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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I finally figured out that the guy next door sounds like a bad contestant for 'American Idol'

     It finally dawned on me. 
     Bless his heart that he thinks he can sing. 

     I've never watched more than ten minutes of 'American Idol'.  The whole show is a rip-off from some British show, but it has done quite well.  People love that shit, whether the singer is good or bad.
     I don't know if the singer I am listening to would make it past the first round.

     Anyway, I made my Archibald video and my 'david age 4' video.

     Jackie The Jokeman used to make $400,000 a year working for The Howard Stern Show.  My god, that's a lot.  He hasn't done as well financially since he left the show.
     It was a tough room to work in.
     I'm sure they got on each other's nerves day in and day out.
     Jackie liked to drink, so the going to bed early thing, and waking up early thing never appealed to him much.  He never could quite get his schedule together, so it kind of wore on him.
     Jackie wanted to get his own thing going, too.

     I wish I could get my own thing going.  That would be nice.  No one will do it for me, I have to create it.

     I am jealous that 'The Orange Wizard' blog is doing better than my blog, so that is the real reason why I've been writing a ton of blog entries.  Hahahaha.  Just so you know.  The Orange Wizard wishes to remain anonymous, and I respect that.  I will say that The Orange Wizard is not me.  That is for sure.  I would never endorse the NRA.  I don't care if they exist, their stuff doesn't affect me, but I wouldn't endorse them.
     So many gun accidents in the home.  The latest story I heard is some guy was in bed, and he kept a loaded pistol on his nightstand.  At 3 a.m. the phone rang, and he accidentally shot himself in the head when reaching for the phone.
     Lots of stories about kids getting into their father's gun cabinets and accidental shootings occurring.
     I am not absolutely against guns.  I think it is good that if we need to have guns, we can get them for protection in case something happens, but most people just don't need guns at all.
     If you have a gun in your home for long enough, eventually you will start thinking of that gun, and maybe even using it.
     I don't any guns.
     I own a knife to cut vegetables with, that's about it.

     Anyway, I ate my soup, and it was delicious.  Fresh potato and broccoli in home made soup stock.  So damn good.

     The singer has gotten a little better.  He has improved slightly in the last two years.  All I can say is some people have it, and some don't.

     I'm not a singer, or a talker.  I should not be allowed to do either.  I probably shouldn't be allowed to write or paint, either.
     In other words, I am fucked, but life goes on.

     It is not easy to have an existential crisis, especially when I want to live so bad. 
     I could definitely use some improvements in the quality of my day to day life.

     I was thinking about my lifetime relationship with my oldest brother.  He always rubbed me the wrong way, starting when he closed up my air passages when I was in the crib.  I remember that.  It was terrible.  He did it for too long, too, and made me suffer.  It went way beyond a joke.  So ever since then, I thought he was kind of a cruel bastard. 
     Now I know that he just maybe has ADD, or emotional issues, or he is off.
     He insisted to me in the last couple of years that he has seen The Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ, God The Father, Moses, Abraham, Joseph Smith, etc. so that kind of shit shouldn't surprise me.
     As a kid he used to piss off our father a lot.

     Suffice it to say, I spent a lot of time at my friends' houses.

     There is a reason why Bono made it as a singer, and this guy never will.

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