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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A lot of people did not like Andy Warhol while he was alive.

     Yes, it is true.  A lot of people, including my father, really did not like Andy Warhol.  They didn't like his art, and they didn't like what he was about, and they didn't like the drug people he hung out with.  They didn't like his movies, either.
     Of course, once he died, and his estate proved to be worth a couple hundred of million dollars, public opinion of Andy changed.  He is now widely accepted, and admired the world over.
     It is easier to like someone after they are dead.

     But just so you know, Andy didn't win everyone over while he was alive.  Forget about the fact that he was shot by a nutjob woman, a lot of artists didn't like his work.  They thought his work was cheap and fake.  A lot of artists didn't like that he had stopped painting, and moved into other media.  He stole the flower print design from an art grad student who took him to court for it, ( I think they settled out of court ). 

     I like Andy Warhol a lot.  'The Philosophy of Andy Warhol' is a great book.  I like his art, too.  It has stood up to the test of time, and has influenced world culture, and many artists around the globe.

     Andy gave some pretty funny interviews, too. 

     Arguably, Andy was the biggest star of the 1960's.  Depends how you look at it. 

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