for a new blog, maybe I will revive 'Bimmo', and probably no one will read it.  Or I will just do 'Bimmo' stuff on this blog until someone notices, which in my case, might take a long time.
     My youtube channels do just fine, but I have not had much luck with blogging yet, even though I have over two-hundred blog entries.  I guess it is not enough.  Nothing is ever good enough for anybody anyhow.
     Anyway, I had a good day today playing 'Clone Wars Adventures' and spending a couple of hours making and posting videos.  It is not always easy to make the videos come out the way I want.  I've been adding text to video, and it takes a while to put it all in, and get the timing right, and to watch the video over and over again to make sure I did it right, and that it has some kind of flow and rhythm to it.
     Anyhow, I might have some 'Lord of The Rings Online' action later tonight.  That might be fun.
     I filmed a lot of lotro last week-end, and spent two days making videos for it, but not many people watch those.  Maybe they will over time, maybe they won't.  I can't tell if the videos are all that good.  They might be a drag for others to watch.  It is a specialized audience who would bother to watch lotro videos.  I have better luck with Clone Wars Adventures, because the kids are all crazy about that stuff. 
     'Lord of The Rings' requires reading to be a real fan. 
     For Star Wars, all you have to do is see a couple of movies.
     Anyhow, I've been involved in all of this online gaming, and all I really want to do is look at chicks.
    Oh yeah, I'm supposed to be getting ready for an art show.  I will have to do something about that soon.

     I'm hungry.  I have to buy something to eat.  It never ends.
     At least I have some money to buy some food with, that is always a plus.

     I could use a grant for all of my art activities.  I will have to get me one.

     This is a girl from Clone Wars Adventures, but the women in Star Wars Galaxies Online are much more my style.

     Here is my bounty hunter friend 'Arran Goldbooster'.  He is really serious about the bounty hunting thing.  It is pretty funny.        


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